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Updates the listener rules in a batch. You can use this operation to change the priority of listener rules. This can be useful when bulk updating or swapping rule priority.
Required permissions: vpc-lattice:UpdateRule
For more information, see How Amazon VPC Lattice works with IAM in the Amazon VPC Lattice User Guide.
For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to BatchUpdateRuleAsync.
Namespace: Amazon.VPCLattice
Assembly: AWSSDK.VPCLattice.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public abstract BatchUpdateRuleResponse BatchUpdateRule( BatchUpdateRuleRequest request )
Container for the necessary parameters to execute the BatchUpdateRule service method.
Exception | Condition |
AccessDeniedException | The user does not have sufficient access to perform this action. |
ConflictException | The request conflicts with the current state of the resource. Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state. |
InternalServerException | An unexpected error occurred while processing the request. |
ResourceNotFoundException | The request references a resource that does not exist. |
ThrottlingException | The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded. |
ValidationException | The input does not satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service. |
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5