AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Class AccessDeniedException

The requestor does not have permission to access the target action or resource.

Class AlternateSoftwareMetadata

Details about a beta appliance software update.

Class ApplicationInstance

An application instance on a device.

Class ConflictException

The target resource is in use.

Class ConflictExceptionErrorArgument

A conflict exception error argument.

Class CreateApplicationInstanceRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateApplicationInstance operation. Creates an application instance and deploys it to a device.

Class CreateApplicationInstanceResponse

This is the response object from the CreateApplicationInstance operation.

Class CreateJobForDevicesRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateJobForDevices operation. Creates a job to run on a device. A job can update a device's software or reboot it.

Class CreateJobForDevicesResponse

This is the response object from the CreateJobForDevices operation.

Class CreateNodeFromTemplateJobRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateNodeFromTemplateJob operation. Creates a camera stream node.

Class CreateNodeFromTemplateJobResponse

This is the response object from the CreateNodeFromTemplateJob operation.

Class CreatePackageImportJobRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreatePackageImportJob operation. Imports a node package.

Class CreatePackageImportJobResponse

This is the response object from the CreatePackageImportJob operation.

Class CreatePackageRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreatePackage operation. Creates a package and storage location in an Amazon S3 access point.

Class CreatePackageResponse

This is the response object from the CreatePackage operation.

Class DeleteDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteDevice operation. Deletes a device.

Class DeleteDeviceResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteDevice operation.

Class DeletePackageRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeletePackage operation. Deletes a package.

To delete a package, you need permission to call s3:DeleteObject in addition to permissions for the AWS Panorama API.

Class DeletePackageResponse

This is the response object from the DeletePackage operation.

Class DeregisterPackageVersionRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeregisterPackageVersion operation. Deregisters a package version.

Class DeregisterPackageVersionResponse

This is the response object from the DeregisterPackageVersion operation.

Class DescribeApplicationInstanceDetailsRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeApplicationInstanceDetails operation. Returns information about an application instance's configuration manifest.

Class DescribeApplicationInstanceDetailsResponse

This is the response object from the DescribeApplicationInstanceDetails operation.

Class DescribeApplicationInstanceRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeApplicationInstance operation. Returns information about an application instance on a device.

Class DescribeApplicationInstanceResponse

This is the response object from the DescribeApplicationInstance operation.

Class DescribeDeviceJobRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeDeviceJob operation. Returns information about a device job.

Class DescribeDeviceJobResponse

This is the response object from the DescribeDeviceJob operation.

Class DescribeDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeDevice operation. Returns information about a device.

Class DescribeDeviceResponse

This is the response object from the DescribeDevice operation.

Class DescribeNodeFromTemplateJobRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeNodeFromTemplateJob operation. Returns information about a job to create a camera stream node.

Class DescribeNodeFromTemplateJobResponse

This is the response object from the DescribeNodeFromTemplateJob operation.

Class DescribeNodeRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeNode operation. Returns information about a node.

Class DescribeNodeResponse

This is the response object from the DescribeNode operation.

Class DescribePackageImportJobRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribePackageImportJob operation. Returns information about a package import job.

Class DescribePackageImportJobResponse

This is the response object from the DescribePackageImportJob operation.

Class DescribePackageRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribePackage operation. Returns information about a package.

Class DescribePackageResponse

This is the response object from the DescribePackage operation.

Class DescribePackageVersionRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribePackageVersion operation. Returns information about a package version.

Class DescribePackageVersionResponse

This is the response object from the DescribePackageVersion operation.

Class Device

A device.

Class DeviceJob

A job that runs on a device.

Class DeviceJobConfig

A job's configuration.

Class EthernetPayload

A device's network configuration.

Class EthernetStatus

A device's Ethernet status.

Class InternalServerException

An internal error occurred.

Class Job

A job for a device.

Class JobResourceTags

Tags for a job.

Class LatestDeviceJob

Returns information about the latest device job.

Class ListApplicationInstanceDependenciesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListApplicationInstanceDependencies operation. Returns a list of application instance dependencies.

Class ListApplicationInstanceDependenciesResponse

This is the response object from the ListApplicationInstanceDependencies operation.

Class ListApplicationInstanceNodeInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListApplicationInstanceNodeInstances operation. Returns a list of application node instances.

Class ListApplicationInstanceNodeInstancesResponse

This is the response object from the ListApplicationInstanceNodeInstances operation.

Class ListApplicationInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListApplicationInstances operation. Returns a list of application instances.

Class ListApplicationInstancesResponse

This is the response object from the ListApplicationInstances operation.

Class ListDevicesJobsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListDevicesJobs operation. Returns a list of jobs.

Class ListDevicesJobsResponse

This is the response object from the ListDevicesJobs operation.

Class ListDevicesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListDevices operation. Returns a list of devices.

Class ListDevicesResponse

This is the response object from the ListDevices operation.

Class ListNodeFromTemplateJobsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListNodeFromTemplateJobs operation. Returns a list of camera stream node jobs.

Class ListNodeFromTemplateJobsResponse

This is the response object from the ListNodeFromTemplateJobs operation.

