Probe dashboards - Amazon CloudWatch

Probe dashboards

You can use a Probe dashboard in Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor to view the network health indicator (NHI) for a probe, as well as information about round-trip time and packet loss for specific probes. There are two dashboards for probes: an Overview page and Probe details page.

You can create CloudWatch alarms to set packet loss and round-trip time metric thresholds. When a threshold is reached for a metric, a CloudWatch alarm notifies you. For information on creating probe alarms, see Probe alarms.

To access a probe dashboard
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at, and then, under Network Monitoring, choose Network Monitor.

  2. In the Network monitors section, choose the Name link to open the dashboard for a specific monitor.

  3. To view the dashboard for a specific probe, choose the ID link for the probe.

Overview page

The Overview page displays the following information for a probe:

  • Network health — Network health displays the network health indicator (NHI) value, which pertains to health of only the AWS network. The NHI status is either Healthy or Degraded. A Healthy status indicates that Network Monitor did not observe issues with the AWS network for a probe. A Degraded status indicates that Network Monitor observed an issue with the AWS network. The status bar in this section shows the status of the network health indicator over a default time of one hour. Hover over any point in the status bar to view additional details.

  • Packet loss — The number of packets that were lost from the source subnet to the destination IP address for this probe.

  • Round-trip time — The time it takes, in milliseconds, for a packet from the source subnet to reach the destination IP address, and then come back again. Round-trip time (RTT) is the average RTT observed during the aggregation period.

Probe details

The Probe details page displays information about a probe, including the source and destination. You can also edit the probe, for example, to activate or deactivate it. For more information, see Working with monitors and probes in Network Monitor.

  • Probe details — This section provides general information about the probe, which can't be edited.

  • Probe source and destination — This section displays details about the probe. Choose a VPC or Subnet ID link to open the VPC or subnet details in the Amazon VPC Console. You can modify a probe, for example, to activate or deactivate it.

  • Tags — View the current tags for a monitor. You can add or remove tags by choosing Manage tags. This opens the Edit probe page. For more information on editing tags, see Edit a probe.