AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Interface for accessing QApps

The Amazon Q Apps feature capability within Amazon Q Business allows web experience users to create lightweight, purpose-built AI apps to fulfill specific tasks from within their web experience. For example, users can create a Q App that exclusively generates marketing-related content to improve your marketing team's productivity or a Q App for writing customer emails and creating promotional content using a certain style of voice, tone, and branding. For more information on the capabilities, see Amazon Q Apps capabilities in the Amazon Q Business User Guide.

For an overview of the Amazon Q App APIs, see Overview of Amazon Q Apps API operations.

For information about the IAM access control permissions you need to use the Amazon Q Apps API, see IAM role for the Amazon Q Business web experience including Amazon Q Apps in the Amazon Q Business User Guide.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.QApps
Assembly: AWSSDK.QApps.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public interface IAmazonQApps
         IAmazonService, IDisposable

The IAmazonQApps type exposes the following members


Public Property Paginators Amazon.QApps.Model.IQAppsPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the service



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method AssociateLibraryItemReview(AssociateLibraryItemReviewRequest)

Associates a rating or review for a library item with the user submitting the request. This increments the rating count for the specified library item.

Public Method AssociateLibraryItemReviewAsync(AssociateLibraryItemReviewRequest, CancellationToken)

Associates a rating or review for a library item with the user submitting the request. This increments the rating count for the specified library item.

Public Method AssociateQAppWithUser(AssociateQAppWithUserRequest)

This operation creates a link between the user's identity calling the operation and a specific Q App. This is useful to mark the Q App as a favorite for the user if the user doesn't own the Amazon Q App so they can still run it and see it in their inventory of Q Apps.

Public Method AssociateQAppWithUserAsync(AssociateQAppWithUserRequest, CancellationToken)

This operation creates a link between the user's identity calling the operation and a specific Q App. This is useful to mark the Q App as a favorite for the user if the user doesn't own the Amazon Q App so they can still run it and see it in their inventory of Q Apps.

Public Method BatchCreateCategory(BatchCreateCategoryRequest)

Creates Categories for the Amazon Q Business application environment instance. Web experience users use Categories to tag and filter library items. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method BatchCreateCategoryAsync(BatchCreateCategoryRequest, CancellationToken)

Creates Categories for the Amazon Q Business application environment instance. Web experience users use Categories to tag and filter library items. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method BatchDeleteCategory(BatchDeleteCategoryRequest)

Deletes Categories for the Amazon Q Business application environment instance. Web experience users use Categories to tag and filter library items. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method BatchDeleteCategoryAsync(BatchDeleteCategoryRequest, CancellationToken)

Deletes Categories for the Amazon Q Business application environment instance. Web experience users use Categories to tag and filter library items. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method BatchUpdateCategory(BatchUpdateCategoryRequest)

Updates Categories for the Amazon Q Business application environment instance. Web experience users use Categories to tag and filter library items. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method BatchUpdateCategoryAsync(BatchUpdateCategoryRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates Categories for the Amazon Q Business application environment instance. Web experience users use Categories to tag and filter library items. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method CreateLibraryItem(CreateLibraryItemRequest)

Creates a new library item for an Amazon Q App, allowing it to be discovered and used by other allowed users.

Public Method CreateLibraryItemAsync(CreateLibraryItemRequest, CancellationToken)

Creates a new library item for an Amazon Q App, allowing it to be discovered and used by other allowed users.

Public Method CreatePresignedUrl(CreatePresignedUrlRequest)

Creates a presigned URL for an S3 POST operation to upload a file. You can use this URL to set a default file for a FileUploadCard in a Q App definition or to provide a file for a single Q App run. The scope parameter determines how the file will be used, either at the app definition level or the app session level.

Public Method CreatePresignedUrlAsync(CreatePresignedUrlRequest, CancellationToken)

Creates a presigned URL for an S3 POST operation to upload a file. You can use this URL to set a default file for a FileUploadCard in a Q App definition or to provide a file for a single Q App run. The scope parameter determines how the file will be used, either at the app definition level or the app session level.

Public Method CreateQApp(CreateQAppRequest)

Creates a new Amazon Q App based on the provided definition. The Q App definition specifies the cards and flow of the Q App. This operation also calculates the dependencies between the cards by inspecting the references in the prompts.

Public Method CreateQAppAsync(CreateQAppRequest, CancellationToken)

Creates a new Amazon Q App based on the provided definition. The Q App definition specifies the cards and flow of the Q App. This operation also calculates the dependencies between the cards by inspecting the references in the prompts.

Public Method DeleteLibraryItem(DeleteLibraryItemRequest)

Deletes a library item for an Amazon Q App, removing it from the library so it can no longer be discovered or used by other users.

