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A State Manager association defines the state that you want to maintain on your managed nodes. For example, an association can specify that anti-virus software must be installed and running on your managed nodes, or that certain ports must be closed. For static targets, the association specifies a schedule for when the configuration is reapplied. For dynamic targets, such as an Amazon Web Services resource group or an Amazon Web Services autoscaling group, State Manager, a tool in Amazon Web Services Systems Manager applies the configuration when new managed nodes are added to the group. The association also specifies actions to take when applying the configuration. For example, an association for anti-virus software might run once a day. If the software isn't installed, then State Manager installs it. If the software is installed, but the service isn't running, then the association might instruct State Manager to start the service.
This is an asynchronous operation using the standard naming convention for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the operation is implemented as a pair of methods using the standard naming convention of BeginCreateAssociation and EndCreateAssociation.
Namespace: Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement
Assembly: AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public abstract Task<CreateAssociationResponse> CreateAssociationAsync( String instanceId, String name, CancellationToken cancellationToken )
The managed node ID. InstanceId has been deprecated. To specify a managed node ID for an association, use the Targets parameter. Requests that include the parameter InstanceID with Systems Manager documents (SSM documents) that use schema version 2.0 or later will fail. In addition, if you use the parameter InstanceId, you can't use the parameters AssociationName, DocumentVersion, MaxErrors, MaxConcurrency, OutputLocation, or ScheduleExpression. To use these parameters, you must use the Targets parameter.
The name of the SSM Command document or Automation runbook that contains the configuration information for the managed node. You can specify Amazon Web Services-predefined documents, documents you created, or a document that is shared with you from another Amazon Web Services account. For Systems Manager documents (SSM documents) that are shared with you from other Amazon Web Services accounts, you must specify the complete SSM document ARN, in the following format: arn:partition:ssm:region:account-id:document/document-name For example: arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2:12345678912:document/My-Shared-Document For Amazon Web Services-predefined documents and SSM documents you created in your account, you only need to specify the document name. For example, AWS-ApplyPatchBaseline or My-Document.
A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.
Exception | Condition |
AssociationAlreadyExistsException | The specified association already exists. |
AssociationLimitExceededException | You can have at most 2,000 active associations. |
InternalServerErrorException | An error occurred on the server side. |
InvalidDocumentException | The specified SSM document doesn't exist. |
InvalidDocumentVersionException | The document version isn't valid or doesn't exist. |
InvalidInstanceIdException | The following problems can cause this exception: You don't have permission to access the managed node. Amazon Web Services Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) isn't running. Verify that SSM Agent is running. SSM Agent isn't registered with the SSM endpoint. Try reinstalling SSM Agent. The managed node isn't in a valid state. Valid states are: Running, Pending, Stopped, and Stopping. Invalid states are: Shutting-down and Terminated. |
InvalidOutputLocationException | The output location isn't valid or doesn't exist. |
InvalidParametersException | You must specify values for all required parameters in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager document (SSM document). You can only supply values to parameters defined in the SSM document. |
InvalidScheduleException | The schedule is invalid. Verify your cron or rate expression and try again. |
InvalidTagException | The specified tag key or value isn't valid. |
InvalidTargetException | The target isn't valid or doesn't exist. It might not be configured for Systems Manager or you might not have permission to perform the operation. |
InvalidTargetMapsException | TargetMap parameter isn't valid. |
UnsupportedPlatformTypeException | The document doesn't support the platform type of the given managed node IDs. For example, you sent an document for a Windows managed node to a Linux node. |
Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1
.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer