Delete a monitor - Amazon CloudWatch

Delete a monitor

Before you can delete a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor, you must deactivate or delete all probes associated with the monitor, regardless of the monitor State. After a monitor is deleted, you are no longer be charged for probes in the monitor. Be aware that you can't restore a deleted monitor.

You can work with monitors and probes by using either the Amazon CloudWatch console or the AWS Command Line Interface. To work with Network Monitor programmatically, see the Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor API Reference and networkmonitor in the AWS Command Line Interface Command Reference.

To delete a monitor using the console
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at, and then, under Network Monitoring, choose Network Monitor.

  2. In the Network monitors section, choose the monitor that you want to delete.

  3. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete.

  4. If you have any active probes for the monitor, you're prompted to deactivate them. Choose Deactivate probes.


    You can't cancel or undo this action after you choose Deactivate probes. Deactivated probes, however, aren't removed from the monitor. If you like, you can reactivate them later. For more information, see Activate or deactivate a probe.

  5. Enter confirm in the confirmation field, and then choose Delete.

Alternatively, you can delete a monitor programmatically, for example, by using the AWS Command Line Interface.

To delete a monitor by using the CLI
  1. To delete a monitor, you need the monitor name. If you don't know the name, get a list of your monitors by running the list-monitors command. Note the name of the monitor that you want to delete.

  2. Verify whether the monitor contains any active probes. Use get-monitor with the monitor name from the previous step. This returns a list of any probes associated with that monitor.

  3. If the monitor contains active probes, you must first either set the probes to inactive or delete them.

  4. After the probes are set to INACTIVE or deleted, you can delete the monitor by running the delete-monitor command. Inactive probes are not deleted when you delete the monitor.