Release calendars for Amazon Aurora MySQL - Amazon Aurora

Release calendars for Amazon Aurora MySQL

The release calendars on this page can help you plan your major and minor version upgrades. For more information on Amazon Aurora upgrades, versioning, and lifecycle, see Amazon Aurora versions.

Release calendar for Aurora MySQL major versions

Aurora MySQL major versions are available under standard support at least until community end of life for the corresponding community version. You can continue running a major version past its Aurora end of standard support date for a fee. For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Extended Support and Amazon Aurora pricing.

Aurora MySQL currently supports the following major versions.

Community major version Aurora major version Community end of life date Aurora end of standard support date RDS start of Extended Support year 1 pricing date RDS start of Extended Support year 3 pricing date RDS end of Extended Support date Minor versions eligible for Extended Support
MySQL 8.0 Aurora MySQL version 3 April 2026 30 April 2027 1 May 2027 N/A 31 July 2029 To be determined
MySQL 5.7 Aurora MySQL version 2 October 2023 31 October 2024 1 December 2024 N/A 28 February 2027 Aurora MySQL 2.11 and 2.12
MySQL 5.6 (deprecated) Aurora MySQL version 1 (deprecated) 5 February 2021 28 February 2023 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Amazon RDS Extended Support for Aurora MySQL version 2 starts on November 1, 2024, but you won't be charged until December 1, 2024. Between November 1 and November 30, 2024, all Aurora MySQL version 2 DB clusters are covered under Amazon RDS Extended Support.

Release calendar for Aurora MySQL minor versions

Aurora MySQL currently supports the following minor versions.

In general, Aurora minor versions are released quarterly. The release schedule might vary to pick up additional features or fixes.

Amazon RDS Extended Support charges apply only to certain minor versions after a major version is eligible for Extended Support. For more information, see Release calendar for Aurora MySQL major versions.

Aurora MySQL version Aurora MySQL release date Aurora MySQL end of standard support date

3.07 (Compatible with Community MySQL 8.0.36)

June 4, 2024

August 4, 2025

3.06 (Compatible with Community MySQL 8.0.34)

March 7, 2024

May 31, 2025

3.05 (Compatible with Community MySQL 8.0.32)

October 25, 2023

May 31, 2025

3.04 (Compatible with Community MySQL 8.0.28) (LTS)

July 31, 2023

October 31, 2026

2.121 (Compatible with Community MySQL 5.7.40 or 5.7.442)

July 25, 2023

October 31, 2024

2.111 (Compatible with Community MySQL 5.7.12)

October 25, 2022

October 31, 2024

LTS – Aurora MySQL long-term support (LTS) versions. For more information, see Aurora MySQL long-term support (LTS) release.

1 This minor version will continue to be available when the major version is in Amazon RDS Extended Support.

2 Aurora MySQL 2.12 versions through 2.12.1 are compatible with MySQL version 5.7.40, and versions 2.12.2 and higher are compatible with MySQL version 5.7.44.