Working with DB instance read replicas - Amazon Relational Database Service

Working with DB instance read replicas

A read replica is a read-only copy of a DB instance. You can reduce the load on your primary DB instance by routing queries from your applications to the read replica. In this way, you can elastically scale out beyond the capacity constraints of a single DB instance for read-heavy database workloads.

To create a read replica from a source DB instance, Amazon RDS uses the built-in replication features of the DB engine. For information about using read replicas with a specific engine, see the following sections:

After you create a read replica from a source DB instance, the source becomes the primary DB instance. When you make updates to the primary DB instance, Amazon RDS copies them asynchronously to the read replica. The following diagram shows a source DB instance replicating to a read replica in a different Availability Zone (AZ). Clients have read/write access to the primary DB instance and read-only access to the replica.

Read replica configuration

Read replicas are billed as standard DB instances at the same rates as the DB instance class used for the replica. You aren't charged for the data transfer incurred in replicating data between the source DB instance and a read replica within the same AWS Region. For more information, see Cross-Region replication costs and DB instance billing for Amazon RDS.

Overview of Amazon RDS read replicas

The following sections discuss DB instance read replicas. For information about Multi-AZ DB cluster read replicas, see Working with Multi-AZ DB cluster read replicas.

Use cases for read replicas

Deploying one or more read replicas for a given source DB instance might make sense in a variety of scenarios, including the following:

  • Scaling beyond the compute or I/O capacity of a single DB instance for read-heavy database workloads. You can direct this excess read traffic to one or more read replicas.

  • Serving read traffic while the source DB instance is unavailable. In some cases, your source DB instance might not be able to take I/O requests, for example due to I/O suspension for backups or scheduled maintenance. In these cases, you can direct read traffic to your read replicas. For this use case, keep in mind that the data on the read replica might be "stale" because the source DB instance is unavailable.

  • Business reporting or data warehousing scenarios where you might want business reporting queries to run against a read replica, rather than your production DB instance.

  • Implementing disaster recovery. You can promote a read replica to a standalone instance as a disaster recovery solution if the primary DB instance fails.

How read replicas work

When you create a read replica, you first specify an existing DB instance as the source. Then Amazon RDS takes a snapshot of the source instance and creates a read-only instance from the snapshot. Amazon RDS then uses the asynchronous replication method for the DB engine to update the read replica whenever there is a change to the primary DB instance.

The read replica operates as a DB instance that allows only read-only connections. An exception is the RDS for Oracle DB engine, which supports replica databases in mounted mode. A mounted replica doesn't accept user connections and so can't serve a read-only workload. The primary use for mounted replicas is cross-Region disaster recovery. For more information, see Working with read replicas for Amazon RDS for Oracle.

Applications connect to a read replica just as they do to any DB instance. Amazon RDS replicates all databases from the source DB instance.

Read replicas in a Multi-AZ deployment

You can configure a read replica for a DB instance that also has a standby replica configured for high availability in a Multi-AZ deployment. Replication with the standby replica is synchronous. Unlike a read replica, a standby replica can't serve read traffic.

In the following scenario, clients have read/write access to a primary DB instance in one AZ. The primary instance copies updates asynchronously to a read replica in a second AZ and also copies them synchronously to a standby replica in a third AZ. Clients have read access only to the read replica.

Read replica and standby replica configuration

For more information about high availability and standby replicas, see Configuring and managing a Multi-AZ deployment.

Cross-Region read replicas

In some cases, a read replica resides in a different AWS Region from its primary DB instance. In these cases, Amazon RDS sets up a secure communications channel between the primary DB instance and the read replica. Amazon RDS establishes any AWS security configurations needed to enable the secure channel, such as adding security group entries. For more information about cross-Region read replicas, see Creating a read replica in a different AWS Region.

The information in this chapter applies to creating Amazon RDS read replicas either in the same AWS Region as the source DB instance, or in a separate AWS Region. The following information doesn't apply to setting up replication with an instance that is running on an Amazon EC2 instance or that is on-premises.

Differences among read replicas for DB engines

Because Amazon RDS DB engines implement replication differently, there are several significant differences you should know about, as shown in the following table.

Feature or behavior MySQL and MariaDB Oracle PostgreSQL SQL Server

What is the replication method?

Logical replication.

Physical replication.

Physical replication.

Physical replication.

How are transaction logs purged?

RDS for MySQL and RDS for MariaDB keep any binary logs that haven't been applied.

If a primary DB instance has no cross-Region read replicas, Amazon RDS for Oracle keeps a minimum of two hours of transaction logs on the source DB instance. Logs are purged from the source DB instance after two hours or after the archive log retention hours setting has passed, whichever is longer. Logs are purged from the read replica after the archive log retention hours setting has passed only if they have been successfully applied to the database.

In some cases, a primary DB instance might have one or more cross-Region read replicas. If so, Amazon RDS for Oracle keeps the transaction logs on the source DB instance until they have been transmitted and applied to all cross-Region read replicas.

For information about setting archive log retention hours, see Retaining archived redo logs.

PostgreSQL has the parameter wal_keep_segments that dictates how many write ahead log (WAL) files are kept to provide data to the read replicas. The parameter value specifies the number of logs to keep.

The Virtual Log File (VLF) of the transaction log file on the primary replica can be truncated after it is no longer required for the secondary replicas.

The VLF can only be marked as inactive when the log records have been hardened in the replicas. Regardless of how fast the disk subsystems are in the primary replica, the transaction log will keep the VLFs until the slowest replica has hardened it.

Can a replica be made writable?

Yes. You can enable the MySQL or MariaDB read replica to be writable.

No. An Oracle read replica is a physical copy, and Oracle doesn't allow for writes in a read replica. You can promote the read replica to make it writable. The promoted read replica has the replicated data to the point when the request was made to promote it.

No. A PostgreSQL read replica is a physical copy, and PostgreSQL doesn't allow for a read replica to be made writable.

No. A SQL Server read replica is a physical copy and also doesn't allow for writes. You can promote the read replica to make it writable. The promoted read replica has the replicated data up to the point when the request was made to promote it.

Can backups be performed on the replica?

Yes. Automatic backups and manual snapshots are supported on RDS for MySQL or RDS for MariaDB read replicas.

Yes. Automatic backups and manual snapshots are supported on RDS for Oracle read replicas.

Yes, you can create a manual snapshot of RDS for PostgreSQL read replicas. Automated backups for read replicas are supported for RDS for PostgreSQL 14.1 and higher versions only. You can't turn on automated backups for PostgreSQL read replicas for RDS for PostgreSQL versions earlier than 14.1. For RDS for PostgreSQL 13 and earlier versions, create a snapshot from a read replica if you want a backup of it.

No. Automatic backups and manual snapshots aren't supported on RDS for SQL Server read replicas.

Can you use parallel replication?

Yes. All supported MariaDB and MySQL versions allow for parallel replication threads.

Yes. Redo log data is always transmitted in parallel from the primary database to all of its read replicas.

No. PostgreSQL has a single process handling replication.

Yes. Redo log data is always transmitted in parallel from the primary database to all of its read replicas.

Can you maintain a replica in a mounted rather than a read-only state?


Yes. The primary use for mounted replicas is cross-Region disaster recovery. An Active Data Guard license isn't required for mounted replicas. For more information, see Working with read replicas for Amazon RDS for Oracle.



Read replica storage types

By default, a read replica is created with the same storage type as the source DB instance. However, you can create a read replica that has a different storage type from the source DB instance based on the options listed in the following table.

Source DB instance storage type Source DB instance storage allocation Read replica storage type options
Provisioned IOPS 100 GiB–64 TiB Provisioned IOPS, General Purpose, Magnetic
General Purpose 100 GiB–64 TiB Provisioned IOPS, General Purpose, Magnetic
General Purpose <100 GiB General Purpose, Magnetic
Magnetic 100 GiB–6 TiB Provisioned IOPS, General Purpose, Magnetic
Magnetic <100 GiB General Purpose, Magnetic

When you increase the allocated storage of a read replica, it must be by at least 10 percent. If you try to increase the value by less than 10 percent, you get an error.

Restrictions for creating a replica from a replica

Amazon RDS doesn't support circular replication. You can't configure a DB instance to serve as a replication source for an existing DB instance. You can only create a new read replica from an existing DB instance. For example, if MySourceDBInstance replicates to ReadReplica1, you can't configure ReadReplica1 to replicate back to MySourceDBInstance.

For RDS for MariaDB and RDS for MySQL, and for certain versions of RDS for PostgreSQL, you can create a read replica from an existing read replica. For example, you can create new read replica ReadReplica2 from existing replica ReadReplica1. For RDS for Oracle and RDS for SQL Server, you can't create a read replica from an existing read replica.

Considerations when deleting replicas

If you no longer need read replicas, you can explicitly delete them using the same mechanisms for deleting a DB instance. If you delete a source DB instance without deleting its read replicas in the same AWS Region, each read replica is promoted to a standalone DB instance. For information about deleting a DB instance, see Deleting a DB instance. For information about read replica promotion, see Promoting a read replica to be a standalone DB instance.

If you have cross-Region read replicas, see Cross-Region replication considerations for information related to deleting the source DB instance for a cross-Region read replica.

Creating a read replica

You can create a read replica from an existing DB instance using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or RDS API. You create a read replica by specifying SourceDBInstanceIdentifier, which is the DB instance identifier of the source DB instance that you want to replicate from.

When you create a read replica, Amazon RDS takes a DB snapshot of your source DB instance and begins replication. The source DB instance experiences a very brief I/O suspension when the DB snapshot operation begins. The I/O suspension typically lasts about one second. You can avoid the I/O suspension if the source DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment, because in that case the snapshot is taken from the secondary DB instance.

