Container Insights performance log events for Amazon ECS - Amazon CloudWatch

Container Insights performance log events for Amazon ECS

The following are examples of the performance log events that Container Insights collects from Amazon ECS.

These logs are in CloudWatch Logs, in a log group named /aws/ecs/containerinsights/CLUSTER_NAME/performance. Within that log group, each container instance will has a log stream named AgentTelemetry-CONTAINER_INSTANCE_ID.

You can query these logs using queries such as { $.Type = "Container" } to view all container log events.

Type: Container

{ "Version":"0", "Type":"Container", "ContainerName":"sleep", "TaskId":"7ac4dfba69214411b4783a3b8189c9ba", "TaskDefinitionFamily":"sleep360", "TaskDefinitionRevision":"1", "ContainerInstanceId":"0d7650e6dec34c1a9200f72098071e8f", "EC2InstanceId":"i-0c470579dbcdbd2f3", "ClusterName":"MyCluster", "Image":"busybox", "ContainerKnownStatus":"RUNNING", "Timestamp":1623963900000, "CpuUtilized":0.0, "CpuReserved":10.0, "MemoryUtilized":0, "MemoryReserved":10, "StorageReadBytes":0, "StorageWriteBytes":0, "NetworkRxBytes":0, "NetworkRxDropped":0, "NetworkRxErrors":0, "NetworkRxPackets":14, "NetworkTxBytes":0, "NetworkTxDropped":0, "NetworkTxErrors":0, "NetworkTxPackets":0 }

Type: Task

{ "Version": "0", "Type": "Task", "TaskId": "7ac4dfba69214411b4783a3b8189c9ba", "TaskDefinitionFamily": "sleep360", "TaskDefinitionRevision": "1", "ContainerInstanceId": "0d7650e6dec34c1a9200f72098071e8f", "EC2InstanceId": "i-0c470579dbcdbd2f3", "ClusterName": "MyCluster", "AccountID": "637146863587", "Region": "us-west-2", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "KnownStatus": "RUNNING", "LaunchType": "EC2", "PullStartedAt": 1623963608201, "PullStoppedAt": 1623963610065, "CreatedAt": 1623963607094, "StartedAt": 1623963610382, "Timestamp": 1623963900000, "CpuUtilized": 0.0, "CpuReserved": 10.0, "MemoryUtilized": 0, "MemoryReserved": 10, "StorageReadBytes": 0, "StorageWriteBytes": 0, "NetworkRxBytes": 0, "NetworkRxDropped": 0, "NetworkRxErrors": 0, "NetworkRxPackets": 14, "NetworkTxBytes": 0, "NetworkTxDropped": 0, "NetworkTxErrors": 0, "NetworkTxPackets": 0, "EBSFilesystemUtilized": 10, "EBSFilesystemSize": 20, "CloudWatchMetrics": [ { "Namespace": "ECS/ContainerInsights", "Metrics": [ { "Name": "CpuUtilized", "Unit": "None" }, { "Name": "CpuReserved", "Unit": "None" }, { "Name": "MemoryUtilized", "Unit": "Megabytes" }, { "Name": "MemoryReserved", "Unit": "Megabytes" }, { "Name": "StorageReadBytes", "Unit": "Bytes/Second" }, { "Name": "StorageWriteBytes", "Unit": "Bytes/Second" }, { "Name": "NetworkRxBytes", "Unit": "Bytes/Second" }, { "Name": "NetworkTxBytes", "Unit": "Bytes/Second" }, { "Name": "EBSFilesystemSize", "Unit": "Gigabytes" }, { "Name": "EBSFilesystemUtilzed", "Unit": "Gigabytes" } ], "Dimensions": [ ["ClusterName"], [ "ClusterName", "TaskDefinitionFamily" ] ] } ] }

Type: Service

{ "Version": "0", "Type": "Service", "ServiceName": "myCIService", "ClusterName": "myCICluster", "Timestamp": 1561586460000, "DesiredTaskCount": 2, "RunningTaskCount": 2, "PendingTaskCount": 0, "DeploymentCount": 1, "TaskSetCount": 0, "CloudWatchMetrics": [ { "Namespace": "ECS/ContainerInsights", "Metrics": [ { "Name": "DesiredTaskCount", "Unit": "Count" }, { "Name": "RunningTaskCount", "Unit": "Count" }, { "Name": "PendingTaskCount", "Unit": "Count" }, { "Name": "DeploymentCount", "Unit": "Count" }, { "Name": "TaskSetCount", "Unit": "Count" } ], "Dimensions": [ [ "ServiceName", "ClusterName" ] ] } ] }

Type: Volume

{ "Version": "0", "Type": "Volume", "TaskDefinitionFamily": "myCITaskDef", "TaskId": "7ac4dfba69214411b4783a3b8189c9ba", "ClusterName": "myCICluster", "ServiceName": "myCIService", "VolumeId": "vol-1233436545ff708cb", "InstanceId": "i-0c470579dbcdbd2f3", "LaunchType": "EC2", "VolumeName": "MyVolumeName", "EBSFilesystemUtilized": 10, "EBSFilesystemSize": 20, "CloudWatchMetrics": [ { "Namespace": "ECS/ContainerInsights", "Metrics": [ { "Name": "EBSFilesystemSize", "Unit": "Gigabytes" }, { "Name": "EBSFilesystemUtilzed", "Unit": "Gigabytes" } ], "Dimensions": [ ["ClusterName"], [ "VolumeName", "TaskDefinitionFamily", "ClusterName" ], [ "ServiceName", "ClusterName" ] ] } ] }

Type: Cluster

{ "Version": "0", "Type": "Cluster", "ClusterName": "myCICluster", "Timestamp": 1561587300000, "TaskCount": 5, "ContainerInstanceCount": 5, "ServiceCount": 2, "CloudWatchMetrics": [ { "Namespace": "ECS/ContainerInsights", "Metrics": [ { "Name": "TaskCount", "Unit": "Count" }, { "Name": "ContainerInstanceCount", "Unit": "Count" }, { "Name": "ServiceCount", "Unit": "Count" } ], "Dimensions": [ [ "ClusterName" ] ] } ] }