Audit log contents and examples for database activity streams - Amazon Aurora

Audit log contents and examples for database activity streams

Monitored events are represented in the database activity stream as JSON strings. The structure consists of a JSON object containing a DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord, which in turn contains a databaseActivityEventList array of activity events.

Examples of an audit log for an activity stream

Following are sample decrypted JSON audit logs of activity event records.

Example Activity event record of an Aurora PostgreSQL CONNECT SQL statement

The following activity event record shows a login with the use of a CONNECT SQL statement (command) by a psql client (clientApplication).

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecords", "version":"1.1", "databaseActivityEvents": { "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId":"cluster-4HNY5V4RRNPKKYB7ICFKE5JBQQ", "instanceId":"db-FZJTMYKCXQBUUZ6VLU7NW3ITCM", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "startTime": "2019-10-30 00:39:49.940668+00", "logTime": "2019-10-30 00:39:49.990579+00", "statementId": 1, "substatementId": 1, "objectType": null, "command": "CONNECT", "objectName": null, "databaseName": "postgres", "dbUserName": "rdsadmin", "remoteHost": "", "remotePort": "49804", "sessionId": "5ce5f7f0.474b", "rowCount": null, "commandText": null, "paramList": [], "pid": 18251, "clientApplication": "psql", "exitCode": null, "class": "MISC", "serverVersion": "2.3.1", "serverType": "PostgreSQL", "serviceName": "Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible edition", "serverHost": "", "netProtocol": "TCP", "dbProtocol": "Postgres 3.0", "type": "record", "errorMessage": null } ] }, "key":"decryption-key" }
Example Activity event record of an Aurora MySQL CONNECT SQL statement

The following activity event record shows a logon with the use of a CONNECT SQL statement (command) by a mysql client (clientApplication).

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId":"cluster-some_id", "instanceId":"db-some_id", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "logTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:13.267214+00", "type":"record", "clientApplication":null, "pid":2830, "dbUserName":"rdsadmin", "databaseName":"", "remoteHost":"localhost", "remotePort":"11053", "command":"CONNECT", "commandText":"", "paramList":null, "objectType":"TABLE", "objectName":"", "statementId":0, "substatementId":1, "exitCode":"0", "sessionId":"725121", "rowCount":0, "serverHost":"master", "serverType":"MySQL", "serviceName":"Amazon Aurora MySQL", "serverVersion":"MySQL 5.7.12", "startTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:13.267207+00", "endTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:13.267213+00", "transactionId":"0", "dbProtocol":"MySQL", "netProtocol":"TCP", "errorMessage":"", "class":"MAIN" } ] }
Example Activity event record of an Aurora PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE statement

The following example shows a CREATE TABLE event for Aurora PostgreSQL.

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecords", "version":"1.1", "databaseActivityEvents": { "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId":"cluster-4HNY5V4RRNPKKYB7ICFKE5JBQQ", "instanceId":"db-FZJTMYKCXQBUUZ6VLU7NW3ITCM", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "startTime": "2019-05-24 00:36:54.403455+00", "logTime": "2019-05-24 00:36:54.494235+00", "statementId": 2, "substatementId": 1, "objectType": null, "command": "CREATE TABLE", "objectName": null, "databaseName": "postgres", "dbUserName": "rdsadmin", "remoteHost": "", "remotePort": "34534", "sessionId": "5ce73c6f.7e64", "rowCount": null, "commandText": "create table my_table (id serial primary key, name varchar(32));", "paramList": [], "pid": 32356, "clientApplication": "psql", "exitCode": null, "class": "DDL", "serverVersion": "2.3.1", "serverType": "PostgreSQL", "serviceName": "Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible edition", "serverHost": "", "netProtocol": "TCP", "dbProtocol": "Postgres 3.0", "type": "record", "errorMessage": null } ] }, "key":"decryption-key" }
Example Activity event record of an Aurora MySQL CREATE TABLE statement

The following example shows a CREATE TABLE statement for Aurora MySQL. The operation is represented as two separate event records. One event has "class":"MAIN". The other event has "class":"AUX". The messages might arrive in any order. The logTime field of the MAIN event is always earlier than the logTime fields of any corresponding AUX events.

The following example shows the event with a class value of MAIN.

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId":"cluster-some_id", "instanceId":"db-some_id", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "logTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:12.250221+00", "type":"record", "clientApplication":null, "pid":2830, "dbUserName":"master", "databaseName":"test", "remoteHost":"localhost", "remotePort":"11054", "command":"QUERY", "commandText":"CREATE TABLE test1 (id INT)", "paramList":null, "objectType":"TABLE", "objectName":"test1", "statementId":65459278, "substatementId":1, "exitCode":"0", "sessionId":"725118", "rowCount":0, "serverHost":"master", "serverType":"MySQL", "serviceName":"Amazon Aurora MySQL", "serverVersion":"MySQL 5.7.12", "startTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:12.226384+00", "endTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:12.250222+00", "transactionId":"0", "dbProtocol":"MySQL", "netProtocol":"TCP", "errorMessage":"", "class":"MAIN" } ] }

The following example shows the corresponding event with a class value of AUX.