An active, long-running transaction can slow the process of creating the read replica. We recommend that you wait for long-running transactions to complete before creating a read replica. If you create multiple read replicas in parallel from the same source DB instance, Amazon RDS takes only one snapshot at the start of the first create action.

When creating a read replica, there are a few things to consider. First, you must enable automatic backups on the source DB instance by setting the backup retention period to a value other than 0. This requirement also applies to a read replica that is the source DB instance for another read replica. To enable automatic backups on an RDS for MySQL read replica, first create the read replica, then modify the read replica to enable automatic backups.


Within an AWS Region, we strongly recommend that you create all read replicas in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) based on Amazon VPC as the source DB instance. If you create a read replica in a different VPC from the source DB instance, classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) ranges can overlap between the replica and the RDS system. CIDR overlap makes the replica unstable, which can negatively impact applications connecting to it. If you receive an error when creating the read replica, choose a different destination DB subnet group. For more information, see Working with a DB instance in a VPC.

There is no direct way to create a read replica in another AWS account using the console or AWS CLI.

To create a read replica from a source DB instance
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.

  3. Choose the DB instance that you want to use as the source for a read replica.

  4. For Actions, choose Create read replica.

  5. For DB instance identifier, enter a name for the read replica.

  6. Choose your instance configuration. We recommend that you use the same or larger DB instance class and storage type as the source DB instance for the read replica.

  7. For AWS Region, specify the destination Region for the read replica.

  8. For Storage, specify the allocated storage size and whether you want to use storage autoscaling.

    If your source DB instance isn't on the latest storage configuration, the Upgrade storage file system configuration option is available. You can enable this setting to upgrade the storage file system of the read replica to the preferred configuration. For more information, see Upgrading the storage file system for a DB instance.

  9. For Availability, choose whether to create a standby of your replica in another Availability Zone for failover support for the replica.


    Creating your read replica as a Multi-AZ DB instance is independent of whether the source database is a Multi-AZ DB instance.

  10. Specify other DB instance settings. For information about each available setting, see Settings for DB instances.

  11. To create an encrypted read replica, expand Additional configuration and specify the following settings:

    1. Choose Enable encryption.

    2. For AWS KMS key, choose the AWS KMS key identifier of the KMS key.


    The source DB instance must be encrypted. To learn more about encrypting the source DB instance, see Encrypting Amazon RDS resources.

  12. Choose Create read replica.

After the read replica is created, you can see it on the Databases page in the RDS console. It shows Replica in the Role column.

To create a read replica from a source DB instance, use the AWS CLI command create-db-instance-read-replica. This example also sets the allocated storage size, enables storage autoscaling, and upgrades the file system to the preferred configuration.

You can specify other settings. For information about each setting, see Settings for DB instances.


For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica \ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica \ --source-db-instance-identifier mydbinstance \ --allocated-storage 100 \ --max-allocated-storage 1000 \ --upgrade-storage-config

For Windows:

aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica ^ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica ^ --source-db-instance-identifier mydbinstance ^ --allocated-storage 100 ^ --max-allocated-storage 1000 ^ --upgrade-storage-config

To create a read replica from a source MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server DB instance, call the Amazon RDS API CreateDBInstanceReadReplica operation with the following required parameters:

  • DBInstanceIdentifier

  • SourceDBInstanceIdentifier

Promoting a read replica to be a standalone DB instance

You can promote a read replica into a standalone DB instance. If a source DB instance has several read replicas, promoting one of the read replicas to a DB instance has no effect on the other replicas.

When you promote a read replica, RDS reboots the DB instance before making it available. The promotion process can take several minutes or longer to complete, depending on the size of the read replica.

Promoting a read replica

Use cases for promoting a read replica

You might want to promote a read replica to a standalone DB instance for any of the following reasons:

  • Implementing failure recovery – You can use read replica promotion as a data recovery scheme if the primary DB instance fails. This approach complements synchronous replication, automatic failure detection, and failover.

    If you are aware of the ramifications and limitations of asynchronous replication and you still want to use read replica promotion for data recovery, you can. To do this, first create a read replica and then monitor the primary DB instance for failures. In the event of a failure, do the following:

    1. Promote the read replica.

    2. Direct database traffic to the promoted DB instance.

    3. Create a replacement read replica with the promoted DB instance as its source.

  • Upgrading storage configuration – If your source DB instance isn't on the preferred storage configuration, you can create a read replica of the instance and upgrade the storage file system configuration. This option migrates the file system of the read replica to the preferred configuration. You can then promote the read replica to a standalone instance.

    You can use this option to overcome the scaling limitations on storage and file size for older 32-bit file systems. For more information, see Upgrading the storage file system for a DB instance.

    This option is only available if your source DB instance is not on the latest storage configuration, or if you're modifying the DB instance class within the same request.

