public interface IDynamoDBMapper
Note: Do not implement this interface, extend from AbstractDynamoDBMapper
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> |
batchDelete(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToDelete)
Deletes the objects given using one or more calls to the
AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest) API. |
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> |
batchDelete(Object... objectsToDelete)
Deletes the objects given using one or more calls to the
AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest) API. |
Map<String,List<Object>> |
batchLoad(Iterable<? extends Object> itemsToGet)
Retrieves multiple items from multiple tables using their primary keys.
Map<String,List<Object>> |
batchLoad(Iterable<? extends Object> itemsToGet,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Retrieves multiple items from multiple tables using their primary keys.
Map<String,List<Object>> |
batchLoad(Map<Class<?>,List<KeyPair>> itemsToGet)
Retrieves the attributes for multiple items from multiple tables using their primary keys.
Map<String,List<Object>> |
batchLoad(Map<Class<?>,List<KeyPair>> itemsToGet,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Retrieves multiple items from multiple tables using their primary keys.
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> |
batchSave(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToSave)
Saves the objects given using one or more calls to the
AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest) API. |
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> |
batchSave(Object... objectsToSave)
Saves the objects given using one or more calls to the
AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest) API. |
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> |
batchWrite(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToWrite,
Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToDelete)
Saves and deletes the objects given using one or more calls to the
AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest) API. |
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> |
batchWrite(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToWrite,
Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToDelete,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Saves and deletes the objects given using one or more calls to the
AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest) API. |
int |
count(Class<?> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression)
Evaluates the specified scan expression and returns the count of matching items, without
returning any of the actual item data, using the default configuration.
int |
count(Class<?> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Evaluates the specified scan expression and returns the count of matching items, without
returning any of the actual item data.
<T> int |
count(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression)
Evaluates the specified query expression and returns the count of matching items, without
returning any of the actual item data, using the default configuration.
<T> int |
count(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Evaluates the specified query expression and returns the count of matching items, without
returning any of the actual item data.
S3Link |
createS3Link(Region s3region,
String bucketName,
String key)
Creates an S3Link with the specified region, bucket name and key.
S3Link |
createS3Link(String bucketName,
String key)
Creates an S3Link with the specified bucket name and key using the default S3 region.
S3Link |
createS3Link(String s3region,
String bucketName,
String key)
Creates an S3Link with the specified region, bucket name and key.
void |
delete(Object object)
Deletes the given object from its DynamoDB table using the default configuration.
void |
delete(Object object,
DynamoDBDeleteExpression deleteExpression)
Deletes the given object from its DynamoDB table using the specified deleteExpression and
default configuration.
void |
delete(Object object,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Deletes the given object from its DynamoDB table using the specified configuration.
<T> void |
delete(T object,
DynamoDBDeleteExpression deleteExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Deletes the given object from its DynamoDB table using the provided deleteExpression and
provided configuration.
CreateTableRequest |
generateCreateTableRequest(Class<?> clazz)
Parse the given POJO class and return the CreateTableRequest for the DynamoDB table it
DeleteTableRequest |
generateDeleteTableRequest(Class<?> clazz)
Parse the given POJO class and return the DeleteTableRequest for the DynamoDB table it
S3ClientCache |
Returns the underlying
S3ClientCache for accessing S3. |
<T> DynamoDBMapperTableModel<T> |
getTableModel(Class<T> clazz)
Get the table model for the class, using the default configuration.
<T> DynamoDBMapperTableModel<T> |
getTableModel(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Get the table model for the class using the provided configuration override.
<T> T |
load(Class<T> clazz,
Object hashKey)
Returns an object with the given hash key, or null if no such item exists.
<T> T |
load(Class<T> clazz,
Object hashKey,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Returns an object with the given hash key, or null if no such item exists.
<T> T |
load(Class<T> clazz,
Object hashKey,
Object rangeKey)
Returns an object with the given hash and range key, or null if no such item exists.
