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Update a group access control entry you created using CreateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry.
For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryAsync.
Namespace: Amazon.PcaConnectorAd
Assembly: AWSSDK.PcaConnectorAd.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public abstract UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryResponse UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry( UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryRequest request )
Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry service method.
Exception | Condition |
AccessDeniedException | You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account. |
ConflictException | This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request. |
InternalServerException | The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server. |
ResourceNotFoundException | The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE. |
ThrottlingException | The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded. |
ValidationException | An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid. |
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5