Describe your key pairs
You can describe the key pairs that you stored in Amazon EC2. You can also retrieve the public
key material and identify the public key that was specified at launch.
Describe your key pairs
You can view the following information about your public keys that are stored in Amazon EC2:
public key name, ID, key type, fingerprint, public key material, the date and time (in the
UTC time zone) the key was created by Amazon EC2 (if the key was created by a third-party tool,
then it's the date and time the key was imported to Amazon EC2), and any tags that are associated
with the public key.
You can use the Amazon EC2 console or AWS CLI to view information about your public
- Console
To view information about your public keys
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
In the left navigator, choose Key Pairs.
You can view the information about each public key in the Key
pairs table.
To view a public key's tags, select the checkbox next to the key, and then
choose Actions, Manage tags.
To describe a public key
Use the describe-key-pairs command and specify the
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-names key-pair-name
Example output
"KeyPairs": [
"KeyPairId": "key-0123456789example",
"KeyFingerprint": "1f:51:ae:28:bf:89:e9:d8:1f:25:5d:37:2d:7d:b8:ca:9f:f5:f1:6f",
"KeyName": "key-pair-name",
"KeyType": "rsa",
"Tags": [],
"CreateTime": "2022-04-28T11:37:26.000Z"
Alternatively, instead of --key-names
, you can specify the
parameter to identify the public key.
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-pair-ids key-0123456789example
To view the public key material in the output, you must specify the
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-names key-pair-name
Example output – In the output, the PublicKey
field contains
the public key material.
"KeyPairs": [
"KeyPairId": "key-0123456789example",
"KeyFingerprint": "1f:51:ae:28:bf:89:e9:d8:1f:25:5d:37:2d:7d:b8:ca:9f:f5:f1:6f",
"KeyName": "key-pair-name",
"KeyType": "rsa",
"Tags": [],
"PublicKey": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIj7azlDjVHAsSxgcpCRZ3oWnTm0nAFM64y9jd22ioI/ my-key-pair",
"CreateTime": "2022-04-28T11:37:26.000Z"
Retrieve the public key material
You can use various methods to get access to the public key material. You can retrieve
the public key material from the matching private key on your local computer, from the
instance metadata on the instance that was launched with the public key, or by using the
AWS CLI command. For Linux instances, the public key
material can also be retrieved from the authorized_keys
file on the
Use one of the following methods to retrieve the public key material.
- From the private key
To retrieve the public key material from the private key
On your local Linux or macOS computer, you can use the
ssh-keygen command to retrieve the public key for your key
pair. Specify the path where you downloaded your private key (the
ssh-keygen -y -f /path_to_key_pair
The command returns the public key, as shown in the following example.
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQClKsfkNkuSevGj3eYhCe53pcjqP3maAhDFcvBS7O6V
If the command fails, run the following command to ensure that you've changed
the permissions on your private key pair file so that only you can view it.
chmod 400 key-pair-name
- From the instance metadata
You can use Instance Metadata Service Version 2 or Instance Metadata Service Version 1 to retrieve the public key from the
instance metadata.
If you change the key pair that you use to connect to the instance, Amazon EC2
does not update the instance metadata to show the new public key. The instance
metadata continues to show the public key for the key pair that you specified
when you launched the instance.
To retrieve the public key material from the instance metadata
Use one of the following commands from your instance.
[ec2-user ~]$
TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"` \
&& curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
[ec2-user ~]$
Example output
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQClKsfkNkuSevGj3eYhCe53pcjqP3maAhDFcvBS7O6V
BQoQzd8v7yeb7OzlPnWOyN0qFU0XA246RA8QFYiCNYwI3f05p6KLxEXAMPLE key-pair-name
For more information about instance metadata, see Access instance metadata for an EC2 instance.