<T> T |
load(Class<T> clazz,
Object hashKey,
Object rangeKey,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Returns an object with the given hash key and range key, or null if no such object exists.
<T> T |
load(T keyObject)
Returns an object whose keys match those of the prototype key object given, or null if no
such item exists.
<T> T |
load(T keyObject,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Returns an object whose keys match those of the given prototype key object, or null if no
such item exists.
<T> T |
marshallIntoObject(Class<T> clazz,
Map<String,AttributeValue> itemAttributes)
Creates and fills in the attributes on an instance of the class given with the attributes
<T> List<T> |
marshallIntoObjects(Class<T> clazz,
List<Map<String,AttributeValue>> itemAttributes)
Unmarshalls the list of item attributes into objects of type clazz.
<T> PaginatedParallelScanList<T> |
parallelScan(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression,
int totalSegments)
Scans through an Amazon DynamoDB table on logically partitioned segments in parallel and
returns the matching results in one unmodifiable list of instantiated objects, using the
default configuration.
<T> PaginatedParallelScanList<T> |
parallelScan(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression,
int totalSegments,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Scans through an Amazon DynamoDB table on logically partitioned segments in parallel.
<T> PaginatedQueryList<T> |
query(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression)
Queries an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns the matching results as an unmodifiable list of
instantiated objects, using the default configuration.
<T> PaginatedQueryList<T> |
query(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Queries an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns the matching results as an unmodifiable list of
instantiated objects.
<T> QueryResultPage<T> |
queryPage(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression)
Queries an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns a single page of matching results.
<T> QueryResultPage<T> |
queryPage(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Queries an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns a single page of matching results.
<T> void |
save(T object)
Saves the object given into DynamoDB, using the default configuration.
<T> void |
save(T object,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Saves the object given into DynamoDB, using the specified configuration.
<T> void |
save(T object,
DynamoDBSaveExpression saveExpression)
Saves the object given into DynamoDB, using the default configuration and the specified
<T> void |
save(T object,
DynamoDBSaveExpression saveExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Saves an item in DynamoDB.
<T> PaginatedScanList<T> |
scan(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression)
Scans through an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns the matching results as an unmodifiable
list of instantiated objects, using the default configuration.
<T> PaginatedScanList<T> |
scan(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Scans through an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns the matching results as an unmodifiable
list of instantiated objects.
<T> ScanResultPage<T> |
scanPage(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression)
Scans through an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns a single page of matching results.
<T> ScanResultPage<T> |
scanPage(Class<T> clazz,
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Scans through an Amazon DynamoDB table and returns a single page of matching results.
List<Object> |
transactionLoad(TransactionLoadRequest transactionLoadRequest)
Transactionally loads objects specified by transactionLoadRequest by calling
AmazonDynamoDB.transactGetItems(TransactGetItemsRequest) API. |
List<Object> |
transactionLoad(TransactionLoadRequest transactionLoadRequest,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Transactionally loads objects specified by transactionLoadRequest by calling
AmazonDynamoDB.transactGetItems(TransactGetItemsRequest) API. |
void |
transactionWrite(TransactionWriteRequest transactionWriteRequest)
Transactionally writes objects specified by transactionWriteRequest by calling
AmazonDynamoDB.transactWriteItems(TransactWriteItemsRequest) API. |
void |
transactionWrite(TransactionWriteRequest transactionWriteRequest,
DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Transactionally writes objects specified by transactionWriteRequest by calling
AmazonDynamoDB.transactWriteItems(TransactWriteItemsRequest) API. |
<T> DynamoDBMapperTableModel<T> getTableModel(Class<T> clazz)
<T> DynamoDBMapperTableModel<T> getTableModel(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
<T> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
<T> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey)
<T> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey, Object rangeKey)
<T> T load(T keyObject)
- An object of the class to load with the keys values to match.DynamoDBMapper.load(Object, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
<T> T load(T keyObject, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
- An object of the class to load with the keys values to match.config
- Configuration for the service call to retrieve the object from DynamoDB. This
configuration overrides the default given at construction.<T> T load(Class<T> clazz, Object hashKey, Object rangeKey, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
- The class to load, corresponding to a DynamoDB table.hashKey
- The key of the object.rangeKey
- The range key of the object, or null for tables without a range key.config
- Configuration for the service call to retrieve the object from DynamoDB. This
configuration overrides the default given at construction.<T> T marshallIntoObject(Class<T> clazz, Map<String,AttributeValue> itemAttributes)
This is accomplished by looking for getter methods annotated with an appropriate annotation, then looking for matching attribute names in the item attribute map.
