Determine whether Amazon EC2 terminated a Spot Instance - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Determine whether Amazon EC2 terminated a Spot Instance

If a Spot Instance is terminated, you can use CloudTrail to see whether Amazon EC2 terminated the Spot Instance. In AWS CloudTrail, the event name BidEvictedEvent indicates that Amazon EC2 terminated the Spot Instance.

To view BidEvictedEvent events in CloudTrail
  1. Open the CloudTrail console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Event history.

  3. In the filter drop-down, choose Event name, and then in the filter field to the right, enter BidEvictedEvent.

  4. Choose BidEvictedEvent in the resulting list to view its details. Under Event record, you can find the instance ID.

For more information about using CloudTrail, see Log Amazon EC2 API calls using AWS CloudTrail.