AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.SecurityHub.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.SecurityHub.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class StringFilter

The StringFilter type exposes the following members


Public Method StringFilter()


Public Property Comparison Amazon.SecurityHub.StringFilterComparison

Gets and sets the property Comparison.

The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

  • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

  • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

  • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn't match.

CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

  • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

  • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

  • To search for values that don't start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can't provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

  • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

  • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

  • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

  • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

Public Property Value System.String

Gets and sets the property Value.

The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there's no match.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5