You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::CloudWatch::Resource

Resources::Resource show all
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This class provides a resource oriented interface for CloudWatch. To create a resource object:

resource =

You can supply a client object with custom configuration that will be used for all resource operations. If you do not pass :client, a default client will be constructed.

client = 'us-west-2')
resource = client)

Resource Resource Classes

Aws::CloudWatch::Resource has the following resource classes:

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Resources::Resource

#client, #identifiers

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Resources::Resource

add_data_attribute, add_identifier, #data, data_attributes, #data_loaded?, identifiers, #load, #wait_until

Methods included from Resources::OperationMethods

#add_batch_operation, #add_operation, #batch_operation, #batch_operation_names, #batch_operations, #operation, #operation_names, #operations

Constructor Details

#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Object #initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Object


  • #initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Object

    Options Hash (options):

    • :client (Client)

      When `:client is not given, the options hash is used to construct a new Client object.

  • #initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Object

    Options Hash (options):

    • :client (Client)

      When `:client is not given, the options hash is used to construct a new Client object.

Instance Method Details

#alarm(name) ⇒ Alarm



See Also:

#alarms(options = {}) ⇒ Collection<Alarm>

Returns a Collection of Alarm resources. No API requests are made until you call an enumerable method on the collection. Client#describe_alarms will be called multiple times until every Alarm has been yielded.


Request syntax example with placeholder values

  alarm_names: ["AlarmName"],
  alarm_name_prefix: "AlarmNamePrefix",
  alarm_types: ["CompositeAlarm"], # accepts CompositeAlarm, MetricAlarm
  children_of_alarm_name: "AlarmName",
  parents_of_alarm_name: "AlarmName",
  state_value: "OK", # accepts OK, ALARM, INSUFFICIENT_DATA
  action_prefix: "ActionPrefix",
  max_records: 1,
  next_token: "NextToken",

Enumerating Alarm resources.

cloudwatch.alarms.each do |alarm|
  # yields each alarm

Enumerating Alarm resources with a limit.

cloudwatch.alarms.limit(10).each do |alarm|
  # yields at most 10 alarms

Batch operations callable on the returned collection

# calls Client#delete_alarms on each batch

# calls Client#disable_alarm_actions on each batch

# calls Client#enable_alarm_actions on each batch

Options Hash (options):

  • :alarm_names (Array<String>)

    The names of the alarms to retrieve information about.

  • :alarm_name_prefix (String)

    An alarm name prefix. If you specify this parameter, you receive information about all alarms that have names that start with this prefix.

    If this parameter is specified, you cannot specify AlarmNames.

  • :alarm_types (Array<String>)

    Use this parameter to specify whether you want the operation to return metric alarms or composite alarms. If you omit this parameter, only metric alarms are returned.

  • :children_of_alarm_name (String)

    If you use this parameter and specify the name of a composite alarm, the operation returns information about the \"children\" alarms of the alarm you specify. These are the metric alarms and composite alarms referenced in the AlarmRule field of the composite alarm that you specify in ChildrenOfAlarmName. Information about the composite alarm that you name in ChildrenOfAlarmName is not returned.

    If you specify ChildrenOfAlarmName, you cannot specify any other parameters in the request except for MaxRecords and NextToken. If you do so, you receive a validation error.

    Only the Alarm Name, ARN, StateValue (OK/ALARM/INSUFFICIENT_DATA), and StateUpdatedTimestamp information are returned by this operation when you use this parameter. To get complete information about these alarms, perform another DescribeAlarms operation and specify the parent alarm names in the AlarmNames parameter.

  • :parents_of_alarm_name (String)

    If you use this parameter and specify the name of a metric or composite alarm, the operation returns information about the \"parent\" alarms of the alarm you specify. These are the composite alarms that have AlarmRule parameters that reference the alarm named in ParentsOfAlarmName. Information about the alarm that you specify in ParentsOfAlarmName is not returned.

    If you specify ParentsOfAlarmName, you cannot specify any other parameters in the request except for MaxRecords and NextToken. If you do so, you receive a validation error.

    Only the Alarm Name and ARN are returned by this operation when you use this parameter. To get complete information about these alarms, perform another DescribeAlarms operation and specify the parent alarm names in the AlarmNames parameter.

  • :state_value (String)

    Specify this parameter to receive information only about alarms that are currently in the state that you specify.

  • :action_prefix (String)

    Use this parameter to filter the results of the operation to only those alarms that use a certain alarm action. For example, you could specify the ARN of an SNS topic to find all alarms that send notifications to that topic.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of alarm descriptions to retrieve.

  • :next_token (String)

    The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.


See Also:

#composite_alarm(name) ⇒ CompositeAlarm



See Also:

#composite_alarms(options = {}) ⇒ Collection<CompositeAlarm>

Returns a Collection of CompositeAlarm resources. No API requests are made until you call an enumerable method on the collection. Client#describe_alarms will be called multiple times until every CompositeAlarm has been yielded.


