AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Container for the parameters to the PutBucketNotification operation.

This operation is not supported by directory buckets.

Enables notifications of specified events for a bucket. For more information about event notifications, see Configuring Event Notifications.

Using this API, you can replace an existing notification configuration. The configuration is an XML file that defines the event types that you want Amazon S3 to publish and the destination where you want Amazon S3 to publish an event notification when it detects an event of the specified type.

By default, your bucket has no event notifications configured. That is, the notification configuration will be an empty NotificationConfiguration.

This action replaces the existing notification configuration with the configuration you include in the request body.

After Amazon S3 receives this request, it first verifies that any Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) or Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) destination exists, and that the bucket owner has permission to publish to it by sending a test notification. In the case of Lambda destinations, Amazon S3 verifies that the Lambda function permissions grant Amazon S3 permission to invoke the function from the Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Configuring Notifications for Amazon S3 Events.

You can disable notifications by adding the empty NotificationConfiguration element.

For more information about the number of event notification configurations that you can create per bucket, see Amazon S3 service quotas in Amazon Web Services General Reference.

By default, only the bucket owner can configure notifications on a bucket. However, bucket owners can use a bucket policy to grant permission to other users to set this configuration with the required s3:PutBucketNotification permission.

The PUT notification is an atomic operation. For example, suppose your notification configuration includes SNS topic, SQS queue, and Lambda function configurations. When you send a PUT request with this configuration, Amazon S3 sends test messages to your SNS topic. If the message fails, the entire PUT action will fail, and Amazon S3 will not add the configuration to your bucket.

If the configuration in the request body includes only one TopicConfiguration specifying only the s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject event type, the response will also include the x-amz-sns-test-message-id header containing the message ID of the test notification sent to the topic.

The following action is related to PutBucketNotificationConfiguration:

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.S3.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.S3.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class PutBucketNotificationRequest : AmazonWebServiceRequest

The PutBucketNotificationRequest type exposes the following members



Public Property BucketName System.String

Gets and sets the BucketName property.

Public Property ChecksumAlgorithm Amazon.S3.ChecksumAlgorithm

Gets and sets the property ChecksumAlgorithm.

Public Property EventBridgeConfiguration Amazon.S3.Model.EventBridgeConfiguration

Gets and sets the property EventBridgeConfiguration.

Enables delivery of all bucket events to Amazon EventBridge.

Public Property ExpectedBucketOwner System.String

Gets and sets the property ExpectedBucketOwner.

The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the account ID that you provide does not match the actual owner of the bucket, the request fails with the HTTP status code 403 Forbidden (access denied).

Public Property LambdaFunctionConfigurations System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.S3.Model.LambdaFunctionConfiguration>

Gets and sets the LambdaFunctionConfigurations property. LambdaFunctionConfigurations are configuration for Amazon S3 events to be sent to an Amazon Lambda cloud function.

Public Property QueueConfigurations System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.S3.Model.QueueConfiguration>

Gets and sets the QueueConfigurations property. QueueConfigurations are configuration for Amazon S3 events to be sent to Amazon SQS queues.

Public Property SkipDestinationValidation System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property SkipDestinationValidation.

Skips validation of Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Lambda destinations

Public Property TopicConfigurations System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.S3.Model.TopicConfiguration>

Gets and sets the TopicConfigurations property. TopicConfigurations are configuration for Amazon S3 events to be sent to Amazon SNS topics.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5