Before you try any other troubleshooting steps, we recommend that you verify the following details.
Ensure that you've met all Prerequisites to create Windows VSS based EBS snapshots.
Verify that you're using the latest Windows OS version support of the
package for your operating system. The issue that you've observed might have been addressed in newer versions.
Check log files
If you experience problems or receive error messages when you create VSS based EBS snapshots, you can view the command output in the Systems Manager console.
For Systems Manager documents that create VSS snapshots, you can set the CollectDiagnosticLogs
parameter to "True
" at runtime. When the CollectDiagnosticLogs
parameter is set to "True
", VSS collects additional logs to aid in debugging.
For more information, see Collect additional diagnostic logs.
If you collect diagnostic logs, the Systems Manager document stores them on your instance at the
following location: C:\ProgramData\Amazon\AwsVss\Logs\
. The
default for the timestamp
parameter is "False
For additional debugging help, you can send the .zip
file to Support.
The following additional logs are available, whether you collect diagnostic logs or not:
\awsrunPowerShellScript\runPowerShellScript\stdout -
You can also open the Event Viewer Windows application and choose
Windows Logs, Application to view
additional logs. To see events specifically from the EC2 Windows VSS Provider and
the Volume Shadow Copy Service, filter by Source on the terms
If you're using Systems Manager with VPC endpoints, and the Systems Manager send-commandregion
Without the Amazon EC2 endpoint defined, the call to enumerate attached EBS volumes fails, which causes the Systems Manager command to fail. For more information about setting up VPC endpoints with Systems Manager, see Create a Virtual Private Cloud Endpoint in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Collect additional diagnostic logs
To collect additional diagnostic logs when you use the Systems Manager send command to run the
VSS snapshot document, set the CollectDiagnosticLogs
input parameter to
" at runtime. We recommend that you set this parameter to "True
when you troubleshoot.
To see a command line example, select one of the following tabs.
The following example runs the AWSEC2-CreateVssSnapshot
Systems Manager document
in the AWS CLI:
aws ssm send-command \
--document-name "AWSEC2-CreateVssSnapshot
" \
--instance-ids "i-1234567890abcdef0
" \
--parameters '{"description":["Example - create diagnostic logs at runtime.
Use VSS on instances with proxy configured
If you experience problems when creating VSS based EBS snapshots on instances that use a proxy to reach EC2 endpoints, verify the following settings on your instance:
Verify that the proxy is configured so that the EC2 service endpoints in the instance’s Region and IMDS are reachable by AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell running as SYSTEM.
To support using the system configured WinHTTP proxy, make sure that you've installed the latest
version on your instance. For more information about configuring WinHTTP proxy, see Netsh Commands for Windows Hypertext Transfer Protocol (WINHTTP)on the Microsoft website.
Error: Thaw pipe connection timed out, error on thaw,
timeout waiting for VSS Freeze, or other timeout errors
The EC2 Windows VSS Provider might time out due to activity or services on the
instance preventing VSS based snapshots from proceeding in a timely manner.
The Windows VSS Framework provides a non-configurable 10-second window during
which communication to the file system is paused. During this time,
snapshots your volumes.
The following issues can cause the EC2 Windows VSS Provider to run into time limits during a snapshot:
Excessive I/O to a volume
Slow responsiveness of the EC2 API on the instance
Fragmented volumes
Incompatibility with some antivirus software
Issues with a VSS Application writer
When Module Logging is enabled for a large number of PowerShell modules, that can cause PowerShell scripts to run slowly
Most timeout issues that occur when you run the AWSEC2-CreateVssSnapshot
command document are related to the workload on the instance being too high at the time
of the backup. The following actions can help you take a successful snapshot:
Retry the
command to see if the snapshot attempt is successful. If retrying succeeds in some cases, reducing the instance load might make snapshots more successful. -
Wait a while for the workload on the instance to decrease, and retry the
command. Alternatively, you can attempt snapshots when the instance is known to be under low stress. -
Attempt VSS snapshots when the antivirus software on the system is turned off. If this resolves the issue, refer to the antivirus software instructions and configure it to allow VSS snapshots.
If there is a high volume of Amazon EC2 API calls in your account within the same Region where you're running a snapshot, API throttling might delay snapshot operations. To reduce throttling impact, use the latest
package. This package utilizes the EC2CreateSnapshots
API action to reduce the number of mutating actions like per-volume snapshot creation and tagging. -
If you have multiple
command scripts running at the same time, you can take the following steps to reduce concurrency issues.-
Consider scheduling snapshots during periods of lower API activity.
If you use Run Command in the Systems Manager console (or SendCommand in the API) to run the command script, you can use Systems Manager rate controls to reduce concurrency.
You can also use Systems Manager rate controls to reduce concurrency for services like AWS Backup that use Systems Manager to run the command script.
Run the command
vssadmin list writers
in a shell and see if it reports any errors in the Last error field for any writers on the system. If any writers report a time out error, consider retrying snapshots when the instance is under less load. -
When you use smaller instance types like
t2 | t3 | t3a
.nano ort2 | t3 | t3a
.micro, timeouts due to memory and CPU constraints can occur. The following actions might help reduce timeout issues.-
Try closing memory or CPU intensive applications before taking snapshots.
Try taking snapshots during periods of lower instance activity.
Error: Cannot invoke method. Method invocation is supported only on core
types in this language mode
You will encounter this error when the PowerShell language
mode is not set to FullLanguage
. The AWSEC2-CreateVssSnapshot
SSM document requires PowerShell to be configured to FullLanguage
To verify the language mode, run the following command on the instance in a PowerShell console:
For more information about language modes, see about_Language_Modes