You are viewing documentation for version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 2 documentation can be found here.

Class: AWS::DynamoDB::Client

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Defined in:


Builds a client for Amazon DynamoDB.

ddb =

API Versions

Amazon DynamoDB has multiple API versions. It is important to know which API you are using. Each API version accepts different parameters and returns data in a different format.

By default, the oldest API version is used. This ensures customers who started using DynamoDB early would not get broken by API updates. You can construct a client of a specific version by passing the :api_version option to the constructor.

# defaults to the 2011-12-05 API version
ddb =

# specify the API version
ddb = => '2011-12-05')
ddb = => '2012-08-10')

You can specify a global default API version using AWS.config:

AWS.config(:dynamo_db => { :api_version => '2012-08-10' })
#=> AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810

See Also:

Direct Known Subclasses

V20111205, V20120810

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: V20111205, V20120810

Constant Summary

Set[:list_tables, :describe_table]

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Core::Client


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Core::Client

#initialize, #log_warning, #operations, #with_http_handler, #with_options

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from AWS::Core::Client

Instance Method Details

#batch_get_item(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the BatchGetItem API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :request_items - required - (Hash<<String,Hash>) A map of one or more table names and, for each table, the corresponding primary keys for the items to retrieve. Each table name can be invoked only once. Each element in the map consists of the following: Keys - An array of primary key attribute values that define specific items in the table. AttributesToGet - One or more attributes to be retrieved from the table or index. By default, all attributes are returned. If a specified attribute is not found, it does not appear in the result. ConsistentRead - If true , a strongly consistent read is used; if false (the default), an eventually consistent read is used.
      • :keys - required - (Array<) Represents the primary key attribute values that define the items and the attributes associated with the items.
        • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
          • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
          • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
          • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
          • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
          • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
          • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
        • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
          • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
          • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
          • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
          • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
          • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
          • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :attributes_to_get - (Array<) Represents one or more attributes to retrieve from the table or index. If no attribute names are specified then all attributes will be returned. If any of the specified attributes are not found, they will not appear in the result.
      • :consistent_read - (Boolean) Represents the consistency of a read operation. If set to true , then a strongly consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • Responses - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • member - (Hash<String,Hash>)
        • S - (String)
        • N - (String)
        • B - (String)
        • SS - (Array)
        • NS - (Array)
        • BS - (Array)
      • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)
    • UnprocessedKeys - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • Keys - (Array)
        • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
          • S - (String)
          • N - (String)
          • B - (String)
          • SS - (Array)
          • NS - (Array)
          • BS - (Array)
        • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
          • S - (String)
          • N - (String)
          • B - (String)
          • SS - (Array)
          • NS - (Array)
          • BS - (Array)
      • AttributesToGet - (Array)
      • ConsistentRead - (Boolean)

#batch_write_item(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the BatchWriteItem API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :request_items - required - (Hash<<String,Array<>) A map of one or more table names and, for each table, a list of operations to be performed (DeleteRequest or PutRequest). Each element in the map consists of the following: DeleteRequest - Perform a DeleteItem operation on the specified item. The item to be deleted is identified by a Key subelement: Key - A map of primary key attribute values that uniquely identify the item. Each entry in this map consists of an attribute name and an attribute value. PutRequest - Perform a PutItem operation on the specified item. The item to be put is identified by an Item subelement: Item - A map of attributes and their values. Each entry in this map consists of an attribute name and an attribute value. Attribute values must not be null; string and binary type attributes must have lengths greater than zero; and set type attributes must not be empty. Requests that contain empty values will be rejected with a ValidationException. If you specify any attributes that are part of an index key, then the data types for those attributes must match those of the schema in the table's attribute definition.
      • :put_request - (Hash) Represents a request to perform a DeleteItem operation.
        • :item - required - (Hash<<String,Hash>) A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary key of an item to be processed by PutItem. All of the table's primary key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those of the table's key schema. If any attributes are present in the item which are part of an index key schema for the table, their types must match the index key schema.
          • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
          • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
          • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
          • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
          • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
          • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :delete_request - (Hash) Represents a request to perform a PutItem operation.
        • :key - required - (Hash) A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary key of the item to delete. All of the table's primary key attributes must be specified, and their data types must match those of the table's key schema.
          • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
            • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
            • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
            • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
            • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
            • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
            • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
          • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
            • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
            • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
            • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
            • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
            • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
            • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • Responses - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)
    • UnprocessedItems - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • value - (Array)
        • PutRequest - (Hash)
          • Item - (Hash<String,Hash>)
            • S - (String)
            • N - (String)
            • B - (String)
            • SS - (Array)
            • NS - (Array)
            • BS - (Array)
        • DeleteRequest - (Hash)
          • Key - (Hash)
            • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
              • S - (String)
              • N - (String)
              • B - (String)
              • SS - (Array)
              • NS - (Array)
              • BS - (Array)
            • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
              • S - (String)
              • N - (String)
              • B - (String)
              • SS - (Array)
              • NS - (Array)
              • BS - (Array)

