Creating a Redis replication group - Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Creating a Redis replication group

You have the following options for creating a cluster with replica nodes. One applies when you already have an available Redis (cluster mode disabled) cluster not associated with any cluster that has replicas to use as the primary node. The other applies when you need to create a primary node with the cluster and read replicas. Currently, a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster must be created from scratch.

Option 1: Creating a Replication Group Using an Available Redis (Cluster Mode Disabled) Cluster

Use this option to leverage an existing single-node Redis (cluster mode disabled) cluster. You specify this existing node as the primary node in the new cluster, and then individually add 1 to 5 read replicas to the cluster. If the existing cluster is active, read replicas synchronize with it as they are created. See Creating a Replication Group Using an Available Redis (Cluster Mode Disabled) Cluster.


You cannot create a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster using an existing cluster. To create a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster (API/CLI: replication group) using the ElastiCache console, see Creating a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster (Console).

Option 2: Creating a Redis replication group from scratch

Use this option if you don't already have an available Redis (cluster mode disabled) cluster to use as the cluster's primary node, or if you want to create a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster. See Creating a Redis replication group from scratch.