Monitoring replication with metrics, event notifications, and statuses - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Monitoring replication with metrics, event notifications, and statuses

You can monitor your live replication configurations and your S3 Batch Replication jobs through the following mechanisms:

  • S3 Replication metrics – When you enable S3 Replication metrics, Amazon CloudWatch emits metrics that you can use to track bytes pending, operations pending, and replication latency at the replication rule level. You can view S3 Replication metrics through the Amazon S3 console and the Amazon CloudWatch console. In the Amazon S3 console, you can view these metrics in the source bucket's Metrics tab. For more information about S3 Replication metrics, see Using S3 Replication metrics.

  • S3 Storage Lens metrics – In addition to S3 Replication metrics, you can use the replication-related Data Protection metrics provided by S3 Storage Lens dashboards. For example, if you use the free metrics in S3 Storage Lens, you can see metrics such as the total number of bytes that are replicated from the source bucket or the count of replicated objects from the source bucket.

    To audit your overall replication stance, you can enable advanced metrics in S3 Storage Lens. With advanced metrics in S3 Storage Lens, you can see how many replication rules you have of various types, including the count of replication rules with a replication destination that's not valid.

    For more information about working with replication metrics in S3 Storage Lens, see Viewing replication metrics in S3 Storage Lens dashboards.

  • S3 Event Notifications – S3 Event Notifications can notify you at the object level in instances when objects don't replicate to their destination AWS Region or when objects aren't replicated within certain thresholds. S3 Event Notifications provides the following replication event types: s3:Replication:OperationFailedReplication, s3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold, s3:Replication:OperationReplicatedAfterThreshold, and s3:Replication:OperationNotTracked.

    Amazon S3 events are available through Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), or AWS Lambda. For more information, see Receiving replication failure events with Amazon S3 Event Notifications.

  • Replication status values – You can also retrieve the replication status of your objects. The replication status can help you determine the current state of an object that's being replicated. The replication status of a source object will return either PENDING, COMPLETED, or FAILED. The replication status of a replica will return REPLICA.

    You can also use replication status values when you're creating S3 Batch Replication jobs. For example, you can use these status values to replicate objects that have either never been replicated or that have failed replication.

    For more information about retrieving the replication status of your objects, see Getting replication status information. For more information about using these values with Batch Replication, see Filters for a Batch Replication job.