Describe a Spot Fleet configuration, its instances, and event history
You can describe your Spot Fleet configuration, the instances in your Spot Fleet, and the event history of your Spot Fleet.
To describe your Spot Fleet (console)
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Spot Requests.
Select your Spot Fleet request. The ID begins with sfr-. To see the configuration details, choose Description.
To list the Spot Instances for the Spot Fleet, choose Instances.
To view the history for the Spot Fleet, choose History.
To describe your Spot Fleet (AWS CLI)
Use the describe-spot-fleet-requests command to describe your Spot Fleet requests.
aws ec2 describe-spot-fleet-requests
Use the describe-spot-fleet-instances command to describe the Spot Instances for the specified Spot Fleet.
aws ec2 describe-spot-fleet-instances \ --spot-fleet-request-id
Use the describe-spot-fleet-request-history command to describe the event history for the specified Spot Fleet request.
aws ec2 describe-spot-fleet-request-history \ --spot-fleet-request-id
\ --start-time 2015-05-18T00:00:00Z