Class ListNodesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListNodes operation. Returns a list of nodes.

Class ListNodesResponse

This is the response object from the ListNodes operation.

Class ListPackageImportJobsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListPackageImportJobs operation. Returns a list of package import jobs.

Class ListPackageImportJobsResponse

This is the response object from the ListPackageImportJobs operation.

Class ListPackagesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListPackages operation. Returns a list of packages.

Class ListPackagesResponse

This is the response object from the ListPackages operation.

Class ListTagsForResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Returns a list of tags for a resource.

Class ListTagsForResourceResponse

This is the response object from the ListTagsForResource operation.

Class ManifestOverridesPayload

Parameter overrides for an application instance. This is a JSON document that has a single key (PayloadData) where the value is an escaped string representation of the overrides document.

Class ManifestPayload

A application verion's manifest file. This is a JSON document that has a single key (PayloadData) where the value is an escaped string representation of the application manifest (graph.json). This file is located in the graphs folder in your application source.

Class NetworkPayload

The network configuration for a device.

Class NetworkStatus

The network status of a device.

Class Node

An application node that represents a camera stream, a model, code, or output.

Class NodeFromTemplateJob

A job to create a camera stream node.

Class NodeInputPort

A node input port.

Class NodeInstance

A node instance.

Class NodeInterface

A node interface.

Class NodeOutputPort

A node output port.

Class NodeSignal

A signal to a camera node to start or stop processing video.

Class NtpPayload

Network time protocol (NTP) server settings. Use this option to connect to local NTP servers instead of

Class NtpStatus

Details about an NTP server connection.

Class OTAJobConfig

An over-the-air update (OTA) job configuration.

Class OutPutS3Location

The location of an output object in Amazon S3.

Class PackageImportJob

A job to import a package version.

Class PackageImportJobInputConfig

A configuration for a package import job.

Class PackageImportJobOutput

Results of a package import job.

Class PackageImportJobOutputConfig

An output configuration for a package import job.

Class PackageListItem

A package summary.

Class PackageObject

A package object.

Class PackageVersionInputConfig

A package version input configuration.

Class PackageVersionOutputConfig

A package version output configuration.

Class PanoramaPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the Panorama service

Class ProvisionDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ProvisionDevice operation. Creates a device and returns a configuration archive. The configuration archive is a ZIP file that contains a provisioning certificate that is valid for 5 minutes. Name the configuration archive and transfer it to the device within 5 minutes. Use the included USB storage device and connect it to the USB 3.0 port next to the HDMI output.

Class ProvisionDeviceResponse

This is the response object from the ProvisionDevice operation.

Class RegisterPackageVersionRequest

Container for the parameters to the RegisterPackageVersion operation. Registers a package version.

Class RegisterPackageVersionResponse

This is the response object from the RegisterPackageVersion operation.

Class RemoveApplicationInstanceRequest

Container for the parameters to the RemoveApplicationInstance operation. Removes an application instance.

Class RemoveApplicationInstanceResponse

This is the response object from the RemoveApplicationInstance operation.

Class ReportedRuntimeContextState

An application instance's state.

Class ResourceNotFoundException

The target resource was not found.

Class S3Location

A location in Amazon S3.

Class ServiceQuotaExceededException

The request would cause a limit to be exceeded.

Class SignalApplicationInstanceNodeInstancesRequest

Container for the parameters to the SignalApplicationInstanceNodeInstances operation. Signal camera nodes to stop or resume.

Class SignalApplicationInstanceNodeInstancesResponse

This is the response object from the SignalApplicationInstanceNodeInstances operation.

Class StaticIpConnectionInfo

A static IP configuration.

Class StorageLocation

A storage location.

Class TagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the TagResource operation. Tags a resource.

Class TagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the TagResource operation.

Class UntagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the UntagResource operation. Removes tags from a resource.

Class UntagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the UntagResource operation.

Class UpdateDeviceMetadataRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateDeviceMetadata operation. Updates a device's metadata.

Class UpdateDeviceMetadataResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateDeviceMetadata operation.

Class ValidationException

The request contains an invalid parameter value.

Class ValidationExceptionErrorArgument

A validation exception error argument.

Class ValidationExceptionField

A validation exception field.


Interface IListApplicationInstanceDependenciesPaginator

Paginator for the ListApplicationInstanceDependencies operation

Interface IListApplicationInstanceNodeInstancesPaginator

Paginator for the ListApplicationInstanceNodeInstances operation

Interface IListApplicationInstancesPaginator

Paginator for the ListApplicationInstances operation

Interface IListDevicesJobsPaginator

Paginator for the ListDevicesJobs operation

Interface IListDevicesPaginator

Paginator for the ListDevices operation

Interface IListNodeFromTemplateJobsPaginator

Paginator for the ListNodeFromTemplateJobs operation

Interface IListNodesPaginator

Paginator for the ListNodes operation

Interface IListPackageImportJobsPaginator

Paginator for the ListPackageImportJobs operation

Interface IListPackagesPaginator

Paginator for the ListPackages operation

Interface IPanoramaPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the Panorama service