  • Sharding – Sharding embodies the "share-nothing" architecture and essentially involves breaking a large database into several smaller databases. One common way to split a database is splitting tables that are not joined in the same query onto different hosts. Another method is duplicating a table across multiple hosts and then using a hashing algorithm to determine which host receives a given update. You can create read replicas corresponding to each of your shards (smaller databases) and promote them when you decide to convert them into standalone shards. You can then carve out the key space (if you are splitting rows) or distribution of tables for each of the shards depending on your requirements.

  • Performing DDL operations (MySQL and MariaDB only) – DDL operations, such as creating or rebuilding indexes, can take time and impose a significant performance penalty on your DB instance. You can perform these operations on a MySQL or MariaDB read replica once the read replica is in sync with its primary DB instance. Then you can promote the read replica and direct your applications to use the promoted instance.


If your read replica is an RDS for Oracle DB instance, you can perform a switchover instead of a promotion. In a switchover, the source DB instance becomes the new replica, and the replica becomes the new source DB instance. For more information, see Performing an Oracle Data Guard switchover.

Characteristics of a promoted read replica

After you promote the read replica, it ceases to function as a read replica and becomes a standalone DB instance. The new standalone DB instance has the following characteristics:

  • The standalone DB instance retains the option group and the parameter group of the pre-promotion read replica.

  • You can create read replicas from the standalone DB instance and perform point-in-time restore operations.

  • You can't use the DB instance as a replication target because it is no longer a read replica.

Prerequisites for promoting a read replica

Before you promote a read replica, do the following:

  • Review your backup strategy:

    • We recommend that you enable backups and complete at least one backup. Backup duration is a function of the number of changes to the database since the previous backup.

    • If you have enabled backups on your read replica, configure the automated backup window so that daily backups don't interfere with read replica promotion.

    • Make sure that your read replica doesn't have the backing-up status. You can't promote a read replica when it is in this state.

  • Stop any transactions from being written to the primary DB instance, and then wait for RDS to apply all updates to the read replica.

    Database updates occur on the read replica after they have occurred on the primary DB instance. Replication lag can vary significantly. Use the Replica Lag metric to determine when all updates have been made to the read replica.

  • (MySQL and MariaDB only) To make changes to a MySQL or MariaDB read replica before you promote it, set the read_only parameter to 0 in the DB parameter group for the read replica. You can then perform all needed DDL operations, such as creating indexes, on the read replica. Actions taken on the read replica don't affect the performance of the primary DB instance.

Promoting a read replica: basic steps

The following steps show the general process for promoting a read replica to a DB instance:

  1. Promote the read replica by using the Promote option on the Amazon RDS console, the AWS CLI command promote-read-replica, or the PromoteReadReplica Amazon RDS API operation.


    The promotion process takes a few minutes to complete. When you promote a read replica, RDS stops replication and reboots the read replica. When the reboot is complete, the read replica is available as a new DB instance.

  2. (Optional) Modify the new DB instance to be a Multi-AZ deployment. For more information, see Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance and Configuring and managing a Multi-AZ deployment.

To promote a read replica to a standalone DB instance
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the Amazon RDS console, choose Databases.

    The Databases pane appears. Each read replica shows Replica in the Role column.

  3. Choose the read replica that you want to promote.

  4. For Actions, choose Promote.

  5. On the Promote Read Replica page, enter the backup retention period and the backup window for the newly promoted DB instance.

  6. When the settings are as you want them, choose Continue.

  7. On the acknowledgment page, choose Promote Read Replica.

To promote a read replica to a standalone DB instance, use the AWS CLI promote-read-replica command.


For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds promote-read-replica \ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica

For Windows:

aws rds promote-read-replica ^ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica

To promote a read replica to a standalone DB instance, call the Amazon RDS API PromoteReadReplica operation with the required parameter DBInstanceIdentifier.

Monitoring read replication

You can monitor the status of a read replica in several ways. The Amazon RDS console shows the status of a read replica in the Replication section of the Connectivity & security tab in the read replica details. To view the details for a read replica, choose the name of the read replica in the list of DB instances in the Amazon RDS console.

Read replica status

You can also see the status of a read replica using the AWS CLI describe-db-instances command or the Amazon RDS API DescribeDBInstances operation.

The status of a read replica can be one of the following:

  • replicating – The read replica is replicating successfully.

  • replication degraded (SQL Server and PostgreSQL only) – Replicas are receiving data from the primary instance, but one or more databases might be not getting updates. This can occur, for example, when a replica is in the process of setting up newly created databases. It can also occur when unsupported DDL or large object changes are made in the blue environment of a blue/green deployment.

    The status doesn't transition from replication degraded to error, unless an error occurs during the degraded state.

  • error – An error has occurred with the replication. Check the Replication Error field in the Amazon RDS console or the event log to determine the exact error. For more information about troubleshooting a replication error, see Troubleshooting a MySQL read replica problem.

