Defining a scaling policy - Amazon ElastiCache (Redis OSS)

Defining a scaling policy

A target-tracking scaling policy configuration is represented by a JSON block that the metrics and target values are defined in. You can save a scaling policy configuration as a JSON block in a text file. You use that text file when invoking the AWS CLI or the Application Auto Scaling API. For more information about policy configuration syntax, see TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration in the Application Auto Scaling API Reference.

The following options are available for defining a target-tracking scaling policy configuration:

Using a predefined metric

By using predefined metrics, you can quickly define a target-tracking scaling policy for an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster that works with target tracking in ElastiCache (Redis OSS) Auto Scaling.

Currently, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) supports the following predefined metrics in ElastiCache (Redis OSS) NodeGroup Auto Scaling:

  • ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization – The average value of the EngineCPUUtilization metric in CloudWatch across all primary nodes in the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster.

  • ElastiCacheDatabaseMemoryUsageCountedForEvictPercentage – The average value of the DatabaseMemoryUsageCountedForEvictPercentage metric in CloudWatch across all primary nodes in the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster.

  • ElastiCacheDatabaseCapacityUsageCountedForEvictPercentage – The average value of the ElastiCacheDatabaseCapacityUsageCountedForEvictPercentage metric in CloudWatch across all primary nodes in the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster.

For more information about the EngineCPUUtilization, DatabaseMemoryUsageCountedForEvictPercentage and DatabaseCapacityUsageCountedForEvictPercentage metrics, see Monitoring use with CloudWatch Metrics. To use a predefined metric in your scaling policy, you create a target tracking configuration for your scaling policy. This configuration must include a PredefinedMetricSpecification for the predefined metric and a TargetValue for the target value of that metric.

The following example describes a typical policy configuration for target-tracking scaling for an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster. In this configuration, the ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization predefined metric is used to adjust the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster based on an average CPU utilization of 40 percent across all primary nodes in the cluster.

{ "TargetValue": 40.0, "PredefinedMetricSpecification": { "PredefinedMetricType": "ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization" } }

Using a custom metric

By using custom metrics, you can define a target-tracking scaling policy that meets your custom requirements. You can define a custom metric based on any ElastiCache metric that changes in proportion to scaling. Not all ElastiCache metrics work for target tracking. The metric must be a valid utilization metric and describe how busy an instance is. The value of the metric must increase or decrease in proportion to the number of Shards in the cluster. This proportional increase or decrease is necessary to use the metric data to proportionally scale out or in the number of shards.

The following example describes a target-tracking configuration for a scaling policy. In this configuration, a custom metric adjusts an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster based on an average CPU utilization of 50 percent across all shards in an cluster named my-db-cluster.

{ "TargetValue": 50, "CustomizedMetricSpecification": { "MetricName": "EngineCPUUtilization", "Namespace": "AWS/ElastiCache", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "RelicationGroup","Value": "my-db-cluster" }, { "Name": "Role","Value": "PRIMARY" } ], "Statistic": "Average", "Unit": "Percent" } }

Using cooldown periods

You can specify a value, in seconds, for ScaleOutCooldown to add a cooldown period for scaling out your cluster. Similarly, you can add a value, in seconds, for ScaleInCooldown to add a cooldown period for scaling in your cluster. For more information, see TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration in the Application Auto Scaling API Reference.

The following example describes a target-tracking configuration for a scaling policy. In this configuration, the ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization predefined metric is used to adjust an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster based on an average CPU utilization of 40 percent across all primary nodes in that cluster. The configuration provides a scale-in cooldown period of 10 minutes and a scale-out cooldown period of 5 minutes.

{ "TargetValue": 40.0, "PredefinedMetricSpecification": { "PredefinedMetricType": "ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization" }, "ScaleInCooldown": 600, "ScaleOutCooldown": 300 }

Disabling scale-in activity

You can prevent the target-tracking scaling policy configuration from scaling in your ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster by disabling scale-in activity. Disabling scale-in activity prevents the scaling policy from deleting shards, while still allowing the scaling policy to create them as needed.

