Exporting and importing managed plans for Aurora PostgreSQL - Amazon Aurora

Exporting and importing managed plans for Aurora PostgreSQL

You can export your managed plans and import them into another DB instance.

To export managed plans

An authorized user can copy any subset of the apg_plan_mgmt.plans table to another table, and then save it using the pg_dump command. The following is an example.

CREATE TABLE plans_copy AS SELECT * FROM apg_plan_mgmt.plans [ WHERE predicates ] ;
% pg_dump --table apg_plan_mgmt.plans_copy -Ft mysourcedatabase > plans_copy.tar
DROP TABLE apg_plan_mgmt.plans_copy;
To import managed plans
  1. Copy the .tar file of the exported managed plans to the system where the plans are to be restored.

  2. Use the pg_restore command to copy the tar file into a new table.

    % pg_restore --dbname mytargetdatabase -Ft plans_copy.tar
  3. Merge the plans_copy table with the apg_plan_mgmt.plans table, as shown in the following example.


    In some cases, you might dump from one version of the apg_plan_mgmt extension and restore into a different version. In these cases, the columns in the plans table might be different. If so, name the columns explicitly instead of using SELECT *.

    INSERT INTO apg_plan_mgmt.plans SELECT * FROM plans_copy ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT plans_pkey DO UPDATE SET status = EXCLUDED.status, enabled = EXCLUDED.enabled, -- Save the most recent last_used date -- last_used = CASE WHEN EXCLUDED.last_used > plans.last_used THEN EXCLUDED.last_used ELSE plans.last_used END, -- Save statistics gathered by evolve_plan_baselines, if it ran: -- estimated_startup_cost = EXCLUDED.estimated_startup_cost, estimated_total_cost = EXCLUDED.estimated_total_cost, planning_time_ms = EXCLUDED.planning_time_ms, execution_time_ms = EXCLUDED.execution_time_ms, total_time_benefit_ms = EXCLUDED.total_time_benefit_ms, execution_time_benefit_ms = EXCLUDED.execution_time_benefit_ms;
  4. Reload the managed plans into shared memory and remove the temporary plans table.

    SELECT apg_plan_mgmt.reload(); -- refresh shared memory DROP TABLE plans_copy;