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Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core.Strategies Namespace

Public classDefaultExceptionSerializationStrategy
Defines default startegy for recording exception. By default AmazonServiceException class exeptions are marked as remote.
Public classDefaultStreamingStrategy
The default streaming strategy. It uses the total count of a segment's children subsegments as a threshold. If the threshold is breached, it uses subtree streaming to stream out.
Public classDynamicSegmentNamingStrategy
Try to match the Host field from HTTP header first, if not match then use the fallback name as segment name.
Public classFixedSegmentNamingStrategy
Use a fixed name as segment name.
Public classSegmentNamingStrategy
Strategy to name a segment
Public interfaceExceptionSerializationStrategy
Interface used to implement custom exception serialization strategy and record Exception on Cause instance.
Public interfaceIStreamingStrategy
Interface of streaming strategy which is used to determine when and how the subsegments will be streamed.
Public enumerationContextMissingStrategy
Represent all modes of ContextMissingStrategy.