  • terminated (MariaDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL only) – Replication is terminated. This occurs if replication is stopped for more than 30 consecutive days, either manually or due to a replication error. In this case, Amazon RDS terminates replication between the primary DB instance and all read replicas. Amazon RDS does this to prevent increased storage requirements on the source DB instance and long failover times.

    Broken replication can affect storage because the logs can grow in size and number due to the high volume of errors messages being written to the log. Broken replication can also affect failure recovery due to the time Amazon RDS requires to maintain and process the large number of logs during recovery.

  • terminated (Oracle only) – Replication is terminated. This occurs if replication is stopped for more than 8 hours because there isn't enough storage remaining on the read replica. In this case, Amazon RDS terminates replication between the primary DB instance and the affected read replica. This status is a terminal state, and the read replica must be re-created.

  • stopped (MariaDB or MySQL only) – Replication has stopped because of a customer-initiated request.

  • replication stop point set (MySQL only) – A customer-initiated stop point was set using the mysql.rds_start_replication_until stored procedure and the replication is in progress.

  • replication stop point reached (MySQL only) – A customer-initiated stop point was set using the mysql.rds_start_replication_until stored procedure and replication is stopped because the stop point was reached.

You can see where a DB instance is being replicated and if so, check its replication status. On the Databases page in the RDS console, it shows Primary in the Role column. Choose its DB instance name. On its detail page, on the Connectivity & security tab, its replication status is under Replication.

Monitoring replication lag

You can monitor replication lag in Amazon CloudWatch by viewing the Amazon RDS ReplicaLag metric.

For MariaDB and MySQL, the ReplicaLag metric reports the value of the Seconds_Behind_Master field of the SHOW REPLICA STATUS command. Common causes for replication lag for MySQL and MariaDB are the following:

  • A network outage.

  • Writing to tables with indexes on a read replica. If the read_only parameter is not set to 0 on the read replica, it can break replication.

  • Using a nontransactional storage engine such as MyISAM. Replication is only supported for the InnoDB storage engine on MySQL and the XtraDB storage engine on MariaDB.


Previous versions of MariaDB and MySQL used SHOW SLAVE STATUS instead of SHOW REPLICA STATUS. If you are using a MariaDB version before 10.5 or a MySQL version before 8.0.23, then use SHOW SLAVE STATUS.

When the ReplicaLag metric reaches 0, the replica has caught up to the primary DB instance. If the ReplicaLag metric returns -1, then replication is currently not active. ReplicaLag = -1 is equivalent to Seconds_Behind_Master = NULL.

For Oracle, the ReplicaLag metric is the sum of the Apply Lag value and the difference between the current time and the apply lag's DATUM_TIME value. The DATUM_TIME value is the last time the read replica received data from its source DB instance. For more information, see V$DATAGUARD_STATS in the Oracle documentation.

For SQL Server, the ReplicaLag metric is the maximum lag of databases that have fallen behind, in seconds. For example, if you have two databases that lag 5 seconds and 10 seconds, respectively, then ReplicaLag is 10 seconds. The ReplicaLag metric returns the value of the following query.

SELECT MAX(secondary_lag_seconds) max_lag FROM sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states;

For more information, see secondary_lag_seconds in the Microsoft documentation.

ReplicaLag returns -1 if RDS can't determine the lag, such as during replica setup, or when the read replica is in the error state.


New databases aren't included in the lag calculation until they are accessible on the read replica.

For PostgreSQL, the ReplicaLag metric returns the value of the following query.

SELECT extract(epoch from now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp()) AS reader_lag

PostgreSQL versions 9.5.2 and later use physical replication slots to manage write ahead log (WAL) retention on the source instance. For each cross-Region read replica instance, Amazon RDS creates a physical replication slot and associates it with the instance. Two Amazon CloudWatch metrics, Oldest Replication Slot Lag and Transaction Logs Disk Usage, show how far behind the most lagging replica is in terms of WAL data received and how much storage is being used for WAL data. The Transaction Logs Disk Usage value can substantially increase when a cross-Region read replica is lagging significantly.

For more information about monitoring a DB instance with CloudWatch, see Monitoring Amazon RDS metrics with Amazon CloudWatch.

Creating a read replica in a different AWS Region

With Amazon RDS, you can create a read replica in a different AWS Region from the source DB instance.

Cross-Region read replica configuration

You create a read replica in a different AWS Region to do the following:

  • Improve your disaster recovery capabilities.

  • Scale read operations into an AWS Region closer to your users.

  • Make it easier to migrate from a data center in one AWS Region to a data center in another AWS Region.

Creating a read replica in a different AWS Region from the source instance is similar to creating a replica in the same AWS Region. You can use the AWS Management Console, run the create-db-instance-read-replica command, or call the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica API operation.


