AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Specifies the status and settings of the APNs (Apple Push Notification service) channel for an application.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.Pinpoint.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.Pinpoint.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class APNSChannelRequest

The APNSChannelRequest type exposes the following members


Public Method APNSChannelRequest()


Public Property BundleId System.String

Gets and sets the property BundleId.

The bundle identifier that's assigned to your iOS app. This identifier is used for APNs tokens.

Public Property Certificate System.String

Gets and sets the property Certificate.

The APNs client certificate that you received from Apple, if you want Amazon Pinpoint to communicate with APNs by using an APNs certificate.

Public Property DefaultAuthenticationMethod System.String

Gets and sets the property DefaultAuthenticationMethod.

The default authentication method that you want Amazon Pinpoint to use when authenticating with APNs, key or certificate.

Public Property Enabled System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property Enabled.

Specifies whether to enable the APNs channel for the application.

Public Property PrivateKey System.String

Gets and sets the property PrivateKey.

The private key for the APNs client certificate that you want Amazon Pinpoint to use to communicate with APNs.

Public Property TeamId System.String

Gets and sets the property TeamId.

The identifier that's assigned to your Apple developer account team. This identifier is used for APNs tokens.

Public Property TokenKey System.String

Gets and sets the property TokenKey.

The authentication key to use for APNs tokens.

Public Property TokenKeyId System.String

Gets and sets the property TokenKeyId.

The key identifier that's assigned to your APNs signing key, if you want Amazon Pinpoint to communicate with APNs by using APNs tokens.

Version Information

.NET Core App:
Supported in: 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5