Specifies the tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created for an EC2 Fleet.
is a property of the
AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet resource.
To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:
"ResourceType" : String
"Tags" : [ Tag, ... ]
ResourceType: String
- Tag
The type of resource to tag.
Required: No
Type: String
Allowed values:
client-vpn-endpoint | customer-gateway | dedicated-host | dhcp-options | egress-only-internet-gateway | elastic-gpu | elastic-ip | export-image-task | export-instance-task | fleet | fpga-image | host-reservation | image | import-image-task | import-snapshot-task | instance | internet-gateway | key-pair | launch-template | local-gateway-route-table-vpc-association | natgateway | network-acl | network-insights-analysis | network-insights-path | network-interface | placement-group | reserved-instances | route-table | security-group | snapshot | spot-fleet-request | spot-instances-request | subnet | traffic-mirror-filter | traffic-mirror-session | traffic-mirror-target | transit-gateway | transit-gateway-attachment | transit-gateway-connect-peer | transit-gateway-multicast-domain | transit-gateway-route-table | volume | vpc | vpc-flow-log | vpc-peering-connection | vpn-connection | vpn-gateway
Update requires: Replacement
The tags to apply to the resource.
Required: No
Type: Array of Tag
Update requires: Replacement
See also
TagSpecification in the Amazon EC2 API Reference