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId":"cluster-some_id", "instanceId":"db-some_id", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "logTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:12.247182+00", "type":"record", "clientApplication":null, "pid":2830, "dbUserName":"master", "databaseName":"test", "remoteHost":"localhost", "remotePort":"11054", "command":"CREATE", "commandText":"test1", "paramList":null, "objectType":"TABLE", "objectName":"test1", "statementId":65459278, "substatementId":2, "exitCode":"", "sessionId":"725118", "rowCount":0, "serverHost":"master", "serverType":"MySQL", "serviceName":"Amazon Aurora MySQL", "serverVersion":"MySQL 5.7.12", "startTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:12.226384+00", "endTime":"2020-05-22 18:07:12.247182+00", "transactionId":"0", "dbProtocol":"MySQL", "netProtocol":"TCP", "errorMessage":"", "class":"AUX" } ] }
Example Activity event record of an Aurora PostgreSQL SELECT statement

The following example shows a SELECT event .

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecords", "version":"1.1", "databaseActivityEvents": { "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId":"cluster-4HNY5V4RRNPKKYB7ICFKE5JBQQ", "instanceId":"db-FZJTMYKCXQBUUZ6VLU7NW3ITCM", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "startTime": "2019-05-24 00:39:49.920564+00", "logTime": "2019-05-24 00:39:49.940668+00", "statementId": 6, "substatementId": 1, "objectType": "TABLE", "command": "SELECT", "objectName": "public.my_table", "databaseName": "postgres", "dbUserName": "rdsadmin", "remoteHost": "", "remotePort": "34534", "sessionId": "5ce73c6f.7e64", "rowCount": 10, "commandText": "select * from my_table;", "paramList": [], "pid": 32356, "clientApplication": "psql", "exitCode": null, "class": "READ", "serverVersion": "2.3.1", "serverType": "PostgreSQL", "serviceName": "Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible edition", "serverHost": "", "netProtocol": "TCP", "dbProtocol": "Postgres 3.0", "type": "record", "errorMessage": null } ] }, "key":"decryption-key" }
{ "type": "DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId": "", "instanceId": "db-4JCWQLUZVFYP7DIWP6JVQ77O3Q", "databaseActivityEventList": [ { "class": "TABLE", "clientApplication": "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query", "command": "SELECT", "commandText": "select * from [testDB].[dbo].[TestTable]", "databaseName": "testDB", "dbProtocol": "SQLSERVER", "dbUserName": "test", "endTime": null, "errorMessage": null, "exitCode": 1, "logTime": "2022-10-06 21:24:59.9422268+00", "netProtocol": null, "objectName": "TestTable", "objectType": "TABLE", "paramList": null, "pid": null, "remoteHost": "local machine", "remotePort": null, "rowCount": 0, "serverHost": "", "serverType": "SQLSERVER", "serverVersion": "15.00.4073.23.v1.R1", "serviceName": "sqlserver-ee", "sessionId": 62, "startTime": null, "statementId": "0x03baed90412f564fad640ebe51f89b99", "substatementId": 1, "transactionId": "4532935", "type": "record", "engineNativeAuditFields": { "target_database_principal_id": 0, "target_server_principal_id": 0, "target_database_principal_name": "", "server_principal_id": 2, "user_defined_information": "", "response_rows": 0, "database_principal_name": "dbo", "target_server_principal_name": "", "schema_name": "dbo", "is_column_permission": true, "object_id": 581577110, "server_instance_name": "EC2AMAZ-NFUJJNO", "target_server_principal_sid": null, "additional_information": "", "duration_milliseconds": 0, "permission_bitmask": "0x00000000000000000000000000000001", "data_sensitivity_information": "", "session_server_principal_name": "test", "connection_id": "AD3A5084-FB83-45C1-8334-E923459A8109", "audit_schema_version": 1, "database_principal_id": 1, "server_principal_sid": "0x010500000000000515000000bdc2795e2d0717901ba6998cf4010000", "user_defined_event_id": 0, "host_name": "EC2AMAZ-NFUJJNO" } } ] }
Example Activity event record of an Aurora MySQL SELECT statement

The following example shows a SELECT event.

The following example shows the event with a class value of MAIN.