This method is no longer called by load/scan/query methods. If you are overriding this method, please switch to using an AttributeTransformer
- The class to instantiate and hydrateitemAttributes
- The set of item attributes, keyed by attribute name.<T> List<T> marshallIntoObjects(Class<T> clazz, List<Map<String,AttributeValue>> itemAttributes)
This method is no longer called by load/scan/query methods. If you are overriding this method, please switch to using an AttributeTransformer
<T> void save(T object)
<T> void save(T object, DynamoDBSaveExpression saveExpression)
<T> void save(T object, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
<T> void save(T object, DynamoDBSaveExpression saveExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
value, to use either
- The object to save into DynamoDBsaveExpression
- The options to apply to this save requestconfig
- The configuration to use, which overrides the default provided at object
void delete(Object object)
void delete(Object object, DynamoDBDeleteExpression deleteExpression)
void delete(Object object, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
<T> void delete(T object, DynamoDBDeleteExpression deleteExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
- The options to apply to this delete requestconfig
- Config override object. If DynamoDBMapperConfig.SaveBehavior.CLOBBER
is supplied, version
fields will not be considered when deleting the object.void transactionWrite(TransactionWriteRequest transactionWriteRequest)
Changes to objects which are put or updated are applied in-memory. Such in-memory updates are NOT thread safe.
This method ignores any SaveBehavior set on the mapper. Whether an object is put or updated is solely determined by the
method called by user while constructing request object. Furthermore, put and update work
as if SaveBehavior is set as CLOBBER.
This method supports versioning annotations, but not in conjunction with condition expressions. It throws
exception if class of any input object is annotated with
or DynamoDBVersioned
and a condition expression is also present
Any exceptions from underlying API are thrown as is. For more information, please refer
- Specifies objects to write along with appropriate condition expressions.DynamoDBMapper.transactionWrite(TransactionWriteRequest, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
void transactionWrite(TransactionWriteRequest transactionWriteRequest, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Changes to objects which are put or updated are applied in-memory. Such in-memory updates are NOT thread safe.
This method ignores any SaveBehavior set on the mapper. Whether an object is put or updated is solely determined by the
method called by user while constructing request object. Furthermore, put and update work
as if SaveBehavior is set as CLOBBER.
This method supports versioning annotations, but not in conjunction with condition expressions. It throws
exception if class of any input object is annotated with
or DynamoDBVersioned
and a condition expression is also present
Any exceptions from underlying API are thrown as is. For more information, please refer
- Specifies objects to write along with appropriate condition expressions.config
- Only DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameOverride()
, DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameResolver()
and DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTypeConverterFactory()
are considered.
If DynamoDBMapperConfig.TableNameOverride
is specified then, given table override will be used as table name for all input objects.DynamoDBMapper.transactionWrite(TransactionWriteRequest, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
List<Object> transactionLoad(TransactionLoadRequest transactionLoadRequest)
Any exceptions from underlying API are thrown as is. For more information, please refer
- Specifies objects to load along with appropriate projection expressions.DynamoDBMapper.transactionLoad(TransactionLoadRequest, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
List<Object> transactionLoad(TransactionLoadRequest transactionLoadRequest, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Any exceptions from underlying API are thrown as is. For more information, please refer
- Specifies objects to load along with appropriate projection expressions.config
- Only DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameOverride()
, DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameResolver()
and DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTypeConverterFactory()
are supported.