#create_table(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CreateTable API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table to create.
    • :key_schema - required - (Hash) Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table. The attributes in KeySchema must also be defined in the AttributeDefinitions array. For more information, see Data Model . Each KeySchemaElement in the array is composed of: AttributeName - The name of this key attribute. KeyType - Determines whether the key attribute is HASH or RANGE. For a primary key that consists of a hash attribute, you must specify exactly one element with a KeyType of HASH. For a primary key that consists of hash and range attributes, you must specify exactly two elements, in this order: The first element must have a KeyType of HASH, and the second element must have a KeyType of RANGE. For more information, see Specifying the Primary Key .
      • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :attribute_name - required - (String) Represents the name of a key attribute.
        • :attribute_type - required - (String) The AttributeType of the KeySchemaElement which can be a String or a Number. Valid values include:
          • S
          • N
          • B
      • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :attribute_name - required - (String) Represents the name of a key attribute.
        • :attribute_type - required - (String) The AttributeType of the KeySchemaElement which can be a String or a Number. Valid values include:
          • S
          • N
          • B
    • :provisioned_throughput - required - (Hash)
      • :read_capacity_units - required - (Integer) The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before returns a ThrottlingException. For more information, see Specifying Read and Write Requirements .
      • :write_capacity_units - required - (Integer) The maximum number of writes consumed per second before returns a ThrottlingException. For more information, see Specifying Read and Write Requirements .


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • TableDescription - (Hash)
      • TableName - (String)
      • KeySchema - (Hash)
        • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
        • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
      • TableStatus - (String)
      • CreationDateTime - (Time)
      • ProvisionedThroughput - (Hash)
        • LastIncreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • LastDecreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • NumberOfDecreasesToday - (Integer)
        • ReadCapacityUnits - (Integer)
        • WriteCapacityUnits - (Integer)
      • TableSizeBytes - (Integer)
      • ItemCount - (Integer)

#delete_item(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteItem API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table from which to delete the item.
    • :key - required - (Hash) A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects, representing the primary key of the item to delete.
      • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
    • :expected - (Hash<<String,Hash>) A map of attribute/condition pairs. This is the conditional block for the DeleteItemoperation. All the conditions must be met for the operation to succeed.
      • :value - (Hash) Specify whether or not a value already exists and has a specific content for the attribute name-value pair.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :exists - (Boolean) Causes to evaluate the value before attempting a conditional operation: If Exists is true , will check to see if that attribute value already exists in the table. If it is found, then the operation succeeds. If it is not found, the operation fails with a ConditionalCheckFailedException. If Exists is false , assumes that the attribute value does not exist in the table. If in fact the value does not exist, then the assumption is valid and the operation succeeds. If the value is found, despite the assumption that it does not exist, the operation fails with a ConditionalCheckFailedException. The default setting for Exists is true . If you supply a Value all by itself, assumes the attribute exists: You don't have to set Exists to true , because it is implied. returns a ValidationException if: Exists is true but there is no Value to check. (You expect a value to exist, but don't specify what that value is.) Exists is false but you also specify a Value. (You cannot expect an attribute to have a value, while also expecting it not to exist.) If you specify more than one condition for Exists, then all of the conditions must evaluate to true . (In other words, the conditions are ANDed together.) Otherwise, the conditional operation will fail.
    • :return_values - (String) Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appeared before they were deleted. For DeleteItem, the valid values are: NONE - If ReturnValues is not specified, or if its value is NONE, then nothing is returned. (This is the default for ReturnValues.) ALL_OLD - The content of the old item is returned. Valid values include:
      • NONE
      • ALL_OLD
      • ALL_NEW


