You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::Pinpoint::Types::SendUsersMessageRequest

  • Object
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Defined in:



When passing SendUsersMessageRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  context: {
    "__string" => "__string",
  message_configuration: { # required
    adm_message: {
      action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
      body: "__string",
      consolidation_key: "__string",
      data: {
        "__string" => "__string",
      expires_after: "__string",
      icon_reference: "__string",
      image_icon_url: "__string",
      image_url: "__string",
      md5: "__string",
      raw_content: "__string",
      silent_push: false,
      small_image_icon_url: "__string",
      sound: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
      title: "__string",
      url: "__string",
    apns_message: {
      apns_push_type: "__string",
      action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
      badge: 1,
      body: "__string",
      category: "__string",
      collapse_id: "__string",
      data: {
        "__string" => "__string",
      media_url: "__string",
      preferred_authentication_method: "__string",
      priority: "__string",
      raw_content: "__string",
      silent_push: false,
      sound: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
      thread_id: "__string",
      time_to_live: 1,
      title: "__string",
      url: "__string",
    baidu_message: {
      action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
      body: "__string",
      data: {
        "__string" => "__string",
      icon_reference: "__string",
      image_icon_url: "__string",
      image_url: "__string",
      raw_content: "__string",
      silent_push: false,
      small_image_icon_url: "__string",
      sound: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
      time_to_live: 1,
      title: "__string",
      url: "__string",
    default_message: {
      body: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
    default_push_notification_message: {
      action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
      body: "__string",
      data: {
        "__string" => "__string",
      silent_push: false,
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
      title: "__string",
      url: "__string",
    email_message: {
      body: "__string",
      feedback_forwarding_address: "__string",
      from_address: "__string",
      raw_email: {
        data: "data",
      reply_to_addresses: ["__string"],
      simple_email: {
        html_part: {
          charset: "__string",
          data: "__string",
        subject: {
          charset: "__string",
          data: "__string",
        text_part: {
          charset: "__string",
          data: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
    gcm_message: {
      action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
      body: "__string",
      collapse_key: "__string",
      data: {
        "__string" => "__string",
      icon_reference: "__string",
      image_icon_url: "__string",
      image_url: "__string",
      priority: "__string",
      raw_content: "__string",
      restricted_package_name: "__string",
      silent_push: false,
      small_image_icon_url: "__string",
      sound: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
      time_to_live: 1,
      title: "__string",
      url: "__string",
    sms_message: {
      body: "__string",
      keyword: "__string",
      media_url: "__string",
      origination_number: "__string",
      sender_id: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
    voice_message: {
      body: "__string",
      language_code: "__string",
      origination_number: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
      voice_id: "__string",
  template_configuration: {
    email_template: {
      name: "__string",
      version: "__string",
    push_template: {
      name: "__string",
      version: "__string",
    sms_template: {
      name: "__string",
      version: "__string",
    voice_template: {
      name: "__string",
      version: "__string",
  trace_id: "__string",
  users: { # required
    "__string" => {
      body_override: "__string",
      context: {
        "__string" => "__string",
      raw_content: "__string",
      substitutions: {
        "__string" => ["__string"],
      title_override: "__string",

Specifies the configuration and other settings for a message to send to all the endpoints that are associated with a list of users.

Returned by:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


A map of custom attribute-value pairs. For a push notification, Amazon Pinpoint adds these attributes to the data.pinpoint object in the body of the notification payload. Amazon Pinpoint also provides these attributes in the events that it generates for users-messages deliveries.


  • (Hash<String,String>)

    A map of custom attribute-value pairs.


The settings and content for the default message and any default messages that you defined for specific channels.



The message template to use for the message.



The unique identifier for tracing the message. This identifier is visible to message recipients.


  • (String)

    The unique identifier for tracing the message.


A map that associates user IDs with EndpointSendConfiguration objects. You can use an EndpointSendConfiguration object to tailor the message for a user by specifying settings such as content overrides and message variables.
