Package name formats for approved and rejected patch lists - AWS Systems Manager

Package name formats for approved and rejected patch lists

The formats of package names you can add to lists of approved patches and rejected patches depend on the type of operating system you're patching.

Package name formats for Linux operating systems

The formats you can specify for approved and rejected patches in your patch baseline vary by Linux type. More specifically, the formats that are supported depend on the package manager used by the type of Linux operating system.

Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Linux 2022, Amazon Linux 2023, CentOS, Oracle Linux, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Package manager: YUM, except for Amazon Linux 2022, Amazon Linux 2023, RHEL 8, and CentOS 8, which use DNF as the package manager

Approved patches: For approved patches, you can specify any of the following:

  • Bugzilla IDs, in the format 1234567 (The system processes numbers-only strings as Bugzilla IDs.)

  • CVE IDs, in the format CVE-2018-1234567

  • Advisory IDs, in formats such as RHSA-2017:0864 and ALAS-2018-123

  • Full package names, in formats such as:

    • example-pkg-0.710.10-2.7.abcd.x86_64

    • pkg-example-EE-20180914-2.2.amzn1.noarch

  • Package-names with a single wildcard, in formats such as:

    • example-pkg-*.abcd.x86_64

    • example-pkg-*-20180914-2.2.amzn1.noarch

    • example-pkg-EE-2018*.amzn1.noarch

Rejected patches: For rejected patches, you can specify any of the following:

  • Full package names, in formats such as:

    • example-pkg-0.710.10-2.7.abcd.x86_64

    • pkg-example-EE-20180914-2.2.amzn1.noarch

  • Package-names with a single wildcard, in formats such as:

    • example-pkg-*.abcd.x86_64

    • example-pkg-*-20180914-2.2.amzn1.noarch

    • example-pkg-EE-2018*.amzn1.noarch

Debian Server, Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian), and Ubuntu Server

Package manager: APT

Approved patches and rejected patches: For both approved and rejected patches, specify the following:

  • Package names, in the format ExamplePkg33


    For Debian Server lists, Raspberry Pi OS lists, and Ubuntu Server lists, don't include elements such as architecture or versions. For example, you specify the package name ExamplePkg33 to include all the following in a patch list:

    • ExamplePkg33.x86.1

    • ExamplePkg33.x86.2

    • ExamplePkg33.x64.1

    • ExamplePkg33.3.2.5-364.noarch

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

Package manager: Zypper

Approved patches and rejected patches: For both approved and rejected patch lists, you can specify any of the following:

  • Full package names, in formats such as:

    • SUSE-SLE-Example-Package-12-2018-123

    • example-pkg-2018.11.4-46.17.1.x86_64.rpm

  • Package names with a single wildcard, such as:

    • SUSE-SLE-Example-Package-12-2018-*

    • example-pkg-2018.11.4-46.17.1.*.rpm

Package name formats for macOS

Supported package managers: softwareupdate, installer, Brew, Brew Cask

Approved patches and rejected patches: For both approved and rejected patch lists, you specify full package names, in formats such as:

  • XProtectPlistConfigData

  • MRTConfigData

Wildcards aren't supported in approved and rejected patch lists for macOS.

Package name formats for Windows operating systems

For Windows operating systems, specify patches using Microsoft Knowledge Base IDs and Microsoft Security Bulletin IDs; for example:
