AWS SDK for .NET Documentation
DeleteLoadBalancerListenersRequest Constructor (loadBalancerName, loadBalancerPorts)
AmazonAmazon.ElasticLoadBalancing.ModelDeleteLoadBalancerListenersRequestDeleteLoadBalancerListenersRequest(String, List<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)) Did this page help you?   Yes   No    Tell us about it...
Constructs a new DeleteLoadBalancerListenersRequest object. Callers should use the properties or fluent setter (With...) methods to initialize any additional object members.
Declaration Syntax
public DeleteLoadBalancerListenersRequest(
	string loadBalancerName,
	List<int> loadBalancerPorts
loadBalancerName (String)
The mnemonic name associated with the load balancer.
loadBalancerPorts (List<(Of <(<'Int32>)>)>)
The client port number(s) of the load balancer listener(s) to be removed.

Assembly: AWSSDK (Module: AWSSDK) Version: (