Events for self-designed clusters (Valkey and Redis OSS) - Amazon ElastiCache

Events for self-designed clusters (Valkey and Redis OSS)

ElastiCache logs events that relate to your self-designed caches. When working with self-designed clusters, you can view your cluster events in the ElastiCache console, using the AWS CLI, or using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Self-designed cluster events are not published to Amazon EventBridge.

Self-designed cluster event information includes the date and time of the event, the source name and source type of the event, and a description of the event. You can easily retrieve events from the log using the ElastiCache console, the AWS CLI describe-events command, or the ElastiCache API action DescribeEvents.

Viewing ElastiCache events (Console)

The following procedure displays events using the ElastiCache console.

To view events using the ElastiCache console

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at

  2. To see a list of all available events, in the navigation pane, choose Events.

  3. On the Events screen each row of the list represents one event and displays the event source, the event type, the GMT time of the event, and a description of the event. Using the Filter you can specify whether you want to see all events, or just events of a specific type in the event list.

Viewing ElastiCache events (AWS CLI)

To generate a list of ElastiCache events using the AWS CLI, use the command describe-events. You can use optional parameters to control the type of events listed, the time frame of the events listed, the maximum number of events to list, and more.

The following code lists up to 40 self-designed cluster events.

aws elasticache describe-events --source-type cache-cluster --max-items 40

The following code lists all events for self-designed caches for the past 24 hours (1440 minutes).

aws elasticache describe-events --source-type cache-cluster --duration 1440

Self-designed cluster events

This section contains the list of events you can expect to receive for your self-designed clusters.

The following ElastiCache events trigger Amazon SNS notifications. For information on event details, see Viewing ElastiCache events.

Event Name Message Description


ElastiCache:AddCacheNodeComplete : cache-cluster

A cache node has been added to the cache cluster and is ready for use.

ElastiCache:AddCacheNodeFailed due to insufficient free IP addresses

ElastiCache:AddCacheNodeFailed : cluster-name

A cache node could not be added because there are not enough available IP addresses.


ElastiCache:CacheClusterParametersChanged : cluster-name

One or more cache cluster parameters have been changed.


ElastiCache:CacheClusterProvisioningComplete cluster-name-0001-005

The provisioning of a cache cluster is completed, and the cache nodes in the cache cluster are ready to use.

ElastiCache:CacheClusterProvisioningFailed due to incompatible network state

ElastiCache:CacheClusterProvisioningFailed : cluster-name

An attempt was made to launch a new cache cluster into a nonexistent virtual private cloud (VPC).


CacheClusterScalingComplete : cluster-name

Scaling for cache-cluster completed successfully.


ElastiCache:CacheClusterScalingFailed : cluster-name

Scale-up operation on cache-cluster failed.


ElastiCache:CacheClusterSecurityGroupModified : cluster-name

One of the following events has occurred:

  • The list of cache security groups authorized for the cache cluster has been modified.

  • One or more new EC2 security groups have been authorized on any of the cache security groups associated with the cache cluster.

  • One or more EC2 security groups have been revoked from any of the cache security groups associated with the cache cluster.


ElastiCache:CacheNodeReplaceStarted : cluster-name

ElastiCache has detected that the host running a cache node is degraded or unreachable and has started replacing the cache node.


The DNS entry for the replaced cache node is not changed.

In most instances, you do not need to refresh the server-list for your clients when this event occurs. However, some cache client libraries may stop using the cache node even after ElastiCache has replaced the cache node; in this case, the application should refresh the server-list when this event occurs.


ElastiCache:CacheNodeReplaceComplete : cluster-name

ElastiCache has detected that the host running a cache node is degraded or unreachable and has completed replacing the cache node.


The DNS entry for the replaced cache node is not changed.

In most instances, you do not need to refresh the server-list for your clients when this event occurs. However, some cache client libraries may stop using the cache node even after ElastiCache has replaced the cache node; in this case, the application should refresh the server-list when this event occurs.


ElastiCache:CacheNodesRebooted : cluster-name

One or more cache nodes has been rebooted.

Message (Memcached): "Cache node %s shutdown" Then a second message: "Cache node %s restarted"

ElastiCache:CertificateRenewalComplete (Valkey or Redis OSS only)


The Amazon CA certificate was successfully renewed.


ElastiCache:CreateReplicationGroupComplete : cluster-name

The replication group was successfully created.


ElastiCache:DeleteCacheClusterComplete : cluster-name

The deletion of a cache cluster and all associated cache nodes has completed.

ElastiCache:FailoverComplete (Valkey or Redis OSS only)

ElastiCache:FailoverComplete : mycluster

Failover over to a replica node was successful.


ElastiCache:ReplicationGroupIncreaseReplicaCountFinished : cluster-name-0001-005

The number of replicas in the cluster has been increased.


ElastiCache:ReplicationGroupIncreaseReplicaCountStarted : cluster-name-0003-004

The process of adding replicas to your cluster has begun.


ElastiCache:NodeReplacementCanceled : cluster-name

A node in your cluster that was scheduled for replacement is no longer scheduled for replacement.


ElastiCache:NodeReplacementRescheduled : cluster-name

A node in your cluster previously scheduled for replacement has been rescheduled for replacement during the new window described in the notification.

For information on what actions you can take, see Replacing nodes (Valkey and Redis OSS).


ElastiCache:NodeReplacementScheduled : cluster-name

A node in your cluster is scheduled for replacement during the window described in the notification.

For information on what actions you can take, see Replacing nodes (Valkey and Redis OSS).


ElastiCache:RemoveCacheNodeComplete : cluster-name

A cache node has been removed from the cache cluster.


ElastiCache:ReplicationGroupScalingComplete : cluster-name

Scale-up operation on replication group completed successfully.


"Failed applying modification to cache node type to %s."

Scale-up operation on replication group failed.


"Service update is available for cache node %s."

A self-service update is available for the node.

ElastiCache:SnapshotComplete (Valkey or Redis OSS only)

ElastiCache:SnapshotComplete : cluster-name

A cache snapshot has completed successfully.

ElastiCache:SnapshotFailed (Valkey or Redis OSS only)

SnapshotFailed : cluster-name

A cache snapshot has failed. See the cluster’s cache events for more a detailed cause.

If you describe the snapshot, see DescribeSnapshots, the status will be failed.