You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::CloudFront::Types::DistributionConfigWithTags

  • Object
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When passing DistributionConfigWithTags as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  distribution_config: { # required
    caller_reference: "string", # required
    aliases: {
      quantity: 1, # required
      items: ["string"],
    default_root_object: "string",
    origins: { # required
      quantity: 1, # required
      items: [ # required
          id: "string", # required
          domain_name: "string", # required
          origin_path: "string",
          custom_headers: {
            quantity: 1, # required
            items: [
                header_name: "string", # required
                header_value: "string", # required
          s3_origin_config: {
            origin_access_identity: "string", # required
          custom_origin_config: {
            http_port: 1, # required
            https_port: 1, # required
            origin_protocol_policy: "http-only", # required, accepts http-only, match-viewer, https-only
            origin_ssl_protocols: {
              quantity: 1, # required
              items: ["SSLv3"], # required, accepts SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
            origin_read_timeout: 1,
            origin_keepalive_timeout: 1,
          connection_attempts: 1,
          connection_timeout: 1,
          origin_shield: {
            enabled: false, # required
            origin_shield_region: "OriginShieldRegion",
    origin_groups: {
      quantity: 1, # required
      items: [
          id: "string", # required
          failover_criteria: { # required
            status_codes: { # required
              quantity: 1, # required
              items: [1], # required
          members: { # required
            quantity: 1, # required
            items: [ # required
                origin_id: "string", # required
    default_cache_behavior: { # required
      target_origin_id: "string", # required
      trusted_signers: {
        enabled: false, # required
        quantity: 1, # required
        items: ["string"],
      trusted_key_groups: {
        enabled: false, # required
        quantity: 1, # required
        items: ["string"],
      viewer_protocol_policy: "allow-all", # required, accepts allow-all, https-only, redirect-to-https
      allowed_methods: {
        quantity: 1, # required
        items: ["GET"], # required, accepts GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, DELETE
        cached_methods: {
          quantity: 1, # required
          items: ["GET"], # required, accepts GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, DELETE
      smooth_streaming: false,
      compress: false,
      lambda_function_associations: {
        quantity: 1, # required
        items: [
            lambda_function_arn: "LambdaFunctionARN", # required
            event_type: "viewer-request", # required, accepts viewer-request, viewer-response, origin-request, origin-response
            include_body: false,
      field_level_encryption_id: "string",
      realtime_log_config_arn: "string",
      cache_policy_id: "string",
      origin_request_policy_id: "string",
      forwarded_values: {
        query_string: false, # required
        cookies: { # required
          forward: "none", # required, accepts none, whitelist, all
          whitelisted_names: {
            quantity: 1, # required
            items: ["string"],
        headers: {
          quantity: 1, # required
          items: ["string"],
        query_string_cache_keys: {
          quantity: 1, # required
          items: ["string"],
      min_ttl: 1,
      default_ttl: 1,
      max_ttl: 1,
    cache_behaviors: {
      quantity: 1, # required
      items: [
          path_pattern: "string", # required
          target_origin_id: "string", # required
          trusted_signers: {
            enabled: false, # required
            quantity: 1, # required
            items: ["string"],
          trusted_key_groups: {
            enabled: false, # required
            quantity: 1, # required
            items: ["string"],
          viewer_protocol_policy: "allow-all", # required, accepts allow-all, https-only, redirect-to-https
          allowed_methods: {
            quantity: 1, # required
            items: ["GET"], # required, accepts GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, DELETE
            cached_methods: {
              quantity: 1, # required
              items: ["GET"], # required, accepts GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, DELETE
          smooth_streaming: false,
          compress: false,
          lambda_function_associations: {
            quantity: 1, # required
            items: [
                lambda_function_arn: "LambdaFunctionARN", # required
                event_type: "viewer-request", # required, accepts viewer-request, viewer-response, origin-request, origin-response
                include_body: false,
          field_level_encryption_id: "string",
          realtime_log_config_arn: "string",
          cache_policy_id: "string",
          origin_request_policy_id: "string",
          forwarded_values: {
            query_string: false, # required
            cookies: { # required
              forward: "none", # required, accepts none, whitelist, all
              whitelisted_names: {
                quantity: 1, # required
                items: ["string"],
            headers: {
              quantity: 1, # required
              items: ["string"],
            query_string_cache_keys: {
              quantity: 1, # required
              items: ["string"],
          min_ttl: 1,
          default_ttl: 1,
          max_ttl: 1,
    custom_error_responses: {
      quantity: 1, # required
      items: [
          error_code: 1, # required
          response_page_path: "string",
          response_code: "string",
          error_caching_min_ttl: 1,
    comment: "CommentType", # required
    logging: {
      enabled: false, # required
      include_cookies: false, # required
      bucket: "string", # required
      prefix: "string", # required
    price_class: "PriceClass_100", # accepts PriceClass_100, PriceClass_200, PriceClass_All
    enabled: false, # required
    viewer_certificate: {
      cloud_front_default_certificate: false,
      iam_certificate_id: "string",
      acm_certificate_arn: "string",
      ssl_support_method: "sni-only", # accepts sni-only, vip, static-ip
      minimum_protocol_version: "SSLv3", # accepts SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_2016, TLSv1.1_2016, TLSv1.2_2018, TLSv1.2_2019
      certificate: "string",
      certificate_source: "cloudfront", # accepts cloudfront, iam, acm
    restrictions: {
      geo_restriction: { # required
        restriction_type: "blacklist", # required, accepts blacklist, whitelist, none
        quantity: 1, # required
        items: ["string"],
    web_acl_id: "string",
    http_version: "http1.1", # accepts http1.1, http2
    is_ipv6_enabled: false,
  tags: { # required
    items: [
        key: "TagKey", # required
        value: "TagValue",

A distribution Configuration and a list of tags to be associated with the distribution.

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


A distribution configuration.



A complex type that contains zero or more Tag elements.


  • (Types::Tags)

    A complex type that contains zero or more Tag elements.