Scenario: Publish metrics to CloudWatch - Amazon CloudWatch

Scenario: Publish metrics to CloudWatch

In this scenario, you use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to publish a single metric for a hypothetical application named GetStarted. If you haven't already installed and configured the AWS CLI, see Getting Set Up with the AWS Command Line Interface in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

Step 1: Define the data configuration

In this scenario, you publish data points that track the request latency for the application. Choose names for your metric and namespace that make sense to you. For this example, name the metric RequestLatency and place all of the data points into the GetStarted namespace.

You publish several data points that collectively represent three hours of latency data. The raw data comprises 15 request latency readings distributed over three hours. Each reading is in milliseconds:

  • Hour one: 87, 51, 125, 235

  • Hour two: 121, 113, 189, 65, 89

  • Hour three: 100, 47, 133, 98, 100, 328

You can publish data to CloudWatch as single data points or as an aggregated set of data points called a statistic set. You can aggregate metrics to a granularity as low as one minute. You can publish the aggregated data points to CloudWatch as a set of statistics with four predefined keys: Sum, Minimum, Maximum, and SampleCount.

You publish the data points from hour one as single data points. For the data from hours two and three, you aggregate the data points and publish a statistic set for each hour. The key values are shown in the following table.

Hour Raw data Sum Minimum Maximum SampleCount










121, 113, 189, 65, 89






100, 47, 133, 98, 100, 328





Step 2: Add metrics to CloudWatch

After you have defined your data configuration, you are ready to add data.

To publish data points to CloudWatch
  1. At a command prompt, run the following put-metric-data commands to add data for the first hour. Replace the example timestamp with a timestamp that is two hours in the past, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

    aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name RequestLatency --namespace GetStarted \ --timestamp 2016-10-14T20:30:00Z --value 87 --unit Milliseconds aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name RequestLatency --namespace GetStarted \ --timestamp 2016-10-14T20:30:00Z --value 51 --unit Milliseconds aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name RequestLatency --namespace GetStarted \ --timestamp 2016-10-14T20:30:00Z --value 125 --unit Milliseconds aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name RequestLatency --namespace GetStarted \ --timestamp 2016-10-14T20:30:00Z --value 235 --unit Milliseconds
  2. Add data for the second hour, using a timestamp that is one hour later than the first hour.

    aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name RequestLatency --namespace GetStarted \ --timestamp 2016-10-14T21:30:00Z --statistic-values Sum=577,Minimum=65,Maximum=189,SampleCount=5 --unit Milliseconds
  3. Add data for the third hour, omitting the timestamp to default to the current time.

    aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name RequestLatency --namespace GetStarted \ --statistic-values Sum=806,Minimum=47,Maximum=328,SampleCount=6 --unit Milliseconds

Step 3: Get statistics from CloudWatch

Now that you have published metrics to CloudWatch, you can retrieve statistics based on those metrics using the get-metric-statistics command as follows. Be sure to specify --start-time and --end-time far enough in the past to cover the earliest timestamp that you published.

aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --namespace GetStarted --metric-name RequestLatency --statistics Average \ --start-time 2016-10-14T00:00:00Z --end-time 2016-10-15T00:00:00Z --period 60

The following is example output:

{ "Datapoints": [], "Label": "Request:Latency" }

Step 4: View graphs with the console

After you have published metrics to CloudWatch, you can use the CloudWatch console to view statistical graphs.

To view graphs of your statistics on the console
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the Navigation pane, choose Metrics.

  3. On the All metrics tab, in the search box, type RequestLatency and press Enter.

  4. Select the check box for the RequestLatency metric. A graph of the metric data is displayed in the upper pane.

For more information, see Graphing metrics.