If DynamoDBMapperConfig.TableNameOverride
is specified then, given table override will be used as table name for all input objects.DynamoDBMapper.transactionLoad(TransactionLoadRequest, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> batchDelete(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToDelete)
API. No version checks are
performed, as required by the API.List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> batchDelete(Object... objectsToDelete)
API. No version checks are
performed, as required by the API.List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> batchSave(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToSave)
API. No version checks are
performed, as required by the API.
This method ignores any SaveBehavior set on the mapper, and always behaves as if
SaveBehavior.CLOBBER was specified, as the AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem() request does not
support updating existing items.
This method fails to save the batch if the size of an individual object in the batch exceeds 400 KB. For more information on batch restrictions see, .com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_BatchWriteItem.html
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> batchSave(Object... objectsToSave)
API. No version checks are
performed, as required by the API.
This method ignores any SaveBehavior set on the mapper, and always behaves as if
SaveBehavior.CLOBBER was specified, as the AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem() request does not
support updating existing items. *
This method fails to save the batch if the size of an individual object in the batch exceeds 400 KB. For more information on batch restrictions see, .com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_BatchWriteItem.html
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> batchWrite(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToWrite, Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToDelete)
API. No version checks are
performed, as required by the API.
This method ignores any SaveBehavior set on the mapper, and always behaves as if
SaveBehavior.CLOBBER was specified, as the AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem() request does not
support updating existing items.
This method fails to save the batch if the size of an individual object in the batch exceeds 400 KB. For more information on batch restrictions see, .com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_BatchWriteItem.html
If one of the write requests is for a table that is not present, this method does not throw a ResourceNotFoundException but returns a FailedBatch which includes this exception and the unprocessed items.
List<DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch> batchWrite(Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToWrite, Iterable<? extends Object> objectsToDelete, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
API. Use mapper config to
control the retry strategy when UnprocessedItems are returned by the BatchWriteItem API
This method fails to save the batch if the size of an individual object in the batch exceeds 400 KB. For more information on batch restrictions see, .com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_BatchWriteItem.html
If one of the write requests is for a table that is not present, this method does not throw a ResourceNotFoundException but returns a FailedBatch which includes this exception and the unprocessed items.
- A list of objects to save to DynamoDB. No version checks are performed, as
required by the AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest)
- A list of objects to delete from DynamoDB. No version checks are performed,
as required by the AmazonDynamoDB.batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest)
- Only DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameOverride()
are considered. If
TableNameOverride is specified, all objects in the two parameter lists will be
considered to belong to the given table override. In particular, this method
always acts as if SaveBehavior.CLOBBER was specified regardless of the
value of the config parameter.DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameOverride()
Map<String,List<Object>> batchLoad(Iterable<? extends Object> itemsToGet)
- if all the requested items are not processed
within the maximum number of retries.DynamoDBMapper#batchLoad(List, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
Map<String,List<Object>> batchLoad(Iterable<? extends Object> itemsToGet, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
- Key objects, corresponding to the class to fetch, with their primary key values
- Only DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameOverride()
are considered.DynamoDBMapper.BatchGetItemException
- if all the requested items are not processed
within the maximum number of retries.Map<String,List<Object>> batchLoad(Map<Class<?>,List<KeyPair>> itemsToGet)
- if all the requested items are not processed
within the maximum number of retries.#batchLoad(List, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
batchLoad(Map, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
Map<String,List<Object>> batchLoad(Map<Class<?>,List<KeyPair>> itemsToGet, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
DynamoDBMapper#batchLoad(List, DynamoDBMapperConfig)
- Map from class to load to list of primary key attributes.config
- Only DynamoDBMapperConfig.getTableNameOverride()
are considered.DynamoDBMapper.BatchGetItemException
- if all the requested items are not processed
within the maximum number of retries.<T> PaginatedScanList<T> scan(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression)
<T> PaginatedScanList<T> scan(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Callers should be aware that the returned list is unmodifiable, and any attempts to modify the list will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.