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • Attributes - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • S - (String)
      • N - (String)
      • B - (String)
      • SS - (Array)
      • NS - (Array)
      • BS - (Array)
    • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)

#delete_table(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteTable API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table to delete.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • TableDescription - (Hash)
      • TableName - (String)
      • KeySchema - (Hash)
        • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
        • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
      • TableStatus - (String)
      • CreationDateTime - (Time)
      • ProvisionedThroughput - (Hash)
        • LastIncreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • LastDecreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • NumberOfDecreasesToday - (Integer)
        • ReadCapacityUnits - (Integer)
        • WriteCapacityUnits - (Integer)
      • TableSizeBytes - (Integer)
      • ItemCount - (Integer)

#describe_table(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeTable API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table to describe.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • Table - (Hash)
      • TableName - (String)
      • KeySchema - (Hash)
        • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
        • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
      • TableStatus - (String)
      • CreationDateTime - (Time)
      • ProvisionedThroughput - (Hash)
        • LastIncreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • LastDecreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • NumberOfDecreasesToday - (Integer)
        • ReadCapacityUnits - (Integer)
        • WriteCapacityUnits - (Integer)
      • TableSizeBytes - (Integer)
      • ItemCount - (Integer)

#get_item(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the GetItem API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table containing the requested item.
    • :key - required - (Hash) A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects, representing the primary key of the item to retrieve.
      • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
    • :attributes_to_get - (Array<)
    • :consistent_read - (Boolean)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • Item - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • S - (String)
      • N - (String)
      • B - (String)
      • SS - (Array)
      • NS - (Array)
      • BS - (Array)
    • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)

#list_tables(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the ListTables API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :exclusive_start_table_name - (String) The name of the table that starts the list. If you already ran a ListTables operation and received a LastEvaluatedTableName value in the response, use that value here to continue the list.
    • :limit - (Integer) A maximum number of table names to return.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • TableNames - (Array)
    • LastEvaluatedTableName - (String)

#put_item(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the PutItem API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table to contain the item.
    • :item - required - (Hash<<String,Hash>) A map of attribute name/value pairs, one for each attribute. Only the primary key attributes are required; you can optionally provide other attribute name-value pairs for the item. If you specify any attributes that are part of an index key, then the data types for those attributes must match those of the schema in the table's attribute definition. For more information about primary keys, see Primary Key . Each element in the Item map is an AttributeValue object.
      • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
      • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
      • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
      • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
      • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
      • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
    • :expected - (Hash<<String,Hash>) A map of attribute/condition pairs. This is the conditional block for the PutItem operation. All the conditions must be met for the operation to succeed.
      • :value - (Hash) Specify whether or not a value already exists and has a specific content for the attribute name-value pair.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :exists - (Boolean) Causes to evaluate the value before attempting a conditional operation: If Exists is true , will check to see if that attribute value already exists in the table. If it is found, then the operation succeeds. If it is not found, the operation fails with a ConditionalCheckFailedException. If Exists is false , assumes that the attribute value does not exist in the table. If in fact the value does not exist, then the assumption is valid and the operation succeeds. If the value is found, despite the assumption that it does not exist, the operation fails with a ConditionalCheckFailedException. The default setting for Exists is true . If you supply a Value all by itself, assumes the attribute exists: You don't have to set Exists to true , because it is implied. returns a ValidationException if: Exists is true but there is no Value to check. (You expect a value to exist, but don't specify what that value is.) Exists is false but you also specify a Value. (You cannot expect an attribute to have a value, while also expecting it not to exist.) If you specify more than one condition for Exists, then all of the conditions must evaluate to true . (In other words, the conditions are ANDed together.) Otherwise, the conditional operation will fail.
    • :return_values - (String) Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appeared before they were updated with the PutItem request. For PutItem, the valid values are: NONE - If ReturnValues is not specified, or if its value is NONE, then nothing is returned. (This is the default for ReturnValues.) ALL_OLD - If PutItem overwrote an attribute name-value pair, then the content of the old item is returned. Valid values include:
      • NONE
      • ALL_OLD
      • ALL_NEW


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • Attributes - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • S - (String)
      • N - (String)
      • B - (String)
      • SS - (Array)
      • NS - (Array)
      • BS - (Array)
    • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)

#query(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the Query API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table containing the requested items.
    • :attributes_to_get - (Array<) You cannot use both AttributesToGet and Select together in a Query request, unless the value for Select is SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES. (This usage is equivalent to specifying AttributesToGet without any value for Select.)
    • :limit - (Integer)
    • :consistent_read - (Boolean)
    • :count - (Boolean) If set to true , Amazon DynamoDB returns a total number of items that match the query parameters, instead of a list of the matching items and their attributes. Do not set Count to true while providing a list of AttributesToGet, otherwise Amazon DynamoDB returns a validation error.
    • :hash_key_value - required - (Hash) Attribute value of the hash component of the composite primary key.
      • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
      • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
      • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
      • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
      • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
      • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
    • :range_key_condition - (Hash) A container for the attribute values and comparison operators to use for the query.
      • :attribute_value_list - (Array<) Represents one or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. This list contains exactly one value, except for a BETWEEN or IN comparison, in which case the list contains two values. For type Number, value comparisons are numeric. String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are based on ASCII character code values. For example, a is greater than A, and aa is greater than B. For a list of code values, see For Binary, treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values, for example when evaluating query expressions.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :comparison_operator - required - (String) Represents a comparator for evaluating attributes. For example, equals, greater than, less than, etc. For information on specifying data types in JSON, see JSON Data Format . The following are descriptions of each comparison operator. EQ : Equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not equal "2", "1"]. NE : Not equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not equal "2", "1"]. LE : Less than or equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. LT : Less than. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. GE : Greater than or equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. GT : Greater than. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. NOT_NULL : The attribute exists. NULL : The attribute does not exist. CONTAINS : checks for a subsequence, or value in a set. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operation checks for a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operation looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS", "NS", or "BS"), then the operation checks for a member of the set (not as a substring). NOT_CONTAINS : checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value in a set. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operation checks for the absence of a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operation checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS", "NS", or "BS"), then the operation checks for the absence of a member of the set (not as a substring). BEGINS_WITH : checks for a prefix. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set). The target attribute of the comparison must be a String or Binary (not a Number or a set). IN : checks for exact matches. AttributeValueList can contain more than one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). The target attribute of the comparison must be of the same type and exact value to match. A String never matches a String set. BETWEEN : Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal to the second value. AttributeValueList must contain two AttributeValue elements of the same type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set). A target attribute matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not compare to {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"] Valid values include:
        • EQ
        • NE
        • IN
        • LE
        • LT
        • GE
        • GT
        • BETWEEN
        • NOT_NULL
        • NULL
        • CONTAINS
        • NOT_CONTAINS
        • BEGINS_WITH
    • :scan_index_forward - (Boolean) Specifies ascending ( true ) or descending ( false ) traversal of the index. returns results reflecting the requested order determined by the range key. If the data type is Number, the results are returned in numeric order. For String, the results are returned in order of ASCII character code values. For Binary, Amazon DynamoDB treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values. If ScanIndexForward is not specified, the results are returned in ascending order.
    • :exclusive_start_key - (Hash)
      • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • member - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • S - (String)
      • N - (String)
      • B - (String)
      • SS - (Array)
      • NS - (Array)
      • BS - (Array)
    • Count - (Integer)
    • LastEvaluatedKey - (Hash)
      • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
        • S - (String)
        • N - (String)
        • B - (String)
        • SS - (Array)
        • NS - (Array)
        • BS - (Array)
      • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
        • S - (String)
        • N - (String)
        • B - (String)
        • SS - (Array)
        • NS - (Array)
        • BS - (Array)
    • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)

#scan(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the Scan API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table containing the requested items.
    • :attributes_to_get - (Array<)
    • :limit - (Integer)
    • :count - (Boolean) If set to true , Amazon DynamoDB returns a total number of items for the Scan operation, even if the operation has no matching items for the assigned filter. Do not set Count to true while providing a list of AttributesToGet, otherwise Amazon DynamoDB returns a validation error.
    • :scan_filter - (Hash<<String,Hash>) Evaluates the scan results and returns only the desired values. Multiple conditions are treated as "AND" operations: all conditions must be met to be included in the results. Each ScanConditions element consists of an attribute name to compare, along with the following: AttributeValueList - One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. This list contains exactly one value, except for a BETWEEN or IN comparison, in which case the list contains two values. For type Number, value comparisons are numeric. String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are based on ASCII character code values. For example, a is greater than A, and aa is greater than B. For a list of code values, see For Binary, treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values, for example when evaluating query expressions. ComparisonOperator - A comparator for evaluating attributes. For example, equals, greater than, less than, etc. For information on specifying data types in JSON, see JSON Data Format . The following are descriptions of each comparison operator. EQ : Equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not equal "2", "1"]. NE : Not equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not equal "2", "1"]. LE : Less than or equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. LT : Less than. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. GE : Greater than or equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. GT : Greater than. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. NOT_NULL : The attribute exists. NULL : The attribute does not exist. CONTAINS : checks for a subsequence, or value in a set. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operation checks for a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operation looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS", "NS", or "BS"), then the operation checks for a member of the set (not as a substring). NOT_CONTAINS : checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value in a set. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operation checks for the absence of a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operation checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS", "NS", or "BS"), then the operation checks for the absence of a member of the set (not as a substring). BEGINS_WITH : checks for a prefix. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set). The target attribute of the comparison must be a String or Binary (not a Number or a set). IN : checks for exact matches. AttributeValueList can contain more than one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). The target attribute of the comparison must be of the same type and exact value to match. A String never matches a String set. BETWEEN : Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal to the second value. AttributeValueList must contain two AttributeValue elements of the same type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set). A target attribute matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not compare to {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]
      • :attribute_value_list - (Array<) Represents one or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. This list contains exactly one value, except for a BETWEEN or IN comparison, in which case the list contains two values. For type Number, value comparisons are numeric. String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are based on ASCII character code values. For example, a is greater than A, and aa is greater than B. For a list of code values, see For Binary, treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it compares binary values, for example when evaluating query expressions.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :comparison_operator - required - (String) Represents a comparator for evaluating attributes. For example, equals, greater than, less than, etc. For information on specifying data types in JSON, see JSON Data Format . The following are descriptions of each comparison operator. EQ : Equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not equal "2", "1"]. NE : Not equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not equal "2", "1"]. LE : Less than or equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. LT : Less than. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. GE : Greater than or equal. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. GT : Greater than. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not equal {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"]. NOT_NULL : The attribute exists. NULL : The attribute does not exist. CONTAINS : checks for a subsequence, or value in a set. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operation checks for a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operation looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS", "NS", or "BS"), then the operation checks for a member of the set (not as a substring). NOT_CONTAINS : checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value in a set. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). If the target attribute of the comparison is a String, then the operation checks for the absence of a substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then the operation checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("SS", "NS", or "BS"), then the operation checks for the absence of a member of the set (not as a substring). BEGINS_WITH : checks for a prefix. AttributeValueList can contain only one AttributeValue of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set). The target attribute of the comparison must be a String or Binary (not a Number or a set). IN : checks for exact matches. AttributeValueList can contain more than one AttributeValue of type String, Number, or Binary (not a set). The target attribute of the comparison must be of the same type and exact value to match. A String never matches a String set. BETWEEN : Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal to the second value. AttributeValueList must contain two AttributeValue elements of the same type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set). A target attribute matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains an AttributeValue of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value does not match. For example, {"S":"6"} does not compare to {"N":"6"}. Also, {"N":"6"} does not compare to "2", "1"] Valid values include:
        • EQ
        • NE
        • IN
        • LE
        • LT
        • GE
        • GT
        • BETWEEN
        • NOT_NULL
        • NULL
        • CONTAINS
        • NOT_CONTAINS
        • BEGINS_WITH
    • :exclusive_start_key - (Hash) In a parallel scan, a Scan request that includes ExclusiveStartKey must specify the same segment whose previous Scan returned the corresponding value of LastEvaluatedKey.
      • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • member - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • S - (String)
      • N - (String)
      • B - (String)
      • SS - (Array)
      • NS - (Array)
      • BS - (Array)
    • Count - (Integer)
    • ScannedCount - (Integer)
    • LastEvaluatedKey - (Hash)
      • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
        • S - (String)
        • N - (String)
        • B - (String)
        • SS - (Array)
        • NS - (Array)
        • BS - (Array)
      • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
        • S - (String)
        • N - (String)
        • B - (String)
        • SS - (Array)
        • NS - (Array)
        • BS - (Array)
    • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)

