Prerequisites for instance topology - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Prerequisites for instance topology

Before you describe the instance topology for your instances, ensure that your instances meet the following requirements.

Requirements to describe the topology of your instances

AWS Regions

Supported AWS Regions:

  • US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon)

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

  • Canada (Central)

  • Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Stockholm)

Instance types

Supported instance types:

  • hpc6a.48xlarge | hpc6id.32xlarge | hpc7a.12xlarge | hpc7a.24xlarge | hpc7a.48xlarge | hpc7a.96xlarge | hpc7g.4xlarge | hpc7g.8xlarge | hpc7g.16xlarge

  • p3dn.24xlarge | p4d.24xlarge | p4de.24xlarge | p5.48xlarge

  • trn1.2xlarge | trn1.32xlarge | trn1n.32xlarge

To see the available instance types in a specific Region

The available instance types vary by Region. To see if an instance type is available in a Region, use the describe-instance-types-offerings command with the --region parameter. Include the --filters parameter to scope the results to the instance family or instance type that you're interested in and the --query parameter to scope the output to the value of InstanceType.

aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings \ --region us-east-2 \ --filters 'Name=instance-type, Values=trn1*' \ --query 'InstanceTypeOfferings[].InstanceType'

Expected output

[ "trn1.2xlarge", "trn1.32xlarge", "trn1n.32xlarge" ]

Instance state

Instances must be in the running state. You can’t get instance topology information for instances that are in another state.

IAM permission

Your IAM identity (user, user group, or role) requires the following IAM permission:

  • ec2:DescribeInstanceTopology