AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Av1 Settings

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.MediaLive.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.MediaLive.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class Av1Settings

The Av1Settings type exposes the following members


Public Method Av1Settings()


Public Property AfdSignaling Amazon.MediaLive.AfdSignaling

Gets and sets the property AfdSignaling. Configures whether MediaLive will write AFD values into the video.AUTO: MediaLive will try to preserve the input AFD value (in cases where multiple AFD values are valid).FIXED: the AFD value will be the value configured in the fixedAfd parameter.NONE: MediaLive won't write AFD into the video

Public Property BufSize System.Int32

Gets and sets the property BufSize. The size of the buffer (HRD buffer model) in bits.

Public Property ColorSpaceSettings Amazon.MediaLive.Model.Av1ColorSpaceSettings

Gets and sets the property ColorSpaceSettings. Color Space settings

Public Property FixedAfd Amazon.MediaLive.FixedAfd

Gets and sets the property FixedAfd. Complete this property only if you set the afdSignaling property to FIXED. Choose the AFD value (4 bits) to write on all frames of the video encode.

Public Property FramerateDenominator System.Int32

Gets and sets the property FramerateDenominator. The denominator for the framerate. Framerate is a fraction, for example, 24000 / 1001.

Public Property FramerateNumerator System.Int32

Gets and sets the property FramerateNumerator. The numerator for the framerate. Framerate is a fraction, for example, 24000 / 1001.

Public Property GopSize System.Double

Gets and sets the property GopSize. The GOP size (keyframe interval).If GopSizeUnits is frames, GopSize must be a whole number and must be greater than or equal to 1.If GopSizeUnits is seconds, GopSize must be greater than 0, but it can be a decimal.

Public Property GopSizeUnits Amazon.MediaLive.Av1GopSizeUnits

Gets and sets the property GopSizeUnits. Choose the units for the GOP size: FRAMES or SECONDS. For SECONDS, MediaLive converts the size into a frame count at run time.

Public Property Level Amazon.MediaLive.Av1Level

Gets and sets the property Level. Sets the level. This parameter is one of the properties of the encoding scheme for AV1.

Public Property LookAheadRateControl Amazon.MediaLive.Av1LookAheadRateControl

Gets and sets the property LookAheadRateControl. Sets the amount of lookahead. A value of LOW can decrease latency and memory usage. A value of HIGH can produce better quality for certain content.

Public Property MaxBitrate System.Int32

Gets and sets the property MaxBitrate. The maximum bitrate to assign.For recommendations, see the description for qvbrQualityLevel.

Public Property MinIInterval System.Int32

Gets and sets the property MinIInterval. Applies only if you enable SceneChangeDetect. Sets the interval between frames. This property ensures a minimum separation between repeated (cadence) I-frames and any I-frames inserted by scene change detection (SCD frames).Enter a number for the interval, measured in number of frames.If an SCD frame and a cadence frame are closer than the specified number of frames, MediaLive shrinks or stretches the GOP to include the SCD frame. Then normal cadence resumes in the next GOP. For GOP stretch to succeed, you must enable LookAheadRateControl.Note that the maximum GOP stretch = (GOP size) + (Minimum I-interval) - 1

Public Property ParDenominator System.Int32

Gets and sets the property ParDenominator. The denominator for the output pixel aspect ratio (PAR).

Public Property ParNumerator System.Int32

Gets and sets the property ParNumerator. The numerator for the output pixel aspect ratio (PAR).

Public Property QvbrQualityLevel System.Int32

Gets and sets the property QvbrQualityLevel. Controls the target quality for the video encode. With QVBR rate control mode, the final quality is the target quality, constrained by the maxBitrate.Set values for the qvbrQualityLevel property and maxBitrate property that suit your most important viewing devices.To let MediaLive set the quality level (AUTO mode), leave the qvbrQualityLevel field empty. In this case, MediaLive uses the maximum bitrate, and the quality follows from that: more complex content might have a lower quality.Or set a target quality level and a maximum bitrate. With more complex content, MediaLive will try to achieve the target quality, but it won't exceed the maximum bitrate. With less complex content, This option will use only the bitrate needed to reach the target quality.Recommended values are:Primary screen: qvbrQualityLevel: Leave empty. maxBitrate: 4,000,000PC or tablet: qvbrQualityLevel: Leave empty. maxBitrate: 1,500,000 to 3,000,000Smartphone: qvbrQualityLevel: Leave empty. maxBitrate: 1,000,000 to 1,500,000

Public Property SceneChangeDetect Amazon.MediaLive.Av1SceneChangeDetect

Gets and sets the property SceneChangeDetect. Controls whether MediaLive inserts I-frames when it detects a scene change. ENABLED or DISABLED.

Public Property TimecodeBurninSettings Amazon.MediaLive.Model.TimecodeBurninSettings

Gets and sets the property TimecodeBurninSettings. Configures the timecode burn-in feature. If you enable this feature, the timecode will become part of the video.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5