AWS SDK for .NET Documentation
ListTables Method
AmazonAmazon.DynamoDBAmazonDynamoDBClientListTables()()()() Did this page help you?   Yes   No    Tell us about it...

Retrieves a paginated list of table names created by the AWS Account of the caller in the AWS Region (e.g. us-east-1 ).

Declaration Syntax
public ListTablesResponse ListTables()
Return Value
The response from the ListTables service method, as returned by AmazonDynamoDB.

This example shows how to get a list of all tables.
Note: if not all table names were retrieved, the LastEvaluatedTableName property on the result object will be set . Refer to the paging sample to see how paging should be handled.

CopyListTables non-paging sample
// Create a client
AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();

// Issue call
ListTablesResult result = client.ListTables().ListTablesResult;

// List retrieved tables
List<string> tables = result.TableNames;
Console.WriteLine("Retrieved tables: {0}",
    string.Join(", ", tables.ToArray()));
CopyListTables paging sample
// Create a client
AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();

string startTableName = null;
    // Configure ListTables request with the marker value
    ListTablesRequest request = new ListTablesRequest
        ExclusiveStartTableName = startTableName,

    // Issue call
    ListTablesResult result = client.ListTables(request).ListTablesResult;

    // List retrieved tables
    List<string> tables = result.TableNames;
    Console.WriteLine("Retrieved tables: {0}",
        string.Join(", ", tables.ToArray()));

    // Update marker value from the result
    startTableName = result.LastEvaluatedTableName;

} while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startTableName)); // Test marker value

Assembly: AWSSDK (Module: AWSSDK) Version: (