- From the instance
If you specify a key pair when launching a Linux instance, when the instance
boots for the first time, the content of the public key is placed on the instance
in an entry within ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
To retrieve the public key material from an instance
Connect to your
In the terminal window, open the authorized_keys
file using
your favorite text editor (such as vim or
[ec2-user ~]$
nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
The authorized_keys
file opens, displaying the public key
followed by the name of the key pair. The following is an example entry for
the key pair named
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQClKsfkNkuSevGj3eYhCe53pcjqP3maAhDFcvBS7O6V
BQoQzd8v7yeb7OzlPnWOyN0qFU0XA246RA8QFYiCNYwI3f05p6KLxEXAMPLE key-pair-name
- From describe-key-pairs
To retrieve the public key material using the
AWS CLI command
Use the describe-key-pairs command and specify the
parameter to identify the public key. To include the
public key material in the output, specify the --include-public-key
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-names key-pair-name
Example output – In the output, the PublicKey
contains the public key material.
"KeyPairs": [
"KeyPairId": "key-0123456789example",
"KeyFingerprint": "1f:51:ae:28:bf:89:e9:d8:1f:25:5d:37:2d:7d:b8:ca:9f:f5:f1:6f",
"KeyName": "key-pair-name",
"KeyType": "rsa",
"Tags": [],
"PublicKey": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIj7azlDjVHAsSxgcpCRZ3oWnTm0nAFM64y9jd22ioI/ my-key-pair",
"CreateTime": "2022-04-28T11:37:26.000Z"
Alternatively, instead of --key-names
, you can specify the
parameter to identify the public key.
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-pair-ids key-0123456789example
- From the private key
To retrieve the public key material from the private key
On your local Windows computer, you can use PuTTYgen to get the public key
for your key pair.
Start PuTTYgen and choose Load. Select the
or .pem
private key file.
PuTTYgen displays the public key under Public key for pasting into
OpenSSH authorized_keys file. You can also view the public key by
choosing Save public key, specifying a name for the file,
saving the file, and then opening the file.
- From the instance metadata
You can use Instance Metadata Service Version 2 or Instance Metadata Service Version 1 to retrieve the public key from the
instance metadata.
If you change the key pair that you use to connect to the instance, Amazon EC2
does not update the instance metadata to show the new public key. The instance
metadata continues to show the public key for the key pair that you specified
when you launched the instance.
To retrieve the public key material from the instance metadata
Use one of the following commands from your instance.
PS C:\>
[string]$token = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds" = "21600"} -Method PUT -Uri
PS C:\>
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"X-aws-ec2-metadata-token" = $token} -Method GET -Uri
PS C:\>
Invoke-RestMethod -uri
Example output
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQClKsfkNkuSevGj3eYhCe53pcjqP3maAhDFcvBS7O6V
BQoQzd8v7yeb7OzlPnWOyN0qFU0XA246RA8QFYiCNYwI3f05p6KLxEXAMPLE key-pair-name
For more information about instance metadata, see Access instance metadata for an EC2 instance.
- From describe-key-pairs
To retrieve the public key material using the
AWS CLI command
Use the describe-key-pairs command and specify the
parameter to identify the public key. To include the
public key material in the output, specify the --include-public-key
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-names key-pair-name
Example output – In the output, the PublicKey
contains the public key material.
"KeyPairs": [
"KeyPairId": "key-0123456789example",
"KeyFingerprint": "1f:51:ae:28:bf:89:e9:d8:1f:25:5d:37:2d:7d:b8:ca:9f:f5:f1:6f",
"KeyName": "key-pair-name",
"KeyType": "rsa",
"Tags": [],
"PublicKey": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIj7azlDjVHAsSxgcpCRZ3oWnTm0nAFM64y9jd22ioI/ my-key-pair",
"CreateTime": "2022-04-28T11:37:26.000Z"
Alternatively, instead of --key-names
, you can specify the
parameter to identify the public key.
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-pair-ids key-0123456789example
Identify the public key specified at
If you specify a public key when you launch an instance, the public key name is recorded
by the instance.
To identify the public key that was specified at launch
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
In the navigation pane, choose Instances, and then select your
On the Details tab, under Instance
details, the Key pair assigned at launch field displays
the name of the public key that you specified when you launched the instance.
The value of the Key pair assigned at launch field does not
change even if you change the public key on the instance, or add public keys.