You can specify the pagination loading strategy for this scan operation. By default, the list returned is lazily loaded when possible.
- The type of the objects being returned.clazz
- The class annotated with DynamoDB annotations describing how to store the object
data in Amazon DynamoDB.scanExpression
- Details on how to run the scan, including any filters to apply to limit results.config
- The configuration to use for this scan, which overrides the default provided at
object construction.PaginatedScanList
<T> PaginatedParallelScanList<T> parallelScan(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression, int totalSegments)
<T> PaginatedParallelScanList<T> parallelScan(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression, int totalSegments, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
Callers should be aware that the returned list is unmodifiable, and any attempts to modify the list will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.
You can specify the pagination loading strategy for this parallel scan operation. By default, the list returned is lazily loaded when possible.
- The type of the objects being returned.clazz
- The class annotated with DynamoDB annotations describing how to store the object
data in Amazon DynamoDB.scanExpression
- Details on how to run the scan, including any filters to apply to limit results.totalSegments
- Number of total parallel scan segments. Range: 1 - 4096config
- The configuration to use for this scan, which overrides the default provided at
object construction.PaginatedParallelScanList
<T> ScanResultPage<T> scanPage(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
- The type of the objects being returned.clazz
- The class annotated with DynamoDB annotations describing how to store the object
data in Amazon DynamoDB.scanExpression
- Details on how to run the scan, including any filters to apply to limit results.config
- The configuration to use for this scan, which overrides the default provided at
object construction.<T> ScanResultPage<T> scanPage(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression)
<T> PaginatedQueryList<T> query(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression)
<T> PaginatedQueryList<T> query(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
When the query is on any local/global secondary index, callers should be aware that the returned object(s) will only contain item attributes that are projected into the index. All the other unprojected attributes will be saved as type default values.
Callers should also be aware that the returned list is unmodifiable, and any attempts to modify the list will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.
You can specify the pagination loading strategy for this query operation. By default, the list returned is lazily loaded when possible.
- The type of the objects being returned.clazz
- The class annotated with DynamoDB annotations describing how to store the object
data in Amazon DynamoDB.queryExpression
- Details on how to run the query, including any conditions on the key valuesconfig
- The configuration to use for this query, which overrides the default provided at
object construction.PaginatedQueryList
<T> QueryResultPage<T> queryPage(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression)
<T> QueryResultPage<T> queryPage(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
- The type of the objects being returned.clazz
- The class annotated with DynamoDB annotations describing how to store the object
data in AWS DynamoDB.queryExpression
- Details on how to run the query, including any conditions on the key valuesconfig
- The configuration to use for this query, which overrides the default provided at
object count(Class<?> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression)
int count(Class<?> clazz, DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
This operation will scan your entire table, and can therefore be very expensive. Use with caution.
- The class mapped to a DynamoDB table.scanExpression
- The parameters for running the scan.config
- The configuration to use for this scan, which overrides the default provided at
object construction.<T> int count(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression)
<T> int count(Class<T> clazz, DynamoDBQueryExpression<T> queryExpression, DynamoDBMapperConfig config)
- The class mapped to a DynamoDB table.queryExpression
- The parameters for running the query.config
- The mapper configuration to use for the query, which overrides the default
provided at object construction.S3ClientCache getS3ClientCache()
for accessing S3.S3Link createS3Link(String bucketName, String key)
- if the mapper has not been constructed with the necessary S3 AWS credentials.S3Link createS3Link(Region s3region, String bucketName, String key)
- if the mapper has not been constructed with the necessary S3 AWS credentials.S3Link createS3Link(String s3region, String bucketName, String key)
- if the mapper has not been constructed with the necessary S3 AWS credentials.CreateTableRequest generateCreateTableRequest(Class<?> clazz)
DeleteTableRequest generateDeleteTableRequest(Class<?> clazz)