Troubleshooting applications on Aurora
Amazon RDS provides specific and descriptive errors to help you troubleshoot problems while interacting with the Amazon RDS API.
For information about troubleshooting for Amazon RDS DB instances, see Troubleshooting for Amazon Aurora.
Retrieving errors
Typically, you want your application to check whether a request generated an error
before you spend any time processing results. The easiest way to find out if an
error occurred is to look for an Error
node in the response from the
Amazon RDS API.
XPath syntax provides a simple way to search for the presence of an
node. It also provides a relatively easy way to retrieve the
error code and message. The following code snippet uses Perl and the XML::XPath
module to determine if an error occurred during a request. If an error occurred, the
code prints the first error code and message in the response.
use XML::XPath; my $xp = XML::XPath->new(xml =>$response); if ( $xp->find("//Error") ) {print "There was an error processing your request:\n", " Error code: ", $xp->findvalue("//Error[1]/Code"), "\n", " ", $xp->findvalue("//Error[1]/Message"), "\n\n"; }
Troubleshooting tips
We recommend the following processes to diagnose and resolve problems with the Amazon RDS API:
Verify that Amazon RDS is operating normally in the AWS Region that you're targeting by checking
. -
Check the structure of your request.
Each Amazon RDS operation has a reference page in the Amazon RDS API Reference. Double-check that you are using parameters correctly. For ideas about what might be wrong, look at the sample requests or user scenarios to see if those examples do similar operations.
Check AWS re:Post.
Amazon RDS has a development community where you can search for solutions to problems others have experienced along the way. To view the topics, go to AWS re:Post