
TooManyRequestsException Class

The request throughput limit was exceeded. For more information, see Lambda quotas .


$fault Required"client"
$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
$response RequiredHttpResponse
$retryable RequiredRetryableTrait
(constructor) Requiredconstructor(options: ServiceExceptionOptions)
Constructs a new instance of the ServiceException class
Reason RequiredThrottleReason | undefined
Type Requiredstring | undefined
[Symbol.hasInstance] Requiredstatic Symbol.hasInstance: boolean
Custom instanceof check to support the operator for ServiceException base class
isInstance Requiredstatic isInstance(value: unknown): value is ServiceException
Checks if a value is an instance of ServiceException (duck typed)
name Required"TooManyRequestsException"
retryAfterSeconds Requiredstring | undefined

The number of seconds the caller should wait before retrying.

Full Signature

export declare class TooManyRequestsException extends LambdaServiceException