To create an encrypted read replica in a different AWS Region from the source DB instance, the source DB instance must be encrypted.

Region and version availability

Feature availability and support varies across specific versions of each database engine, and across AWS Regions. For more information on version and Region availability with cross-Region replication, see Supported Regions and DB engines for cross-Region read replicas in Amazon RDS.

Creating a cross-Region read replica

The following procedures show how to create a read replica from a source MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL DB instance in a different AWS Region.

You can create a read replica across AWS Regions using the AWS Management Console.

To create a read replica across AWS Regions with the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.

  3. Choose the MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL DB instance that you want to use as the source for a read replica.

  4. For Actions, choose Create read replica.

  5. For DB instance identifier, enter a name for the read replica.

  6. Choose the Destination Region.

  7. Choose the instance specifications that you want to use. We recommend that you use the same or larger DB instance class and storage type for the read replica.

  8. To create an encrypted read replica in another AWS Region:

    1. Choose Enable encryption.

    2. For AWS KMS key, choose the AWS KMS key identifier of the KMS key in the destination AWS Region.


    To create an encrypted read replica, the source DB instance must be encrypted. To learn more about encrypting the source DB instance, see Encrypting Amazon RDS resources.

  9. Choose other options, such as storage autoscaling.

  10. Choose Create read replica.

To create a read replica from a source MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, Oracle, or PostgreSQL DB instance in a different AWS Region, you can use the create-db-instance-read-replica command. In this case, you use create-db-instance-read-replica from the AWS Region where you want the read replica (destination Region) and specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the source DB instance. An ARN uniquely identifies a resource created in Amazon Web Services.

For example, if your source DB instance is in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, the ARN looks similar to this example:


For information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in Amazon RDS.

To create a read replica in a different AWS Region from the source DB instance, you can use the AWS CLI create-db-instance-read-replica command from the destination AWS Region. The following parameters are required for creating a read replica in another AWS Region:

  • --region – The destination AWS Region where the read replica is created.

  • --source-db-instance-identifier – The DB instance identifier for the source DB instance. This identifier must be in the ARN format for the source AWS Region.

  • --db-instance-identifier – The identifier for the read replica in the destination AWS Region.

Example of a cross-Region read replica

The following code creates a read replica in the US West (Oregon) Region from a source DB instance in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica \ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica \ --region us-west-2 \ --source-db-instance-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:mydbinstance

For Windows:

aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica ^ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica ^ --region us-west-2 ^ --source-db-instance-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:mydbinstance

The following parameter is also required for creating an encrypted read replica in another AWS Region:

  • --kms-key-id – The AWS KMS key identifier of the KMS key to use to encrypt the read replica in the destination AWS Region.

Example of an encrypted cross-Region read replica

The following code creates an encrypted read replica in the US West (Oregon) Region from a source DB instance in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica \ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica \ --region us-west-2 \ --source-db-instance-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:mydbinstance \ --kms-key-id my-us-west-2-key

For Windows:

aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica ^ --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica ^ --region us-west-2 ^ --source-db-instance-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:mydbinstance ^ --kms-key-id my-us-west-2-key

The --source-region option is required when you're creating an encrypted read replica between the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. For --source-region, specify the AWS Region of the source DB instance.

If --source-region isn't specified, specify a --pre-signed-url value. A presigned URL is a URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed request for the create-db-instance-read-replica command that's called in the source AWS Region. To learn more about the pre-signed-url option, see create-db-instance-read-replica in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

To create a read replica from a source MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, Oracle, or PostgreSQL DB instance in a different AWS Region, you can call the Amazon RDS API operation CreateDBInstanceReadReplica. In this case, you call CreateDBInstanceReadReplica from the AWS Region where you want the read replica (destination Region) and specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the source DB instance. An ARN uniquely identifies a resource created in Amazon Web Services.

To create an encrypted read replica in a different AWS Region from the source DB instance, you can use the Amazon RDS API CreateDBInstanceReadReplica operation from the destination AWS Region. To create an encrypted read replica in another AWS Region, you must specify a value for PreSignedURL. PreSignedURL should contain a request for the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica operation to call in the source AWS Region where the read replica is created in. To learn more about PreSignedUrl, see CreateDBInstanceReadReplica.

For example, if your source DB instance is in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, the ARN looks similar to the following.


For information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in Amazon RDS.