#update_item(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateItem API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table containing the item to update.
    • :key - required - (Hash) The primary key that defines the item. Each element consists of an attribute name and a value for that attribute.
      • :hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number. Single attribute primary keys have one index value. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys. The value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
    • :attribute_updates - required - (Hash<<String,Hash>) The names of attributes to be modified, the action to perform on each, and the new value for each. If you are updating an attribute that is an index key attribute for any indexes on that table, the attribute type must match the index key type defined in the AttributesDefinition of the table description. You can use UpdateItem to update any non-key attributes. Attribute values cannot be null. String and binary type attributes must have lengths greater than zero. Set type attributes must not be empty. Requests with empty values will be rejected with a ValidationException. Each AttributeUpdates element consists of an attribute name to modify, along with the following: Value - The new value, if applicable, for this attribute. Action - Specifies how to perform the update. Valid values for Action are PUT, DELETE, and ADD. The behavior depends on whether the specified primary key already exists in the table. If an item with the specified Key is found in the table: PUT - Adds the specified attribute to the item. If the attribute already exists, it is replaced by the new value. DELETE - If no value is specified, the attribute and its value are removed from the item. The data type of the specified value must match the existing value's data type. If a set of values is specified, then those values are subtracted from the old set. For example, if the attribute value was the set [a,b,c] and the DELETE action specified [a,c], then the final attribute value would be [b]. Specifying an empty set is an error. ADD - If the attribute does not already exist, then the attribute and its values are added to the item. If the attribute does exist, then the behavior of ADD depends on the data type of the attribute: If the existing attribute is a number, and if Value is also a number, then the Value is mathematically added to the existing attribute. If Value is a negative number, then it is subtracted from the existing attribute. If you use ADD to increment or decrement a number value for an item that doesn't exist before the update, uses 0 as the initial value. In addition, if you use ADD to update an existing item, and intend to increment or decrement an attribute value which does not yet exist, uses 0 as the initial value. For example, suppose that the item you want to update does not yet have an attribute named itemcount, but you decide to ADD the number 3 to this attribute anyway, even though it currently does not exist. will create the itemcount attribute, set its initial value to 0, and finally add 3 to it. The result will be a new itemcount attribute in the item, with a value of 3. If the existing data type is a set, and if the Value is also a set, then the Value is added to the existing set. (This is a set operation, not mathematical addition.) For example, if the attribute value was the set [1,2], and the ADD action specified [3], then the final attribute value would be [1,2,3]. An error occurs if an Add action is specified for a set attribute and the attribute type specified does not match the existing set type. Both sets must have the same primitive data type. For example, if the existing data type is a set of strings, the Value must also be a set of strings. The same holds true for number sets and binary sets. This action is only valid for an existing attribute whose data type is number or is a set. Do not use ADD for any other data types. If no item with the specified Key is found: PUT - creates a new item with the specified primary key, and then adds the attribute. DELETE - Nothing happens; there is no attribute to delete. ADD - creates an item with the supplied primary key and number (or set of numbers) for the attribute value. The only data types allowed are number and number set; no other data types can be specified. If you specify any attributes that are part of an index key, then the data types for those attributes must match those of the schema in the table's attribute definition.
      • :value - (Hash)
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :action - (String) Specifies how to perform the update. Valid values are PUT, DELETE, and ADD. The behavior depends on whether the specified primary key already exists in the table. If an item with the specified Key is found in the table: PUT - Adds the specified attribute to the item. If the attribute already exists, it is replaced by the new value. DELETE - If no value is specified, the attribute and its value are removed from the item. The data type of the specified value must match the existing value's data type. If a set of values is specified, then those values are subtracted from the old set. For example, if the attribute value was the set [a,b,c] and the DELETE action specified [a,c], then the final attribute value would be [b]. Specifying an empty set is an error. ADD - If the attribute does not already exist, then the attribute and its values are added to the item. If the attribute does exist, then the behavior of ADD depends on the data type of the attribute: If the existing attribute is a number, and if Value is also a number, then the Value is mathematically added to the existing attribute. If Value is a negative number, then it is subtracted from the existing attribute. If you use ADD to increment or decrement a number value for an item that doesn't exist before the update, uses 0 as the initial value. In addition, if you use ADD to update an existing