Use the RSA-2048 signature to verify the instance identity document - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Use the RSA-2048 signature to verify the instance identity document

This topic explains how to verify the instance identity document using the RSA-2048 signature and the AWS RSA-2048 public certificate.

To verify the instance identity document using the RSA-2048 signature and the AWS RSA-2048 public certificate
  1. Connect to the instance.

  2. Retrieve the RSA-2048 signature from the instance metadata and add it to a file named rsa2048 along the required header and footer. Use one of the following commands depending on the IMDS version used by the instance.

    $ echo "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----" >> rsa2048 \ && TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"` \ && curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" >> rsa2048 \ && echo "" >> rsa2048 \ && echo "-----END PKCS7-----" >> rsa2048
    $ echo "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----" >> rsa2048 \ && curl -s >> rsa2048 \ && echo "" >> rsa2048 \ && echo "-----END PKCS7-----" >> rsa2048
  3. Find the RSA-2048 public certificate for your Region in AWS public certificates and add the contents to a new file named certificate.

  4. Use the OpenSSL smime command to verify the signature. Include the -verify option to indicate that the signature needs to be verified, and the -noverify option to indicate that the certificate does not need to be verified.

    $ openssl smime -verify -in rsa2048 -inform PEM -certfile certificate -noverify | tee document

    If the signature is valid, the Verification successful message appears. If the signature cannot be verified, contact AWS Support.