Example ?Action=CreateDBInstanceReadReplica &KmsKeyId=my-us-east-1-key & %253FAction%253DCreateDBInstanceReadReplica %2526DestinationRegion%253Dus-east-1 %2526KmsKeyId%253Dmy-us-east-1-key %2526SourceDBInstanceIdentifier%253Darn%25253Aaws%25253Ards%25253Aus-west-2%123456789012%25253Adb%25253Amydbinstance %2526SignatureMethod%253DHmacSHA256 %2526SignatureVersion%253D4%2526SourceDBInstanceIdentifier%253Darn%25253Aaws%25253Ards%25253Aus-west-2%25253A123456789012%25253Ainstance%25253Amydbinstance %2526Version%253D2014-10-31 %2526X-Amz-Algorithm%253DAWS4-HMAC-SHA256 %2526X-Amz-Credential%253DAKIADQKE4SARGYLE%252F20161117%252Fus-west-2%252Frds%252Faws4_request %2526X-Amz-Date%253D20161117T215409Z %2526X-Amz-Expires%253D3600 %2526X-Amz-SignedHeaders%253Dcontent-type%253Bhost%253Buser-agent%253Bx-amz-content-sha256%253Bx-amz-date %2526X-Amz-Signature%253D255a0f17b4e717d3b67fad163c3ec26573b882c03a65523522cf890a67fca613 &DBInstanceIdentifier=myreadreplica &SourceDBInstanceIdentifier=&region-arn;rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:mydbinstance &Version=2012-01-15 &SignatureVersion=2 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=2012-01-20T22%3A06%3A23.624Z &AWSAccessKeyId=<&AWS; Access Key ID> &Signature=<Signature>

How Amazon RDS does cross-Region replication

Amazon RDS uses the following process to create a cross-Region read replica. Depending on the AWS Regions involved and the amount of data in the databases, this process can take hours to complete. You can use this information to determine how far the process has proceeded when you create a cross-Region read replica:

  1. Amazon RDS begins configuring the source DB instance as a replication source and sets the status to modifying.

  2. Amazon RDS begins setting up the specified read replica in the destination AWS Region and sets the status to creating.

  3. Amazon RDS creates an automated DB snapshot of the source DB instance in the source AWS Region. The format of the DB snapshot name is rds:<InstanceID>-<timestamp>, where <InstanceID> is the identifier of the source instance, and <timestamp> is the date and time the copy started. For example, rds:mysourceinstance-2013-11-14-09-24 was created from the instance mysourceinstance at 2013-11-14-09-24. During the creation of an automated DB snapshot, the source DB instance status remains modifying, the read replica status remains creating, and the DB snapshot status is creating. The progress column of the DB snapshot page in the console reports how far the DB snapshot creation has progressed. When the DB snapshot is complete, the status of both the DB snapshot and source DB instance are set to available.

  4. Amazon RDS begins a cross-Region snapshot copy for the initial data transfer. The snapshot copy is listed as an automated snapshot in the destination AWS Region with a status of creating. It has the same name as the source DB snapshot. The progress column of the DB snapshot display indicates how far the copy has progressed. When the copy is complete, the status of the DB snapshot copy is set to available.

  5. Amazon RDS then uses the copied DB snapshot for the initial data load on the read replica. During this phase, the read replica is in the list of DB instances in the destination, with a status of creating. When the load is complete, the read replica status is set to available, and the DB snapshot copy is deleted.

  6. When the read replica reaches the available status, Amazon RDS starts by replicating the changes made to the source instance since the start of the create read replica operation. During this phase, the replication lag time for the read replica is greater than 0.

    For information about replication lag time, see Monitoring read replication.

Cross-Region replication considerations

All of the considerations for performing replication within an AWS Region apply to cross-Region replication. The following extra considerations apply when replicating between AWS Regions:

  • A source DB instance can have cross-Region read replicas in multiple AWS Regions. Because of the limit on the number of access control list (ACL) entries for the source VPC, RDS can't guarantee more than five cross-Region read replica DB instances.

  • You can replicate between the GovCloud (US-East) and GovCloud (US-West) Regions, but not into or out of GovCloud (US).

  • For Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL DB instances, you can only create a cross-Region Amazon RDS read replica from a source Amazon RDS DB instance that is not a read replica of another Amazon RDS DB instance. This limitation doesn't apply to MariaDB and MySQL DB instances.

  • You can expect to see a higher level of lag time for any read replica that is in a different AWS Region than the source instance. This lag time comes from the longer network channels between regional data centers.

  • For cross-Region read replicas, any of the create read replica commands that specify the --db-subnet-group-name parameter must specify a DB subnet group from the same VPC.

  • In most cases, the read replica uses the default DB parameter group and DB option group for the specified DB engine.

    For the MySQL and Oracle DB engines, you can specify a custom parameter group for the read replica in the --db-parameter-group-name option of the AWS CLI command create-db-instance-read-replica. You can't specify a custom parameter group when you use the AWS Management Console.

  • The read replica uses the default security group.

  • For MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle DB instances, when the source DB instance for a cross-Region read replica is deleted, the read replica is promoted.

  • For PostgreSQL DB instances, when the source DB instance for a cross-Region read replica is deleted, the replication status of the read replica is set to terminated. The read replica isn't promoted.

    You have to promote the read replica manually or delete it.