You can specify a Boolean value for DisableScaleIn to enable or disable scale in activity for your cluster. For more information, see TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration in the Application Auto Scaling API Reference.

The following example describes a target-tracking configuration for a scaling policy. In this configuration, the ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization predefined metric adjusts an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster based on an average CPU utilization of 40 percent across all primary nodes in that cluster. The configuration disables scale-in activity for the scaling policy.

{ "TargetValue": 40.0, "PredefinedMetricSpecification": { "PredefinedMetricType": "ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization" }, "DisableScaleIn": true }

Applying a scaling policy

After registering your cluster with ElastiCache (Redis OSS) auto scaling and defining a scaling policy, you apply the scaling policy to the registered cluster. To apply a scaling policy to an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster, you can use the AWS CLI or the Application Auto Scaling API.

Applying a scaling policy using the AWS CLI

To apply a scaling policy to your ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster, use the put-scaling-policy command with the following parameters:

  • --policy-name – The name of the scaling policy.

  • --policy-type – Set this value to TargetTrackingScaling.

  • --resource-id – The resource identifier for the ElastiCache (Redis OSS). For this parameter, the resource type is ReplicationGroup and the unique identifier is the name of the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster, for example replication-group/myscalablecluster.

  • --service-namespace – Set this value to elasticache.

  • --scalable-dimension – Set this value to elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups.

  • --target-tracking-scaling-policy-configuration – The target-tracking scaling policy configuration to use for the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster.

In the following example, you apply a target-tracking scaling policy named myscalablepolicy to an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster named myscalablecluster with ElastiCache (Redis OSS) auto scaling. To do so, you use a policy configuration saved in a file named config.json.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws application-autoscaling put-scaling-policy \ --policy-name myscalablepolicy \ --policy-type TargetTrackingScaling \ --resource-id replication-group/myscalablecluster \ --service-namespace elasticache \ --scalable-dimension elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups \ --target-tracking-scaling-policy-configuration file://config.json

For Windows:

aws application-autoscaling put-scaling-policy ^ --policy-name myscalablepolicy ^ --policy-type TargetTrackingScaling ^ --resource-id replication-group/myscalablecluster ^ --service-namespace elasticache ^ --scalable-dimension elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups ^ --target-tracking-scaling-policy-configuration file://config.json

Applying a scaling policy using the API

To apply a scaling policy to your ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster, use the PutScalingPolicy AWS CLI command with the following parameters:

  • --policy-name – The name of the scaling policy.

  • --resource-id – The resource identifier for the ElastiCache (Redis OSS). For this parameter, the resource type is ReplicationGroup and the unique identifier is the name of the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster, for example replication-group/myscalablecluster.

  • --service-namespace – Set this value to elasticache.

  • --scalable-dimension – Set this value to elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups.

  • --target-tracking-scaling-policy-configuration – The target-tracking scaling policy configuration to use for the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster.

In the following example, you apply a target-tracking scaling policy named myscalablepolicy to an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster named myscalablecluster with ElastiCache (Redis OSS) auto scaling. You use a policy configuration based on the ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization predefined metric.

POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-Encoding: identity Content-Length: 219 X-Amz-Target: AnyScaleFrontendService.PutScalingPolicy X-Amz-Date: 20160506T182145Z User-Agent: aws-cli/1.10.23 Python/2.7.11 Darwin/15.4.0 botocore/1.4.8 Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Authorization: AUTHPARAMS { "PolicyName": "myscalablepolicy", "ServiceNamespace": "elasticache", "ResourceId": "replication-group/myscalablecluster", "ScalableDimension": "elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups", "PolicyType": "TargetTrackingScaling", "TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration": { "TargetValue": 40.0, "PredefinedMetricSpecification": { "PredefinedMetricType": "ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization" } } }