Request syntax example with placeholder values

  alarm_names: ["AlarmName"],
  alarm_name_prefix: "AlarmNamePrefix",
  alarm_types: ["CompositeAlarm"], # accepts CompositeAlarm, MetricAlarm
  children_of_alarm_name: "AlarmName",
  parents_of_alarm_name: "AlarmName",
  state_value: "OK", # accepts OK, ALARM, INSUFFICIENT_DATA
  action_prefix: "ActionPrefix",
  max_records: 1,
  next_token: "NextToken",

Enumerating CompositeAlarm resources.

cloudwatch.composite_alarms.each do |compositealarm|
  # yields each compositealarm

Enumerating CompositeAlarm resources with a limit.

cloudwatch.composite_alarms.limit(10).each do |compositealarm|
  # yields at most 10 composite_alarms

Batch operations callable on the returned collection

# calls Client#delete_alarms on each batch

# calls Client#disable_alarm_actions on each batch

# calls Client#enable_alarm_actions on each batch

Options Hash (options):

  • :alarm_names (Array<String>)

    The names of the alarms to retrieve information about.

  • :alarm_name_prefix (String)

    An alarm name prefix. If you specify this parameter, you receive information about all alarms that have names that start with this prefix.

    If this parameter is specified, you cannot specify AlarmNames.

  • :alarm_types (Array<String>)

    Use this parameter to specify whether you want the operation to return metric alarms or composite alarms. If you omit this parameter, only metric alarms are returned.

  • :children_of_alarm_name (String)

    If you use this parameter and specify the name of a composite alarm, the operation returns information about the \"children\" alarms of the alarm you specify. These are the metric alarms and composite alarms referenced in the AlarmRule field of the composite alarm that you specify in ChildrenOfAlarmName. Information about the composite alarm that you name in ChildrenOfAlarmName is not returned.

    If you specify ChildrenOfAlarmName, you cannot specify any other parameters in the request except for MaxRecords and NextToken. If you do so, you receive a validation error.

    Only the Alarm Name, ARN, StateValue (OK/ALARM/INSUFFICIENT_DATA), and StateUpdatedTimestamp information are returned by this operation when you use this parameter. To get complete information about these alarms, perform another DescribeAlarms operation and specify the parent alarm names in the AlarmNames parameter.

  • :parents_of_alarm_name (String)

    If you use this parameter and specify the name of a metric or composite alarm, the operation returns information about the \"parent\" alarms of the alarm you specify. These are the composite alarms that have AlarmRule parameters that reference the alarm named in ParentsOfAlarmName. Information about the alarm that you specify in ParentsOfAlarmName is not returned.

    If you specify ParentsOfAlarmName, you cannot specify any other parameters in the request except for MaxRecords and NextToken. If you do so, you receive a validation error.

    Only the Alarm Name and ARN are returned by this operation when you use this parameter. To get complete information about these alarms, perform another DescribeAlarms operation and specify the parent alarm names in the AlarmNames parameter.

  • :state_value (String)

    Specify this parameter to receive information only about alarms that are currently in the state that you specify.

  • :action_prefix (String)

    Use this parameter to filter the results of the operation to only those alarms that use a certain alarm action. For example, you could specify the ARN of an SNS topic to find all alarms that send notifications to that topic.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of alarm descriptions to retrieve.

  • :next_token (String)

    The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.


See Also:

#metric(namespace, name) ⇒ Metric



See Also:

#metrics(options = {}) ⇒ Collection<Metric>

Returns a Collection of Metric resources. No API requests are made until you call an enumerable method on the collection. Client#list_metrics will be called multiple times until every Metric has been yielded.


Request syntax example with placeholder values

  namespace: "Namespace",
  metric_name: "MetricName",
  dimensions: [
      name: "DimensionName", # required
      value: "DimensionValue",
  next_token: "NextToken",
  recently_active: "PT3H", # accepts PT3H

Enumerating Metric resources.

cloudwatch.metrics.each do |metric|
  # yields each metric

Enumerating Metric resources with a limit.

cloudwatch.metrics.limit(10).each do |metric|
  # yields at most 10 metrics

Options Hash (options):

  • :namespace (String)

    The metric namespace to filter against. Only the namespace that matches exactly will be returned.

  • :metric_name (String)

    The name of the metric to filter against. Only the metrics with names that match exactly will be returned.

  • :dimensions (Array<Types::DimensionFilter>)

    The dimensions to filter against. Only the dimensions that match exactly will be returned.

  • :next_token (String)

    The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.

  • :recently_active (String)

    To filter the results to show only metrics that have had data points published in the past three hours, specify this parameter with a value of PT3H. This is the only valid value for this parameter.

    The results that are returned are an approximation of the value you specify. There is a low probability that the returned results include metrics with last published data as much as 40 minutes more than the specified time interval.


See Also: