Modify launch traffic - Amazon CloudWatch

Modify launch traffic

You can modify the traffic allocation for a launch at any time, including while the launch is ongoing.

If you have both an ongoing launch and an ongoing experiment for the same feature, any changes to the feature traffic will cause a change in the experiment traffic. This is because the audience available to the experiment is the portion of your total audience that is not already allocated to the launch. Increasing launch traffic will descrease the audience available to the experiment, and decreasing launch traffic or ending the launch will increase the audience available to the experiment.

To modify the traffic allocation for a launch
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Application Signals, Evidently.

  3. Choose the name of the project that contains the launch.

  4. Choose the Launches tab.

  5. Choose the name of the launch.

    Choose Modify launch traffic.

  6. For Serve, select the new traffic percentage to assign to each variation. You can also choose to exclude variations from being served to users. As you change these values, you can see the updated effects on your overall feature traffic under Traffic summary.

    The Traffic summary shows how much of your overall traffic is available for this launch, and how much of that available traffic is allocated to this launch.

  7. Choose Modify.