Service configurations for resource groups - AWS Resource Groups

Service configurations for resource groups

Resource groups enable you to manage collections of your AWS resources as a unit. Some AWS services support this by performing requested operations on all members of the group. Such services can store the settings to be applied to group members as a configuration in the form of a JSON data structure that is attached to the group.

This topic describes the available configuration settings for supported AWS services.

How to access the service configuration attached to a resource group

Services that support service-linked groups typically set the configuration for you when you use the tools provided by that service, such as that service's management console or its AWS CLI and AWS SDK operations. Some services fully manage their service-linked groups and you can't modify them in any way except as allowed by the console or commands provided by the owning AWS service. However, in some cases, you can interact with the service configuration by using the following API operations in the AWS SDKs or their AWS CLI equivalents:

  • You can attach your own configuration to a group when you create the group by using the CreateGroup operation.

  • You can modify the current configuration attached to a group by using the PutGroupConfiguration operation.

  • You can view the current configuration of a resource group by calling the GetGroupConfiguration operation.

JSON syntax of a service configuration

A resource group can contain a configuration that defines service-specific settings that apply to the resources that are members of that group.

A configuration is expressed as a JSON object. At the top-most level, a configuration is an array of group configuration items. Each group configuration item contains two elements: a Type for the configuration and a set of Parameters defined by that type. Each parameter contains a Name and an array of one or more Values. The following example with placeholders shows the basic syntax for a configuration for a single sample resource type. This example shows a type with two parameters, and each parameter with two values. The actual valid types, parameters, and values are discussed in the next section.

[ { "Type": "configuration-type", "Parameters": [ { "Name": "parameter1-name", "Values": [ "value1", "value2" ] }, { "Name": "parameter2-name", "Values": [ "value3", "value4" ] } ] } ]