Monitoring query execution plans and peak memory for Aurora PostgreSQL - Amazon Aurora

Monitoring query execution plans and peak memory for Aurora PostgreSQL

You can monitor query execution plans in your Aurora PostgreSQL DB instance to detect the execution plans contributing to current database load and to track performance statistics of execution plans over time using aurora_compute_plan_id parameter. Whenever a query executes, the execution plan used by the query is assigned an identifier and the same identifier is used by subsequent executions of the same plan.

The aurora_compute_plan_id is turned on by default in DB parameter group from Aurora PostgreSQL versions 14.10, 15.5, and higher versions. Assignment of a plan identifier is default behavior and can be turned off by setting aurora_compute_plan_id to OFF in the parameter group.

This plan identifier is used in several utilities that serve a different purpose.

You can monitor query peak memory usage in your DB instance to detect queries contributing to high database memory use from the following versions:

  • 16.3 and all higher versions

  • 15.7 and higher versions

  • 14.12 and higher versions

Whenever a query runs, the peak memory used by the query is tracked. Queries typically run many times; the average, minimum and maximum memory usage values across all runs can be viewed for each query.

Accessing query execution plans and peak memory using Aurora functions

With aurora_compute_plan_id, you can access the execution plans using the following functions:

  • aurora_stat_activity

  • aurora_stat_plans

The query peak memory does not include memory that is allocated before query processing starts. Peak memory usage is tracked and reported separately for the planning and execution phases of each query.

Understanding query peak memory.

You can access the query peak memory statistics using the following functions:

  • aurora_stat_statements

  • aurora_stat_plans

For more information on these functions, see Aurora PostgreSQL functions reference.

Parameter reference for Aurora PostgreSQL query execution plans

You can monitor the query execution plans using the below parameters in a DB parameter group.


The configuration for aurora_stat_plans.with_* parameters takes effect only for newly captured plans.


Set to off to prevent a plan identifier from being assigned.

Default Allowed values Description
on 0(off) Set to off to prevent a plan identifier from being assigned.
1(on) Set to on to assign a plan identifier.


The number of minutes to pass before a plan is recaptured. Default is 0 which will disable recapturing a plan. When the aurora_stat_plans.calls_until_recapture threshold is passed, the plan will be recaptured.

Default Allowed values Description
0 0-1073741823

Set the number of minutes to pass before a plan is recaptured.


The number of calls to a plan before it is recaptured. Default is 0 which will disable recapturing a plan after a number of calls. When the aurora_stat_plans.minutes_until_recapture threshold is passed, the plan will be recaptured.

Default Allowed values Description
0 0-1073741823

Set the number of calls before a plan is recaptured.


Captures an EXPLAIN plan with estimated costs. The allowed values are on and off. The default is on.

Default Allowed values Description
on 0(off)

Doesn't show estimated cost and rows for each plan node.


Shows estimated cost and rows for each plan node.


Controls the EXPLAIN plan with ANALYZE. This mode is only used the first time a plan is captured. The allowed values are on and off. The default is off.

Default Allowed values Description
off 0(off)

Doesn't include actual run time statistics for the plan.


Includes actual run time statistics for the plan.


Plan timing will be captured in the explain when ANALYZE is used. The default is on.

Default Allowed values Description
on 0(off)

Doesn't include actual start up time and time spent in each plan node.


Includes actual start up time and time spent in each plan node.


Plan buffer usage statistics will be captured in the explain when ANALYZE is used. The default is off.

Default Allowed values Description
off 0(off)

Doesn't include information on buffer usage.


Includes information on buffer usage.


Plan wal usage statistics will be captured in the explain when ANALYZE is used. The default is off.

Default Allowed values Description
off 0(off)

Doesn't include information on WAL record generation.


Includes information on WAL record generation.


Plan trigger execution statistics will be captured in the explain when ANALYZE is used. The default is off.

Default Allowed values Description
off 0(off)

Doesn't include triggers execution statistics.


Includes triggers execution statistics.