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Gets a list of all scheduled queries in the caller's Amazon account and Region. ListScheduledQueries
is eventually consistent.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { TimestreamQueryClient, ListScheduledQueriesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-timestream-query"; // ES Modules import
// const { TimestreamQueryClient, ListScheduledQueriesCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-timestream-query"); // CommonJS import
const client = new TimestreamQueryClient(config);
const input = { // ListScheduledQueriesRequest
MaxResults: Number("int"),
NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new ListScheduledQueriesCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // ListScheduledQueriesResponse
// ScheduledQueries: [ // ScheduledQueryList // required
// { // ScheduledQuery
// Arn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// CreationTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// State: "ENABLED" || "DISABLED", // required
// PreviousInvocationTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// NextInvocationTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// ErrorReportConfiguration: { // ErrorReportConfiguration
// S3Configuration: { // S3Configuration
// BucketName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// ObjectKeyPrefix: "STRING_VALUE",
// EncryptionOption: "SSE_S3" || "SSE_KMS",
// },
// },
// TargetDestination: { // TargetDestination
// TimestreamDestination: { // TimestreamDestination
// DatabaseName: "STRING_VALUE",
// TableName: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// },
// ],
// NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
// };
ListScheduledQueriesCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
MaxResults | number | undefined | The maximum number of items to return in the output. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified, a |
NextToken | string | undefined | A pagination token to resume pagination. |
ListScheduledQueriesCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
ScheduledQueries Required | ScheduledQuery[] | undefined | A list of scheduled queries. |
NextToken | string | undefined | A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previously truncated response. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
AccessDeniedException | client | You do not have the necessary permissions to access the account settings. |
InternalServerException | server | An internal server error occurred while processing the request. |
InvalidEndpointException | client | The requested endpoint is invalid. |
ThrottlingException | client | The request was throttled due to excessive requests. |
ValidationException | client | Invalid or malformed request. |
TimestreamQueryServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from TimestreamQuery service. |