Requesting a cross-Region read replica

To communicate with the source Region to request the creation of a cross-Region read replica, the requester (IAM role or IAM user) must have access to the source DB instance and the source Region.

Certain conditions in the requester's IAM policy can cause the request to fail. The following examples assume that the source DB instance is in US East (Ohio) and the read replica is created in US East (N. Virginia). These examples show conditions in the requester's IAM policy that cause the request to fail:

  • The requester's policy has a condition for aws:RequestedRegion.

    ... "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "rds:CreateDBInstanceReadReplica", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:RequestedRegion": "us-east-1" } }

    The request fails because the policy doesn't allow access to the source Region. For a successful request, specify both the source and destination Regions.

    ... "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "rds:CreateDBInstanceReadReplica", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:RequestedRegion": [ "us-east-1", "us-east-2" ] } }
  • The requester's policy doesn't allow access to the source DB instance.

    ... "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "rds:CreateDBInstanceReadReplica", "Resource": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:myreadreplica" ...

    For a successful request, specify both the source instance and the replica.

    ... "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "rds:CreateDBInstanceReadReplica", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:myreadreplica", "arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:123456789012:db:mydbinstance" ] ...
  • The requester's policy denies aws:ViaAWSService.

    ... "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "rds:CreateDBInstanceReadReplica", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Bool": {"aws:ViaAWSService": "false"} }

    Communication with the source Region is made by RDS on the requester's behalf. For a successful request, don't deny calls made by AWS services.

  • The requester's policy has a condition for aws:SourceVpc or aws:SourceVpce.

    These requests might fail because when RDS makes the call to the remote Region, it isn't from the specified VPC or VPC endpoint.

If you need to use one of the previous conditions that would cause a request to fail, you can include a second statement with aws:CalledVia in your policy to make the request succeed. For example, you can use aws:CalledVia with aws:SourceVpce as shown here:

... "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "rds:CreateDBInstanceReadReplica", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Condition" : { "ForAnyValue:StringEquals" : { "aws:SourceVpce": "vpce-1a2b3c4d" } } }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "rds:CreateDBInstanceReadReplica" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": { "aws:CalledVia": [ "" ] } } }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the IAM User Guide.

Authorizing the read replica

After a cross-Region DB read replica creation request returns success, RDS starts the replica creation in the background. An authorization for RDS to access the source DB instance is created. This authorization links the source DB instance to the read replica, and allows RDS to copy only to the specified read replica.

The authorization is verified by RDS using the rds:CrossRegionCommunication permission in the service-linked IAM role. If the replica is authorized, RDS communicates with the source Region and completes the replica creation.

RDS doesn't have access to DB instances that weren't authorized previously by a CreateDBInstanceReadReplica request. The authorization is revoked when read replica creation completes.

RDS uses the service-linked role to verify the authorization in the source Region. If you delete the service-linked role during the replication creation process, the creation fails.

For more information, see Using service-linked roles in the IAM User Guide.

Using AWS Security Token Service credentials

Session tokens from the global AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) endpoint are valid only in AWS Regions that are enabled by default (commercial Regions). If you use credentials from the assumeRole API operation in AWS STS, use the regional endpoint if the source Region is an opt-in Region. Otherwise, the request fails. This happens because your credentials must be valid in both Regions, which is true for opt-in Regions only when the regional AWS STS endpoint is used.

To use the global endpoint, make sure that it's enabled for both Regions in the operations. Set the global endpoint to Valid in all AWS Regions in the AWS STS account settings.

The same rule applies to credentials in the presigned URL parameter.

For more information, see Managing AWS STS in an AWS Region in the IAM User Guide.

Cross-Region replication costs

The data transferred for cross-Region replication incurs Amazon RDS data transfer charges. These cross-Region replication actions generate charges for the data transferred out of the source AWS Region:

  • When you create a read replica, Amazon RDS takes a snapshot of the source instance and transfers the snapshot to the read replica AWS Region.

  • For each data modification made in the source databases, Amazon RDS transfers data from the source AWS Region to the read replica AWS Region.

For more information about data transfer pricing, see Amazon RDS pricing.

For MySQL and MariaDB instances, you can reduce your data transfer costs by reducing the number of cross-Region read replicas that you create. For example, suppose that you have a source DB instance in one AWS Region and want to have three read replicas in another AWS Region. In this case, you create only one of the read replicas from the source DB instance. You create the other two replicas from the first read replica instead of the source DB instance.

For example, if you have source-instance-1 in one AWS Region, you can do the following:

  • Create read-replica-1 in the new AWS Region, specifying source-instance-1 as the source.

  • Create read-replica-2 from read-replica-1.

  • Create read-replica-3 from read-replica-1.

In this example, you are only charged for the data transferred from source-instance-1 to read-replica-1. You aren't charged for the data transferred from read-replica-1 to the other two replicas because they are all in the same AWS Region. If you create all three replicas directly from source-instance-1, you are charged for the data transfers to all three replicas.