Boolean, comparison, numeric, datetime, and other functions - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Boolean, comparison, numeric, datetime, and other functions

CloudWatch Logs Insights supports many other operations and functions in queries, as explained in the following sections.

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators accept numeric data types as arguments and return numeric results. Use arithmetic operators in the filter and fields commands and as arguments for other functions.

Operation Description

a + b


a - b


a * b


a / b


a ^ b

Exponentiation (2 ^ 3 returns 8)

a % b

Remainder or modulus (10 % 3 returns 1)

Boolean operators

Use the Boolean operators and, or, and not.


Use Boolean operators only in functions that return a value of TRUE or FALSE.

Comparison operators

Comparison operators accept all data types as arguments and return a Boolean result. Use comparison operations in the filter command and as arguments for other functions.

Operator Description




Not equal


Less than


Greater than


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to

Numeric operators

Numeric operations accept numeric data types as arguments and return numeric results. Use numeric operations in the filter and fields commands and as arguments for other functions.

Operation Result type Description

abs(a: number)


Absolute value

ceil(a: number)


Round to ceiling (the smallest integer that is greater than the value of a)

floor(a: number)


Round to floor (the largest integer that is smaller than the value of a)

greatest(a: number, ...numbers: number[])


Returns the largest value

least(a: number, ...numbers: number[])


Returns the smallest value

log(a: number)


Natural log

sqrt(a: number)


Square root

Datetime functions

Datetime functions

Use datetime functions in the fields and filtercommands and as arguments for other functions. Use these functions to create time buckets for queries with aggregate functions. Use time periods that consist of a number and one of the following:

  • ms for milliseconds

  • s for seconds

  • m for minutes

  • h for hours

For example, 10m is 10 minutes, and 1h is 1 hour.


Use the most appropriate time unit for your datetime function. CloudWatch Logs caps your request according to the time unit that you choose. For example, it caps 60 as the maximum value for any request that uses s. So, if you specify bin(300s), CloudWatch Logs actually implements this as 60 seconds, because 60 is the number of seconds in a minute so CloudWatch Logs won't use a number higher than 60 with s. To create a 5-minute bucket, use bin(5m) instead.

The cap for ms is 1000, the caps for s and m are 60, and the cap for h is 24.

The following table contains a list of the different datetime functions that you can use in query commands. The table lists each function's result type and contains a description of each function.


When you create a query command, you can use the time interval selector to select a time period that you want to query. For example, you can set a time period between 5 and 30-minute intervals; 1, 3, and 12-hour intervals; or a custom time frame. You also can set time periods between specific dates.

Function Result type Description

bin(period: Period)


Rounds the value of @timestamp to the given time period and then truncates. For example, bin(5m) rounds the value of @timestamp to the nearest 5 minutes.

You can use this to group multiple log entries together in a query. The following example returns the count of exceptions per hour:

filter @message like /Exception/ | stats count(*) as exceptionCount by bin(1h) | sort exceptionCount desc

The following time units and abbreviations are supported with the bin function. For all units and abbreviations that include more than one character, adding s to pluralize is supported. So both hr and hrs work to specify hours.

  • millisecond ms msec

  • second s sec

  • minute m min

  • hour h hr

  • day d

  • week w

  • month mo mon

  • quarter q qtr

  • year y yr

datefloor(timestamp: Timestamp, period: Period)


Truncates the timestamp to the given period. For example, datefloor(@timestamp, 1h) truncates all values of @timestamp to the bottom of the hour.

dateceil(timestamp: Timestamp, period: Period)


Rounds up the timestamp to the given period and then truncates. For example, dateceil(@timestamp, 1h) truncates all values of @timestamp to the top of the hour.

fromMillis(fieldName: number)


Interprets the input field as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch and converts it to a timestamp.

toMillis(fieldName: Timestamp)


Converts the timestamp found in the named field into a number representing the milliseconds since the Unix epoch. For example, toMillis(@timestamp) converts the timestamp 2022-01-14T13:18:031.000-08:00 to 1642195111000.


Currently, CloudWatch Logs Insights doesn't support filtering logs with human readable timestamps.

General functions

General functions

Use general functions in the fields and filter commands and as arguments for other functions.

Function Result type Description

ispresent(fieldName: LogField)


Returns true if the field exists

coalesce(fieldName: LogField, ...fieldNames: LogField[])


Returns the first non-null value from the list

IP address string functions

IP address string functions

Use IP address string functions in the filter and fields commands and as arguments for other functions.

Function Result type Description

isValidIp(fieldName: string)


Returns true if the field is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.

isValidIpV4(fieldName: string)


Returns true if the field is a valid IPv4 address.

isValidIpV6(fieldName: string)


Returns true if the field is a valid IPv6 address.

isIpInSubnet(fieldName: string, subnet: string)


Returns true if the field is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address within the specified v4 or v6 subnet. When you specify the subnet, use CIDR notation such as or 2001:db8::/32, where or 2001:db8:: is the start of the CIDR block.

isIpv4InSubnet(fieldName: string, subnet: string)


Returns true if the field is a valid IPv4 address within the specified v4 subnet. When you specify the subnet, use CIDR notation such as where is the start of the CIDR block..

isIpv6InSubnet(fieldName: string, subnet: string)


Returns true if the field is a valid IPv6 address within the specified v6 subnet. When you specify the subnet, use CIDR notation such as 2001:db8::/32 where 2001:db8:: is the start of the CIDR block.

String functions

String functions

Use string functions in the fields and filter commands and as arguments for other functions.

Function Result type Description

isempty(fieldName: string)


Returns 1 if the field is missing or is an empty string.

isblank(fieldName: string)


Returns 1 if the field is missing, an empty string, or contains only white space.

concat(str: string, ...strings: string[])


Concatenates the strings.

ltrim(str: string)

ltrim(str: string, trimChars: string)


If the function does not have a second argument, it removes white space from the left of the string. If the function has a second string argument, it does not remove white space. Instead, it removes the characters in trimChars from the left of str. For example, ltrim("xyZxyfooxyZ","xyZ") returns "fooxyZ".

rtrim(str: string)

rtrim(str: string, trimChars: string)


If the function does not have a second argument, it removes white space from the right of the string. If the function has a second string argument, it does not remove white space. Instead, it removes the characters of trimChars from the right of str. For example, rtrim("xyZfooxyxyZ","xyZ") returns "xyZfoo".

trim(str: string)

trim(str: string, trimChars: string)


If the function does not have a second argument, it removes white space from both ends of the string. If the function has a second string argument, it does not remove white space. Instead, it removes the characters of trimChars from both sides of str. For example, trim("xyZxyfooxyxyZ","xyZ") returns "foo".

strlen(str: string)


Returns the length of the string in Unicode code points.

toupper(str: string)


Converts the string to uppercase.

tolower(str: string)


Converts the string to lowercase.

substr(str: string, startIndex: number)

substr(str: string, startIndex: number, length: number)


Returns a substring from the index specified by the number argument to the end of the string. If the function has a second number argument, it contains the length of the substring to be retrieved. For example, substr("xyZfooxyZ",3, 3) returns "foo".

replace(fieldName: string, searchValue: string, replaceValue: string)


Replaces all instances of searchValue in fieldName: string with replaceValue.

For example, the function replace(logGroup,"smoke_test","Smoke") searches for log events where the field logGroup contains the string value smoke_test and replaces the value with the string Smoke.

strcontains(str: string, searchValue: string)


Returns 1 if str contains searchValue and 0 otherwise.