Delete an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Delete an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint

When you are finished with an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint, you can delete it.

You must have the required IAM permissions to create an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint. For more information, see Permissions to create, describe, and delete EC2 Instance Connect Endpoints.

When you delete an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint using the console, it enters the Deleting state. If deletion is successful, the deleted endpoint no longer appears. If deletion fails, the state is delete-failed and Status message provides the failure reason.

When you delete an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint using the AWS CLI, it enters the delete-in-progress state. If deletion is successful, it enters the delete-complete state. If deletion fails, the state is delete-failed and StateMessage provides the failure reason.

To delete an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Endpoints.

  3. Select the endpoint.

  4. Choose Actions, Delete VPC endpoints.

  5. When prompted for confirmation, enter delete.

  6. Choose Delete.

To delete an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint

Use the delete-instance-connect-endpoint AWS CLI command and specify the ID of the EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint to delete.

aws ec2 delete-instance-connect-endpoint --instance-connect-endpoint-id eice-03f5e49b83924bbc7

The following is example output.

{ "InstanceConnectEndpoint": { "OwnerId": "111111111111", "InstanceConnectEndpointId": "eice-0123456789example", "InstanceConnectEndpointArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:111111111111:instance-connect-endpoint/eice-0123456789example", "State": "delete-in-progress", "StateMessage": "", "NetworkInterfaceIds": [], "VpcId": "vpc-0123abcd", "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1d", "CreatedAt": "2023-02-07T12:05:37+00:00", "SubnetId": "subnet-0123abcd" } }