Public Method DeleteLibraryItemAsync(DeleteLibraryItemRequest, CancellationToken)

Deletes a library item for an Amazon Q App, removing it from the library so it can no longer be discovered or used by other users.

Public Method DeleteQApp(DeleteQAppRequest)

Deletes an Amazon Q App owned by the user. If the Q App was previously published to the library, it is also removed from the library.

Public Method DeleteQAppAsync(DeleteQAppRequest, CancellationToken)

Deletes an Amazon Q App owned by the user. If the Q App was previously published to the library, it is also removed from the library.

Public Method DescribeQAppPermissions(DescribeQAppPermissionsRequest)

Describes read permissions for a Amazon Q App in Amazon Q Business application environment instance.

Public Method DescribeQAppPermissionsAsync(DescribeQAppPermissionsRequest, CancellationToken)

Describes read permissions for a Amazon Q App in Amazon Q Business application environment instance.

Public Method DetermineServiceOperationEndpoint(AmazonWebServiceRequest)

Returns the endpoint that will be used for a particular request.

Public Method DisassociateLibraryItemReview(DisassociateLibraryItemReviewRequest)

Removes a rating or review previously submitted by the user for a library item.

Public Method DisassociateLibraryItemReviewAsync(DisassociateLibraryItemReviewRequest, CancellationToken)

Removes a rating or review previously submitted by the user for a library item.

Public Method DisassociateQAppFromUser(DisassociateQAppFromUserRequest)

Disassociates a Q App from a user removing the user's access to run the Q App.

Public Method DisassociateQAppFromUserAsync(DisassociateQAppFromUserRequest, CancellationToken)

Disassociates a Q App from a user removing the user's access to run the Q App.

Public Method ExportQAppSessionData(ExportQAppSessionDataRequest)

Exports the collected data of a Q App data collection session.

Public Method ExportQAppSessionDataAsync(ExportQAppSessionDataRequest, CancellationToken)

Exports the collected data of a Q App data collection session.

Public Method GetLibraryItem(GetLibraryItemRequest)

Retrieves details about a library item for an Amazon Q App, including its metadata, categories, ratings, and usage statistics.

Public Method GetLibraryItemAsync(GetLibraryItemRequest, CancellationToken)

Retrieves details about a library item for an Amazon Q App, including its metadata, categories, ratings, and usage statistics.

Public Method GetQApp(GetQAppRequest)

Retrieves the full details of an Q App, including its definition specifying the cards and flow.

Public Method GetQAppAsync(GetQAppRequest, CancellationToken)

Retrieves the full details of an Q App, including its definition specifying the cards and flow.

Public Method GetQAppSession(GetQAppSessionRequest)

Retrieves the current state and results for an active session of an Amazon Q App.

Public Method GetQAppSessionAsync(GetQAppSessionRequest, CancellationToken)

Retrieves the current state and results for an active session of an Amazon Q App.

Public Method GetQAppSessionMetadata(GetQAppSessionMetadataRequest)

Retrieves the current configuration of a Q App session.

Public Method GetQAppSessionMetadataAsync(GetQAppSessionMetadataRequest, CancellationToken)

Retrieves the current configuration of a Q App session.

Public Method ImportDocument(ImportDocumentRequest)

Uploads a file that can then be used either as a default in a FileUploadCard from Q App definition or as a file that is used inside a single Q App run. The purpose of the document is determined by a scope parameter that indicates whether it is at the app definition level or at the app session level.

Public Method ImportDocumentAsync(ImportDocumentRequest, CancellationToken)

Uploads a file that can then be used either as a default in a FileUploadCard from Q App definition or as a file that is used inside a single Q App run. The purpose of the document is determined by a scope parameter that indicates whether it is at the app definition level or at the app session level.

Public Method ListCategories(ListCategoriesRequest)

Lists the categories of a Amazon Q Business application environment instance. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method ListCategoriesAsync(ListCategoriesRequest, CancellationToken)

Lists the categories of a Amazon Q Business application environment instance. For more information, see Custom labels for Amazon Q Apps.

Public Method ListLibraryItems(ListLibraryItemsRequest)

Lists the library items for Amazon Q Apps that are published and available for users in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListLibraryItemsAsync(ListLibraryItemsRequest, CancellationToken)

Lists the library items for Amazon Q Apps that are published and available for users in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListQApps(ListQAppsRequest)

Lists the Amazon Q Apps owned by or associated with the user either because they created it or because they used it from the library in the past. The user identity is extracted from the credentials used to invoke this operation..

