Overview of Amazon RDS Extended Support - Amazon Aurora

Overview of Amazon RDS Extended Support

After the Aurora end of standard support date, Amazon Aurora will automatically enroll your databases in RDS Extended Support. Aurora automatically upgrades your DB instance to the last minor version released before the Aurora end of standard support date, if you aren't already running that version. Amazon Aurora won't upgrade your minor version until after the Aurora end of standard support date for your major engine version.

You can create new databases with major engine versions that have reached the Aurora end of standard support date. Aurora automatically enrolls these new databases in RDS Extended Support and charges you for this offering.

If you upgrade to an engine that's still under Aurora standard support before the Aurora end of standard support date, Amazon Aurora won't enroll your engine in RDS Extended Support.

If you attempt to restore a snapshot of a database compatible with an engine that's past the Aurora end of standard support date but isn't enrolled in RDS Extended Support, then Amazon Aurora will attempt to upgrade the snapshot to be compatible with the latest engine version that is still under Aurora standard support. If the restore fails, then Amazon Aurora will automatically enroll your engine in RDS Extended Support with a version that's compatible with the snapshot.

You can end enrollment in RDS Extended Support at any time. To end enrollment, upgrade each enrolled engine to a newer engine version that's still under Aurora standard support. The end of RDS Extended Support enrollment will be effective the day that you complete an upgrade to a newer engine version that's still under Aurora standard support.