Creating a sending authorization policy in Amazon SES - Amazon Simple Email Service

Creating a sending authorization policy in Amazon SES

Similar to creating any authorization policy in Amazon SES, as explained in Creating an identity authorization policy, to authorize a delegate sender to send emails using an email address or domain (an identity) that you own, you create the policy with SES sending API actions specified, and then attach that policy to the identity.

For a list of API actions that can be specified in a sending authorization policy, see the Action row in the Statements specific to the policy table.

You can create a sending authorization policy by either using the policy generator or by creating a custom policy. Procedures specific to creating a sending authorization policy are provided for either method.

  • Sending authorization policies that you attach to email address identities take precedence over policies that you attach to their corresponding domain identities. For example, if you create a policy for that disallows a delegate sender, and you create a policy for that allows the delegate sender, then the delegate sender can send email from, but not from any other address on the domain.

  • If you create a policy for that allows a delegate sender, and you create a policy for that disallows the delegate sender, then the delegate sender can send email from any address on the domain, except for

  • If you're unfamiliar with the structure of SES authorization policies, see Policy anatomy.

Creating a sending authorization policy by using the policy generator

You can use the policy generator to create a sending authorization policy by following these steps.

To create a sending authorization policy by using the policy generator
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.

  3. In the Identities container on the Verified identities screen, select the verified identity you wish to authorize for the delegate sender to send on your behalf.

  4. Choose the verified identity's Authorization tab.

  5. In the Authorization policies pane, choose Create policy and select Use policy generator from the dropdown.

  6. In the Create statement pane, choose Allow in the Effect field. (If you want to create a policy to restrict your delegate sender, choose Deny instead.)

  7. In the Principals field, enter the AWS account ID or IAM user ARN that your delegate sender shared with you to authorize them to send email on behalf of your account for this identity, then choose Add. (If you wish to authorize more than one delegate sender, repeat this step for each one.)

  8. In the Actions field, select the check box for each send type you would like to authorize for your delegate sender.

  9. (Optional) Expand Specify conditions if you wish to add a qualifying statement to the delegate sender permission.

    1. Select an operator from the Operator dropdown.

    2. Select a type from the Key dropdown.

    3. Respective to the key type you selected, enter its value in the Value field. (If you wish to add more conditions, choose Add new condition and repeat this step for each additional one.)

  10. Choose Save statement.

  11. (Optional) Expand Create another statement if you wish to add more statements to your policy and repeat steps 6 - 10.

  12. Choose Next and on the Customize policy screen, the Edit policy details container has fields where you can change or customize the policy’s Name and the Policy document itself.

  13. Choose Next and on the Review and apply screen, the Overview container will show the verified identity you’re authorizing for your delegate sender as well as the name of this policy. In the Policy document pane will be the actual policy you just wrote along with any conditions you added - review the policy and if it looks correct, choose Apply policy. (If you need to change or correct something, choose Previous and work in the Edit policy details container.) The policy you just created will allow your delegate sender to send on your behalf.

  14. (Optional) If your delegate sender also wants to use an SNS topic that they own, to receive feedback notifications when they receive bounces or complaints, or when emails are delivered, you’ll need to configure their SNS topic in this verified identity. (Your delegate sender will need to share with you their SNS topic ARN.) Select the Notifications tab and select Edit in the Feedback notifications container:

    1. On the Configure SNS topics pane, in any of the feedback fields, (Bounce, Complaint, or Delivery), select SNS topic you don’t own and enter the SNS topic ARN owned and shared with you by your delegate sender. (Only your delegate sender will get these notifications because they own the SNS topic - you, as the identity owner, will not.)

    2. (Optional) If you want your topic notification to include the headers from the original email, check the Include original email headers box directly underneath the SNS topic name of each feedback type. This option is only available if you've assigned an Amazon SNS topic to the associated notification type. For information about the contents of the original email headers, see the mail object in Notification contents.

    3. Choose Save changes. The changes you made to your notification settings might take a few minutes to take effect.

    4. (Optional) Since your delegate sender will be getting Amazon SNS topic notifications for bounces and complaints, you can disable email notifications entirely if you don’t want to receive feedback for this identity’s sends. To disable email feedback for bounces and complaints, under the Notifications tab, in the Email Feedback Forwarding container, choose Edit, uncheck the Enabled box, and choose Save changes. Delivery status notifications will now only be sent to the SNS topics owned by your delegate sender.

Creating a custom sending authorization policy

If you want to create a custom sending authorization policy and attach it to an identity, you have the following options:

  • Using the Amazon SES API – Create a policy in a text editor and then attach the policy to the identity by using the PutIdentityPolicy API described in the Amazon Simple Email Service API Reference.

  • Using the Amazon SES console – Create a policy in a text editor and attach it to an identity by pasting it into the custom policy editor in the Amazon SES console. The following procedure describes this method.

To create a custom sending authorization policy by using the custom policy editor
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Configuration, choose Verified identities.

  3. In the Identities container on the Verified identities screen, select the verified identity you wish to authorize for the delegate sender to send on your behalf.

  4. In the details screen of the verified identity you selected in the previous step, choose the Authorization tab.

  5. In the Authorization policies pane, choose Create policy and select Create custom policy from the dropdown.

  6. In the Policy document pane, type or paste the text of your policy in JSON format. You can also use the policy generator to quickly create the basic structure of a policy and then customize it here.

  7. Choose Apply Policy. (If you ever need to modify your custom policy, just select its check box under the Authorization tab, choose Edit, and make your changes in the Policy document pane followed by Save changes).

  8. (Optional) If your delegate sender also wants to use an SNS topic that they own, to receive feedback notifications when they receive bounces or complaints, or when emails are delivered, you’ll need to configure their SNS topic in this verified identity. (Your delegate sender will need to share with you their SNS topic ARN.) Select the Notifications tab and select Edit in the Feedback notifications container:

    1. On the Configure SNS topics pane, in any of the feedback fields, (Bounce, Complaint, or Delivery), select SNS topic you don’t own and enter the SNS topic ARN owned and shared with you by your delegate sender. (Only your delegate sender will get these notifications because they own the SNS topic - you, as the identity owner, will not.)

    2. (Optional) If you want your topic notification to include the headers from the original email, check the Include original email headers box directly underneath the SNS topic name of each feedback type. This option is only available if you've assigned an Amazon SNS topic to the associated notification type. For information about the contents of the original email headers, see the mail object in Notification contents.

    3. Choose Save changes. The changes you made to your notification settings might take a few minutes to take effect.

    4. (Optional) Since your delegate sender will be getting Amazon SNS topic notifications for bounces and complaints, you can disable email notifications entirely if you don’t want to receive feedback for this identity’s sends. To disable email feedback for bounces and complaints, under the Notifications tab, in the Email Feedback Forwarding container, choose Edit, uncheck the Enabled box, and choose Save changes. Delivery status notifications will now only be sent to the SNS topics owned by your delegate sender.