aurora_stat_wait_event - Amazon Aurora


Lists all supported wait events for Aurora PostgreSQL. For information about Aurora PostgreSQL wait events, see Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL wait events.





Return type

SETOF record with the following columns:

  • type_id – The ID of the type of wait event.

  • event_id – The ID of the wait event.

  • type_name – Wait type name

  • event_name – Wait event name

Usage notes

To see event names with event types instead of IDs, use this function together with other functions such as aurora_stat_wait_type and aurora_stat_system_waits. Wait event names returned by this function are the same as those returned by the aurora_wait_report function.


The following example shows results from calling the aurora_stat_wait_event function.

=> SELECT * FROM aurora_stat_wait_event(); type_id | event_id | event_name ---------+-----------+------------------------------------------- 1 | 16777216 | <unassigned:0> 1 | 16777217 | ShmemIndexLock 1 | 16777218 | OidGenLock 1 | 16777219 | XidGenLock . . . 9 | 150994945 | PgSleep 9 | 150994946 | RecoveryApplyDelay 10 | 167772160 | BufFileRead 10 | 167772161 | BufFileWrite 10 | 167772162 | ControlFileRead . . . 10 | 167772226 | WALInitWrite 10 | 167772227 | WALRead 10 | 167772228 | WALSync 10 | 167772229 | WALSyncMethodAssign 10 | 167772230 | WALWrite 10 | 167772231 | XactSync . . . 11 | 184549377 | LsnAllocate

The following example joins aurora_stat_wait_type and aurora_stat_wait_event to return type names and event names for improved readability.

=> SELECT * FROM aurora_stat_wait_type() t JOIN aurora_stat_wait_event() e ON t.type_id = e.type_id; type_id | type_name | type_id | event_id | event_name ---------+-----------+---------+-----------+------------------------------------------- 1 | LWLock | 1 | 16777216 | <unassigned:0> 1 | LWLock | 1 | 16777217 | ShmemIndexLock 1 | LWLock | 1 | 16777218 | OidGenLock 1 | LWLock | 1 | 16777219 | XidGenLock 1 | LWLock | 1 | 16777220 | ProcArrayLock . . . 3 | Lock | 3 | 50331648 | relation 3 | Lock | 3 | 50331649 | extend 3 | Lock | 3 | 50331650 | page 3 | Lock | 3 | 50331651 | tuple . . . 10 | IO | 10 | 167772214 | TimelineHistorySync 10 | IO | 10 | 167772215 | TimelineHistoryWrite 10 | IO | 10 | 167772216 | TwophaseFileRead 10 | IO | 10 | 167772217 | TwophaseFileSync . . . 11 | LSN | 11 | 184549376 | LsnDurable