AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Container for the parameters to the ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByPolicy operation. Gets information about the traffic policy instances that you created by using a specify traffic policy version.

After you submit a CreateTrafficPolicyInstance or an UpdateTrafficPolicyInstance request, there's a brief delay while Amazon Route 53 creates the resource record sets that are specified in the traffic policy definition. For more information, see the State response element.

Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items in each response. If you have a lot of traffic policy instances, you can use the MaxItems parameter to list them in groups of up to 100.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.Route53.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.Route53.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByPolicyRequest : AmazonRoute53Request

The ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByPolicyRequest type exposes the following members



Public Property HostedZoneIdMarker System.String

Gets and sets the property HostedZoneIdMarker.

If the value of IsTruncated in the previous response was true, you have more traffic policy instances. To get more traffic policy instances, submit another ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByPolicy request.

For the value of hostedzoneid, specify the value of HostedZoneIdMarker from the previous response, which is the hosted zone ID of the first traffic policy instance that Amazon Route 53 will return if you submit another request.

If the value of IsTruncated in the previous response was false, there are no more traffic policy instances to get.

Public Property MaxItems System.String

Gets and sets the property MaxItems.

The maximum number of traffic policy instances to be included in the response body for this request. If you have more than MaxItems traffic policy instances, the value of the IsTruncated element in the response is true, and the values of HostedZoneIdMarker, TrafficPolicyInstanceNameMarker, and TrafficPolicyInstanceTypeMarker represent the first traffic policy instance that Amazon Route 53 will return if you submit another request.

Public Property TrafficPolicyId System.String

Gets and sets the property TrafficPolicyId.

The ID of the traffic policy for which you want to list traffic policy instances.

Public Property TrafficPolicyInstanceNameMarker System.String

Gets and sets the property TrafficPolicyInstanceNameMarker.

If the value of IsTruncated in the previous response was true, you have more traffic policy instances. To get more traffic policy instances, submit another ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByPolicy request.

For the value of trafficpolicyinstancename, specify the value of TrafficPolicyInstanceNameMarker from the previous response, which is the name of the first traffic policy instance that Amazon Route 53 will return if you submit another request.

If the value of IsTruncated in the previous response was false, there are no more traffic policy instances to get.

Public Property TrafficPolicyInstanceTypeMarker Amazon.Route53.RRType

Gets and sets the property TrafficPolicyInstanceTypeMarker.

If the value of IsTruncated in the previous response was true, you have more traffic policy instances. To get more traffic policy instances, submit another ListTrafficPolicyInstancesByPolicy request.

For the value of trafficpolicyinstancetype, specify the value of TrafficPolicyInstanceTypeMarker from the previous response, which is the name of the first traffic policy instance that Amazon Route 53 will return if you submit another request.

If the value of IsTruncated in the previous response was false, there are no more traffic policy instances to get.

Public Property TrafficPolicyVersion System.Int32

Gets and sets the property TrafficPolicyVersion.

The version of the traffic policy for which you want to list traffic policy instances. The version must be associated with the traffic policy that is specified by TrafficPolicyId.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5