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "clusterId":"cluster-some_id", "instanceId":"db-some_id", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "logTime":"2020-05-22 18:29:57.986467+00", "type":"record", "clientApplication":null, "pid":2830, "dbUserName":"master", "databaseName":"test", "remoteHost":"localhost", "remotePort":"11054", "command":"QUERY", "commandText":"SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE id < 28", "paramList":null, "objectType":"TABLE", "objectName":"test1", "statementId":65469218, "substatementId":1, "exitCode":"0", "sessionId":"726571", "rowCount":2, "serverHost":"master", "serverType":"MySQL", "serviceName":"Amazon Aurora MySQL", "serverVersion":"MySQL 5.7.12", "startTime":"2020-05-22 18:29:57.986364+00", "endTime":"2020-05-22 18:29:57.986467+00", "transactionId":"0", "dbProtocol":"MySQL", "netProtocol":"TCP", "errorMessage":"", "class":"MAIN" } ] }

The following example shows the corresponding event with a class value of AUX.

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord", "instanceId":"db-some_id", "databaseActivityEventList":[ { "logTime":"2020-05-22 18:29:57.986399+00", "type":"record", "clientApplication":null, "pid":2830, "dbUserName":"master", "databaseName":"test", "remoteHost":"localhost", "remotePort":"11054", "command":"READ", "commandText":"test1", "paramList":null, "objectType":"TABLE", "objectName":"test1", "statementId":65469218, "substatementId":2, "exitCode":"", "sessionId":"726571", "rowCount":0, "serverHost":"master", "serverType":"MySQL", "serviceName":"Amazon Aurora MySQL", "serverVersion":"MySQL 5.7.12", "startTime":"2020-05-22 18:29:57.986364+00", "endTime":"2020-05-22 18:29:57.986399+00", "transactionId":"0", "dbProtocol":"MySQL", "netProtocol":"TCP", "errorMessage":"", "class":"AUX" } ] }

DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecords JSON object

The database activity event records are in a JSON object that contains the following information.

JSON Field Data Type Description



The type of JSON record. The value is DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecords.

version string The version of the database activity monitoring records.

The version of the generated database activity records depends on the engine version of the DB cluster:

  • Version 1.1 database activity records are generated for Aurora PostgreSQL DB clusters running the engine versions 10.10 and later minor versions and engine versions 11.5 and later.

  • Version 1.0 database activity records are generated for Aurora PostgreSQL DB clusters running the engine versions 10.7 and 11.4.

All of the following fields are in both version 1.0 and version 1.1 except where specifically noted.



A JSON object that contains the activity events.

key string An encryption key that you use to decrypt the databaseActivityEventList JSON array

databaseActivityEvents JSON Object

The databaseActivityEvents JSON object contains the following information.

Top-level fields in JSON record

Each event in the audit log is wrapped inside a record in JSON format. This record contains the following fields.


This field always has the value DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecords.


This field represents the version of the database activity stream data protocol or contract. It defines which fields are available.

Version 1.0 represents the original data activity streams support for Aurora PostgreSQL versions 10.7 and 11.4. Version 1.1 represents the data activity streams support for Aurora PostgreSQL versions 10.10 and higher and Aurora PostgreSQL 11.5 and higher. Version 1.1 includes the additional fields errorMessage and startTime. Version 1.2 represents the data activity streams support for Aurora MySQL 2.08 and higher. Version 1.2 includes the additional fields endTime and transactionId.


An encrypted string representing one or more activity events. It's represented as a base64 byte array. When you decrypt the string, the result is a record in JSON format with fields as shown in the examples in this section.


The encrypted data key used to encrypt the databaseActivityEvents string. This is the same AWS KMS key that you provided when you started the database activity stream.

The following example shows the format of this record.

{ "type":"DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecords", "version":"1.1", "databaseActivityEvents":"encrypted audit records", "key":"encrypted key" }

Take the following steps to decrypt the contents of the databaseActivityEvents field:

  1. Decrypt the value in the key JSON field using the KMS key you provided when starting database activity stream. Doing so returns the data encryption key in clear text.

  2. Base64-decode the value in the databaseActivityEvents JSON field to obtain the ciphertext, in binary format, of the audit payload.

  3. Decrypt the binary ciphertext with the data encryption key that you decoded in the first step.

  4. Decompress the decrypted payload.

    • The encrypted payload is in the databaseActivityEvents field.

    • The databaseActivityEventList field contains an array of audit records. The type fields in the array can be record or heartbeat.

The audit log activity event record is a JSON object that contains the following information.

JSON Field Data Type Description



The type of JSON record. The value is DatabaseActivityMonitoringRecord.

clusterId string The DB cluster resource identifier. It corresponds to the DB cluster attribute DbClusterResourceId.
instanceId string The DB instance resource identifier. It corresponds to the DB instance attribute DbiResourceId.

databaseActivityEventList JSON array


An array of activity audit records or heartbeat messages.