item, and intend to increment or decrement an attribute value which does not yet exist, uses 0 as the initial value. For example, suppose that the item you want to update does not yet have an attribute named itemcount, but you decide to ADD the number 3 to this attribute anyway, even though it currently does not exist. will create the itemcount attribute, set its initial value to 0, and finally add 3 to it. The result will be a new itemcount attribute in the item, with a value of 3. If the existing data type is a set, and if the Value is also a set, then the Value is added to the existing set. (This is a set operation, not mathematical addition.) For example, if the attribute value was the set [1,2], and the ADD action specified [3], then the final attribute value would be [1,2,3]. An error occurs if an Add action is specified for a set attribute and the attribute type specified does not match the existing set type. Both sets must have the same primitive data type. For example, if the existing data type is a set of strings, the Value must also be a set of strings. The same holds true for number sets and binary sets. This action is only valid for an existing attribute whose data type is number or is a set. Do not use ADD for any other data types. If no item with the specified Key is found: PUT - creates a new item with the specified primary key, and then adds the attribute. DELETE - Nothing happens; there is no attribute to delete. ADD - creates an item with the supplied primary key and number (or set of numbers) for the attribute value. The only data types allowed are number and number set; no other data types can be specified. Valid values include:
        • ADD
        • PUT
        • DELETE
    • :expected - (Hash<<String,Hash>) A map of attribute/condition pairs. This is the conditional block for the UpdateItem operation. All the conditions must be met for the operation to succeed.
      • :value - (Hash) Specify whether or not a value already exists and has a specific content for the attribute name-value pair.
        • :s - (String) Represents a String data type
        • :n - (String) Represents a Number data type
        • :b - (String) Represents a Binary data type
        • :ss - (Array<) Represents a String set data type
        • :ns - (Array<) Represents a Number set data type
        • :bs - (Array<) Represents a Binary set data type
      • :exists - (Boolean) Causes to evaluate the value before attempting a conditional operation: If Exists is true , will check to see if that attribute value already exists in the table. If it is found, then the operation succeeds. If it is not found, the operation fails with a ConditionalCheckFailedException. If Exists is false , assumes that the attribute value does not exist in the table. If in fact the value does not exist, then the assumption is valid and the operation succeeds. If the value is found, despite the assumption that it does not exist, the operation fails with a ConditionalCheckFailedException. The default setting for Exists is true . If you supply a Value all by itself, assumes the attribute exists: You don't have to set Exists to true , because it is implied. returns a ValidationException if: Exists is true but there is no Value to check. (You expect a value to exist, but don't specify what that value is.) Exists is false but you also specify a Value. (You cannot expect an attribute to have a value, while also expecting it not to exist.) If you specify more than one condition for Exists, then all of the conditions must evaluate to true . (In other words, the conditions are ANDed together.) Otherwise, the conditional operation will fail.
    • :return_values - (String) Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appeared either before or after they were updated. For UpdateItem, the valid values are: NONE - If ReturnValues is not specified, or if its value is NONE, then nothing is returned. (This is the default for ReturnValues.) ALL_OLD - If UpdateItem overwrote an attribute name-value pair, then the content of the old item is returned. UPDATED_OLD - The old versions of only the updated attributes are returned. ALL_NEW - All of the attributes of the new version of the item are returned. UPDATED_NEW - The new versions of only the updated attributes are returned. Valid values include:
      • NONE
      • ALL_OLD
      • ALL_NEW


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • Attributes - (Hash<String,Hash>)
      • S - (String)
      • N - (String)
      • B - (String)
      • SS - (Array)
      • NS - (Array)
      • BS - (Array)
    • ConsumedCapacityUnits - (Numeric)

#update_table(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateTable API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :table_name - required - (String) The name of the table to be updated.
    • :provisioned_throughput - required - (Hash)
      • :read_capacity_units - required - (Integer) The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before returns a ThrottlingException. For more information, see Specifying Read and Write Requirements .
      • :write_capacity_units - required - (Integer) The maximum number of writes consumed per second before returns a ThrottlingException. For more information, see Specifying Read and Write Requirements .


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • TableDescription - (Hash)
      • TableName - (String)
      • KeySchema - (Hash)
        • HashKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
        • RangeKeyElement - (Hash)
          • AttributeName - (String)
          • AttributeType - (String)
      • TableStatus - (String)
      • CreationDateTime - (Time)
      • ProvisionedThroughput - (Hash)
        • LastIncreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • LastDecreaseDateTime - (Time)
        • NumberOfDecreasesToday - (Integer)
        • ReadCapacityUnits - (Integer)
        • WriteCapacityUnits - (Integer)
      • TableSizeBytes - (Integer)
      • ItemCount - (Integer)