Public Method ListQAppsAsync(ListQAppsRequest, CancellationToken)

Lists the Amazon Q Apps owned by or associated with the user either because they created it or because they used it from the library in the past. The user identity is extracted from the credentials used to invoke this operation..

Public Method ListQAppSessionData(ListQAppSessionDataRequest)

Lists the collected data of a Q App data collection session.

Public Method ListQAppSessionDataAsync(ListQAppSessionDataRequest, CancellationToken)

Lists the collected data of a Q App data collection session.

Public Method ListTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest)

Lists the tags associated with an Amazon Q Apps resource.

Public Method ListTagsForResourceAsync(ListTagsForResourceRequest, CancellationToken)

Lists the tags associated with an Amazon Q Apps resource.

Public Method PredictQApp(PredictQAppRequest)

Generates an Amazon Q App definition based on either a conversation or a problem statement provided as input.The resulting app definition can be used to call CreateQApp. This API doesn't create Amazon Q Apps directly.

Public Method PredictQAppAsync(PredictQAppRequest, CancellationToken)

Generates an Amazon Q App definition based on either a conversation or a problem statement provided as input.The resulting app definition can be used to call CreateQApp. This API doesn't create Amazon Q Apps directly.

Public Method StartQAppSession(StartQAppSessionRequest)

Starts a new session for an Amazon Q App, allowing inputs to be provided and the app to be run.

Each Q App session will be condensed into a single conversation in the web experience.

Public Method StartQAppSessionAsync(StartQAppSessionRequest, CancellationToken)

Starts a new session for an Amazon Q App, allowing inputs to be provided and the app to be run.

Each Q App session will be condensed into a single conversation in the web experience.

Public Method StopQAppSession(StopQAppSessionRequest)

Stops an active session for an Amazon Q App.This deletes all data related to the session and makes it invalid for future uses. The results of the session will be persisted as part of the conversation.

Public Method StopQAppSessionAsync(StopQAppSessionRequest, CancellationToken)

Stops an active session for an Amazon Q App.This deletes all data related to the session and makes it invalid for future uses. The results of the session will be persisted as part of the conversation.

Public Method TagResource(TagResourceRequest)

Associates tags with an Amazon Q Apps resource.

Public Method TagResourceAsync(TagResourceRequest, CancellationToken)

Associates tags with an Amazon Q Apps resource.

Public Method UntagResource(UntagResourceRequest)

Disassociates tags from an Amazon Q Apps resource.

Public Method UntagResourceAsync(UntagResourceRequest, CancellationToken)

Disassociates tags from an Amazon Q Apps resource.

Public Method UpdateLibraryItem(UpdateLibraryItemRequest)

Updates the library item for an Amazon Q App.

Public Method UpdateLibraryItemAsync(UpdateLibraryItemRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates the library item for an Amazon Q App.

Public Method UpdateLibraryItemMetadata(UpdateLibraryItemMetadataRequest)

Updates the verification status of a library item for an Amazon Q App.

Public Method UpdateLibraryItemMetadataAsync(UpdateLibraryItemMetadataRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates the verification status of a library item for an Amazon Q App.

Public Method UpdateQApp(UpdateQAppRequest)

Updates an existing Amazon Q App, allowing modifications to its title, description, and definition.

Public Method UpdateQAppAsync(UpdateQAppRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates an existing Amazon Q App, allowing modifications to its title, description, and definition.

Public Method UpdateQAppPermissions(UpdateQAppPermissionsRequest)

Updates read permissions for a Amazon Q App in Amazon Q Business application environment instance.

Public Method UpdateQAppPermissionsAsync(UpdateQAppPermissionsRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates read permissions for a Amazon Q App in Amazon Q Business application environment instance.

Public Method UpdateQAppSession(UpdateQAppSessionRequest)

Updates the session for a given Q App sessionId. This is only valid when at least one card of the session is in the WAITING state. Data for each WAITING card can be provided as input. If inputs are not provided, the call will be accepted but session will not move forward. Inputs for cards that are not in the WAITING status will be ignored.

Public Method UpdateQAppSessionAsync(UpdateQAppSessionRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates the session for a given Q App sessionId. This is only valid when at least one card of the session is in the WAITING state. Data for each WAITING card can be provided as input. If inputs are not provided, the call will be accepted but session will not move forward. Inputs for cards that are not in the WAITING status will be ignored.

Public Method UpdateQAppSessionMetadata(UpdateQAppSessionMetadataRequest)

Updates the configuration metadata of a session for a given Q App sessionId.

Public Method UpdateQAppSessionMetadataAsync(UpdateQAppSessionMetadataRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates the configuration metadata of a session for a given Q App sessionId.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5