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AWS SDK for Java 1.x API Reference - 1.12.772

We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for Java (v1). We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for Java v2. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.

Package com.amazonaws.auth.profile

AWS configuration profiles allow you to share multiple sets of AWS security credentials between different tools such as the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS CLI.

See: Description

Package com.amazonaws.auth.profile Description

AWS configuration profiles allow you to share multiple sets of AWS security credentials between different tools such as the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS CLI.

In addition to the required default profile, you can specify as many additional named profiles as you need:


 [profile test]

Role assumption is also supported for cross account access. The source profile credentials are used to assume the given role when the

profile is used. One requirement to use assume role profiles is that the STS SDK module be on the class path.

 [profile test]
 # Optionally, provide a session name
 # role_session_name=mysession
 # Optionally, provide an external id
 # external_id=abc01234567890

You can use ProfileCredentialsProvider to access your AWS configuration profiles and supply your credentials to code using the AWS SDK for Java.

The same profiles are used by the AWS CLI.

For more information on setting up AWS configuration profiles, see:

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